AppRedeem 登記方法很簡單:
1. 先登記一個 PayPal Account 以支取款項。
2. 冇Jailbreak[註1]的 iOS 裝置(iPhone , iPad , iPod Touch等),登入 AppRedeem 並進行註冊。
3. 註冊時使用之 Email,必須與 PayPal 相同。
4. 然後設定密碼(建議採用與 PayPal 不同的密碼)
5. 註冊後,便可以進行下載 iPhone App 賺錢。
6. 成功下載 iPhone App,AppRedeem 會即時過數,大家可以在 PayPal 即時檢查。
值得注意的是任何人推薦使用 AppRedeem 服務,即可獲得 USD$0.15,所以請大家用iphone4hongkong的推薦連結吧!
按 Signup Now For FREE!
輸入注冊帳戶,留意帳戶電郵需要和 Paypal 帳戶相同!
按"+"把 appredeem 加入到桌面
安裝基本完成, 重新打開 appredeem,下載免費的 apps
下載一個免費的 apps
點選後會自動連到App Store進行下載,故此無須擔心安全問題。
安裝好只要打開 apps 一次
就能一分鐘內收到 redeem (USD$)
成功收取第一次款項後,appredeem 會要進行一次電話SMS驗證。請在手提電話號碼前加852。
其實道理很簡單,apps 開發者希望有更多人下載他的apps,於是出錢經中介人邀請人下載。而 Appredeem 就是這些中介人,只不過是 Appredeem 會將其收益分一部分給予下載者而已。三贏局面!
最後,請用 iphone4hongkong 推薦連結 :
其實道理很簡單,apps 開發者希望有更多人下載他的apps,於是出錢經中介人邀請人下載。而 Appredeem 就是這些中介人,只不過是 Appredeem 會將其收益分一部分給予下載者而已。三贏局面!
最後,請用 iphone4hongkong 推薦連結 :
註1: 小弟有Jailbreak的IOS4.1 iPhone4裝到,但收不到redeem。冇Jailbreak的IOS4.2 iPad就無問題。 可能因為De人Hack得太勁,Jailback被BAN啦...
Really work, thanks!!!
回覆刪除It works, thanks. For each app, only earn money once after install? How about delete the app after installation? Then install-delete-install-delete-...,
回覆刪除not work for me..
回覆刪除can't see increase in Cash Earned.. and no phone no. input page
Ditto. no phone # input page
回覆刪除Then install-delete-install-delete-...
回覆刪除Hahaha.... Of course not la!
我心急入多左次電話no. 點知account 比人lock 左呀! 又收唔到sms, e家等support team 打救!
回覆刪除註1: 小弟有Jailbreak的IOS4.1 iPhone4裝到,但收不到redeem。冇Jailbreak的IOS4.2 iPad就無問題。 可能因為De人Hack得太勁,Jailback被BAN啦...
回覆刪除Same situation : "can't see increase in Cash Earned", "no phone # input page"
No JB, IOS 4.2.1 doesn't work
回覆刪除only few apps can be installed, only less money can be earned.
回覆刪除成立無幾耐,apps不多。希望個idea work,大家一起賺!
回覆刪除not work in iPhone4 IOS4.2.1 and iPad
回覆刪除ok of my 4.2.1 of my iphone4 and ipod touch4, but i just can earn max USD$1.93, how about another users?
回覆刪除occur red letter of "Only cellular phone numbers are allowed, you have 1 more attempt to enter a cellular phone number before your account is temporarily locked." after i input 852xxxxxxxx for the Mobile#..
回覆刪除no any sms receive~~
Only cellular phone numbers are allowed, you have 1 more attempt to enter a cellular phone number before your account is temporarily locked.
回覆刪除My account is locked.... :(
回覆刪除enter 2 times with 852xxxxxxxx which the system claims as not a cellular phone number.
回覆刪除Only cellular phone numbers are allowed, you have 1 more attempt to enter a cellular phone number before your account is temporarily locked.
回覆刪除ipod ok ? but so many comment says not work ... how to do it ? thx..
回覆刪除Just follow the steps, it works.
回覆刪除不是吧!~ 不再送$了?REALLY?
回覆刪除我的是IPHONE 3GS, WORK 嗎?