
2010-12-18 即時聊天室留言存檔

  1. hihi:what price of 16G in ST today??2010-12-18 12:06 AM
  2. 777:$64502010-12-18 12:06 AM
  3. hihi:you saw in ST? or on the website2010-12-18 12:10 AM
  4. lee888888:tonight st 最低都有6400,some 6410,6420,6450都可能,我sold7pcs 64202010-12-18 12:13 AM
  5. 快d訂:預訂方法,http://www.computer1314forum.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=665&extra=page%3D1">鏈接2010-12-18 12:14 AM
  6. hihi:my ****ing fd help me to sell2010-12-18 12:15 AM
  7. hihi:and said $63202010-12-18 12:15 AM
  8. hihi:35 16g2010-12-18 12:16 AM
  9. MINI Cooper:hi2010-12-18 12:17 AM
  10. lee888888:sell 6320???開玩笑嗎??2010-12-18 12:18 AM
  11. hihi:i know he treat me now!2010-12-18 12:18 AM
  12. lee888888:how many pcs?2010-12-18 12:18 AM
  13. hihi:352010-12-18 12:19 AM
  14. hihi:my computer can't type chinese sorry....2010-12-18 12:19 AM
  15. lee888888:昨天都可sell6370-6380啦2010-12-18 12:19 AM
  16. hihi:today will higher than tomorrow?2010-12-18 12:20 AM
  17. lee888888:yes2010-12-18 12:21 AM
  18. hihi:and 35pcs will higher than 1 pcs or 10 pcs?2010-12-18 12:21 AM
  19. p:聽日有冇機 6500 呢?2010-12-18 12:21 AM
  20. p:如果係, 我就帶埋機返工, 收工走去放2010-12-18 12:22 AM
  21. lee888888:6500好難講,看大莊取態啦2010-12-18 12:22 AM
  22. carmen:i sell too early la...cry2010-12-18 12:24 AM
  23. lee888888:維持6430-6450都ok la~~再上都無貨拉,街貨真係好少呀!!!2010-12-18 12:24 AM
  24. carmen::*(2010-12-18 12:24 AM
  25. lee888888:35pcs 分2次放比較好,st現在收貨不易,如大lot既可多10-15元都可能ok2010-12-18 12:29 AM
  26. ab:hihi 你啲咩朋友2010-12-18 12:29 AM
  27. lee888888:好人有限啦,friend都食~2010-12-18 12:30 AM
  28. ab:四* fd2010-12-18 12:33 AM
  29. ab:35 X $6xxx 你夠膽俾個 fd 幫你交收,佩服2010-12-18 12:34 AM
  30. angela:我仲係NYS2010-12-18 12:50 AM
  31. 拾下拾下:Price will drop for sure2010-12-18 1:09 AM
  32. lee888888:有升當然有跌啦2010-12-18 1:19 AM
  33. HenRy:拾下拾下真係咁得閒2010-12-18 1:30 AM
  34. 董菲:早安2010-12-18 8:26 AM
  35. iPhone人:apple store 有啦 !!!!!!2010-12-18 8:52 AM
  36. 吹水la你:吹水吹水吹水吹水2010-12-18 8:59 AM
  37. 董菲:早安2010-12-18 8:59 AM
  38. EC:angela, me too, NYS, 唔知想點!!2010-12-18 9:01 AM
  39. iPhone人:轉左啦 !!!2010-12-18 9:04 AM
  40. 董菲:1個 ac 係pfs 另一個 ac nys2010-12-18 9:05 AM
  41. dada:食屎la apple, 話我張卡有問題call back 我within 24 hrs,結果乜都無打黎2010-12-18 9:08 AM
  42. 董菲:我張 要 action required a....2010-12-18 9:11 AM
  43. 董菲:re auth.... 就轉左la2010-12-18 9:11 AM
  44. 133:有無人知點解果價爆升??2010-12-18 9:14 AM
  45. 董菲:冇貨2010-12-18 9:15 AM
  46. 董菲:性旦2010-12-18 9:15 AM
  47. dada:to 董菲: action require 幾耐之後會轉pfs?2010-12-18 9:16 AM
  48. 董菲:我6時做左.....回家9:30 轉左2010-12-18 9:17 AM
  49. dada:yesterday?2010-12-18 9:18 AM
  50. 董菲:之前我打去bank confirm 條數ga2010-12-18 9:18 AM
  51. 董菲:昨天2010-12-18 9:18 AM
  52. dada:我前日再打多次credit card info,到今日都未轉2010-12-18 9:19 AM
  53. dada:同一張card 另一個order 已經pfs2010-12-18 9:19 AM
  54. dada:fuxk2010-12-18 9:19 AM
  55. 董菲:都係第二張單有事wo2010-12-18 9:20 AM
  56. Kaso:一直都係nys 好唔好打俾apple 問下?2010-12-18 9:20 AM
  57. 董菲:中文web 仍未轉a...2010-12-18 9:21 AM
  58. 董菲:禾同事又係第二張出事2010-12-18 9:22 AM
  59. dada:係咪一個order訂多過4部,所以未轉pfs?2010-12-18 9:23 AM
  60. dada:因為我3 個order, 2 pcs既星期4已經想hold limit but fail, 3 pcs 既yesterday 轉左pfs, 5 pcs still nys2010-12-18 9:24 AM
  61. 董菲:既然佢check 得應該都轉wo...2010-12-18 9:24 AM
  62. dada:仆佢個街今日唔辦公2010-12-18 9:25 AM
  63. 董菲:ha>...............2010-12-18 9:26 AM
  64. 董菲:pk apple2010-12-18 9:26 AM
  65. dada:下次都係一部一個order2010-12-18 9:27 AM
  66. dada:原來會優先處理2010-12-18 9:27 AM
  67. 董菲:我同事新ge ac 都好快送 3pc 比佢hold左1件2010-12-18 9:29 AM
  68. Simon_:AppleStore開賣監測 v0.3 beta2010-12-18 9:37 AM
  69. Simon_:有冇人裝左 ?2010-12-18 9:38 AM
  70. WC:一張order 5 pcs有無人出左貨?2010-12-18 9:52 AM
  71. WC:一張order3pcs同事昨人出貨2010-12-18 9:53 AM
  72. 你好嗎?:16GB Dec 18, 2010 8:54 AMOn FedEx vehicle for deliveryTSUEN WAN HK 係唔係差唔多會送到黎?2010-12-18 10:20 AM
  73. XMAX:星期六係唔係唔會開賣?2010-12-18 10:25 AM
  74. ce:我朋友5pcs 1 order 已出貨2010-12-18 10:28 AM
  75. k:ce. 5pcs wor!2010-12-18 10:37 AM
  76. ce:係呀!2010-12-18 10:40 AM
  77. ce:今日會收到!2010-12-18 10:40 AM
  78. k:so happy2010-12-18 10:43 AM
  79. k:ur fd order before?2010-12-18 10:43 AM
  80. ce:new account, old card2010-12-18 10:44 AM
  81. k:so good!2010-12-18 10:45 AM
  82. k:address new?2010-12-18 10:45 AM
  83. ce:but still hold me ! ><2010-12-18 10:45 AM
  84. k:hold is better than cut2010-12-18 10:46 AM
  85. ce:address 舊既! 應該唔關address 事2010-12-18 10:46 AM
  86. k:i all cut2010-12-18 10:46 AM
  87. ce:o...so sad2010-12-18 10:46 AM
  88. k:yes2010-12-18 10:46 AM
  89. ce:同一時間訂既都收貨, 我仍hold2010-12-18 10:48 AM
  90. k:my fd 5pcs also not yet shipped2010-12-18 10:52 AM
  91. 明白未?:今天會收到一部....發送中2010-12-18 10:54 AM
  92. 你好嗎?:真不幸,明明上左車,但Dec 18, 2010 10:30 AMDelivery exceptionTSUEN WAN HKBusiness closed - No delivery attempt2010-12-18 10:55 AM
  93. 明白未?:8部只能活一部...可憐中2010-12-18 10:55 AM
  94. 你好嗎?:8部有一部ok了,有人一部都冇,知足常樂2010-12-18 10:55 AM
  95. carmen:eeeeeee..why fedex not deliver today2010-12-18 10:55 AM
  96. ce:今日唔派wor~2010-12-18 10:56 AM
  97. 明白未?:我恨死aple2010-12-18 10:56 AM
  98. carmen:me too....but fedex hv deliver on sat before..why stop today>2010-12-18 10:56 AM
  99. 明白未?:幾難先可以訂到...只有15分鐘2010-12-18 10:56 AM
  100. 明白未?:無啦啦就cut哂2010-12-18 10:56 AM
  101. carmen:Dec 18, 2010 10:30 AMDelivery exceptionTSUEN WAN HKBusiness closed - No delivery attempt2010-12-18 10:57 AM
  102. k:fedex deliver today ar2010-12-18 10:57 AM
  103. ce:如果仲係派送中心就多數星期一2010-12-18 10:57 AM
  104. k:my fd jsut got 2pcs from fedex2010-12-18 10:57 AM
  105. carmen:can call fedex to push ma?2010-12-18 10:57 AM
  106. k:明白未?, 你同一ACC? 分8個ORDER, 一個ORDER 一郭?2010-12-18 10:58 AM
  107. iPhone人:收到啦 !!!2010-12-18 10:58 AM
  108. carmen:eeeeeeee2010-12-18 10:58 AM
  109. IPHONEHD:HI2010-12-18 10:59 AM
  110. 明白未?:2 each.. different location2010-12-18 10:59 AM
  111. 明白未?:but same acc2010-12-18 10:59 AM
  112. IPHONEHD:好多人收到2010-12-18 10:59 AM
  113. 明白未?:so......i know it is a big risk2010-12-18 10:59 AM
  114. ce:可以打去問下, fedex 會答2010-12-18 10:59 AM
  115. k:收到1張都好過冇~2010-12-18 11:00 AM
  116. 你好嗎?:Dec 18, 2010 10:30 AMDelivery exceptionTSUEN WAN HKBusiness closed - No delivery attempt2010-12-18 11:00 AM
  117. 明白未?:better than NONE2010-12-18 11:00 AM
  118. 你好嗎?:fedex係唔係星期日唔送? 姐係要星期一先收到?2010-12-18 11:02 AM
  119. XMAX:係唔係好少星期六日會賣iphone?2010-12-18 11:04 AM
  120. ce:星期日唔送ga!2010-12-18 11:04 AM
  121. carmen:just called fedex..said will deliver on monday wor2010-12-18 11:04 AM
  122. carmen:but if they hv time and will send out today2010-12-18 11:05 AM
  123. carmen:and will call u first2010-12-18 11:05 AM
  124. ce:yr address is office or home2010-12-18 11:05 AM
  125. ce:通常office 下午都唔送的, 改星期一!2010-12-18 11:07 AM
  126. 你好嗎?:我home地址,姐係星期日有機會?2010-12-18 11:09 AM
  127. csf:我想問Estimated delivery Dec 21, 2010 by 6:00 PM 係咪係之前送黎都得?2010-12-18 11:10 AM
  128. sze:即係下午有機會2010-12-18 11:11 AM
  129. carmen:home2010-12-18 11:11 AM
  130. carmen:office will not send today2010-12-18 11:11 AM
  131. iPhone人:apple store 有啦 !!!!!!2010-12-18 11:11 AM
  132. carmen:only send to home address2010-12-18 11:11 AM
  133. carmen:anyway, it seems the px will go up next week2010-12-18 11:13 AM
  134. ce:HOME 有機wor!2010-12-18 11:13 AM
  135. sze:home 我試過星期六下午成5點幾先送2010-12-18 11:14 AM
  136. sze:不過係DHL2010-12-18 11:15 AM
  137. 你好嗎?:如果今日收到貨有6450會即放晒2010-12-18 11:20 AM
  138. carmen:what is px today? hv 6500?2010-12-18 11:20 AM
  139. 你好嗎?:尋日有人報6450,但星期六日,可能會抵小小,希望可以KEPP 6450以上,唔想HOLD機2010-12-18 11:24 AM
  140. iPhone人:56002010-12-18 11:25 AM
  141. Dec 18:有無CHING 收到EMAIL 俾個機會你自己去攞貨?2010-12-18 11:30 AM
  142. 請按左上角註冊1:To iPhone人: You and your mother WILL FXXK BY ASS!!!!!!2010-12-18 11:30 AM
  143. 你好嗎?:好似要10隻,先有機2010-12-18 11:30 AM
  144. Jluk:重有兩張單hold住,9+9,同送貨人同電話,好唔好取消一張2010-12-18 11:33 AM
  145. Jluk:兩個都係old acc2010-12-18 11:40 AM
  146. 請註冊999:3 張單 ALL CUT, 真係千祈唔好用舊 A/C 去訂, 一定死得2010-12-18 12:03 PM
  147. csf:岩岩到左6部 :)2010-12-18 12:07 PM
  148. Lampard:csf:邊區2010-12-18 12:12 PM
  149. aa:請問你到左 係幾日前轉pfs?2010-12-18 12:13 PM
  150. carmen:why ga2010-12-18 12:16 PM
  151. mimi***:新手~請問各位大大~~去邊度放好???2010-12-18 12:20 PM
  152. aac:http://www.uwants.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=342">鏈接 自己睇同打去問2010-12-18 12:22 PM
  153. aac:uwants果邊02010-12-18 12:22 PM
  154. LIGO^^:準備出貨, 即幾時會送到2010-12-18 12:23 PM
  155. 請按左上角註冊1:What is ST price now?2010-12-18 12:24 PM
  156. IPHONEHD:63002010-12-18 12:24 PM
  157. mimi***:6300....oh...2010-12-18 12:24 PM
  158. mimi***:咁放唔放好呢....2010-12-18 12:25 PM
  159. IPHONEHD:愈夜愈跌2010-12-18 12:25 PM
  160. mimi***:咁架?2010-12-18 12:26 PM
  161. IPHONEHD:放唔放都要問人2010-12-18 12:26 PM
  162. mimi***:SOR…我今日先岩岩收到機…都未試過放…T^T2010-12-18 12:27 PM
  163. IPHONEHD:如果唔怕既可以HOLD到下次有得訂2010-12-18 12:27 PM
  164. aa:最多咪跌幾十2010-12-18 12:28 PM
  165. mimi***:WHY GA?2010-12-18 12:28 PM
  166. CM:****..... 7250 放哂50部....2010-12-18 12:28 PM
  167. 000:做咩又會跌既~~2010-12-18 12:28 PM
  168. 000:做咩又會跌既~2010-12-18 12:29 PM
  169. CM:SHXT.... 7250 放哂50部....2010-12-18 12:29 PM
  170. CM:而家仲係咁升....2010-12-18 12:29 PM
  171. 000:係咩= =你地又話得6300既2010-12-18 12:30 PM
  172. aac:16g 6400 , 32g 7350..2010-12-18 12:32 PM
  173. aac:唔好聽d人講63002010-12-18 12:32 PM
  174. mimi***:6400係ST個價?2010-12-18 12:32 PM
  175. 1aa:can trade 6400 or more than~~2010-12-18 12:33 PM
  176. aac:re:mimi..週圍都係2010-12-18 12:33 PM
  177. mimi***:咁都OK GA..2010-12-18 12:33 PM
  178. aac:你想 st 定 mtr 放?2010-12-18 12:33 PM
  179. mimi***:MTR?2010-12-18 12:34 PM
  180. mimi***:我淨係知ST有得放炸...2010-12-18 12:34 PM
  181. mimi***:有分別?2010-12-18 12:34 PM
  182. aac:51121428 <-- 約佢好多度都會去2010-12-18 12:35 PM
  183. aac:咁你可以唔洗下上出st2010-12-18 12:35 PM
  184. LIGO^^:係咪有人係度報細數咋.2010-12-18 12:35 PM
  185. mimi***:不核咁樣樣...2010-12-18 12:36 PM
  186. mimi***:係收價係一樣?2010-12-18 12:36 PM
  187. aac:俾兩個ST電話你問 , 82060809 (數碼動力)正門入左手邊, 60722338(電訊世界)魚旦檔果邊在ST外圍2010-12-18 12:36 PM
  188. aac:今日既價都係UWANTS果邊的.. 我只講最可信幾間.2010-12-18 12:37 PM
  189. aac:你可以係UWANTS果邊再睇.再打去問2010-12-18 12:37 PM
  190. aac:http://www.uwants.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=342">鏈接2010-12-18 12:37 PM
  191. iPhone人:56002010-12-18 12:38 PM
  192. 請註冊x88:今日豐澤有無放機???2010-12-18 12:41 PM
  193. 1aa:豐澤無放機,so the price can up2010-12-18 12:43 PM
  194. 1aa:i no stock la~~><2010-12-18 12:43 PM
  195. mimi***:到時去到先算~2010-12-18 12:43 PM
  196. 1aa:sold yesterday la~~2010-12-18 12:44 PM
  197. 000:GOOD!! 升多小小就好啦2010-12-18 12:44 PM
  198. 1aa:keep 6420-6450 is ok la~~2010-12-18 12:44 PM
  199. 1aa:just waiting for 10/12 order2010-12-18 12:45 PM
  200. 1aa:market no more stock,less than less2010-12-18 12:46 PM
  201. 000:點解要keep係6420-6450= = 升多d唔好咩2010-12-18 12:47 PM
  202. mimi***:今日去放唔知會唔會低D呢...2010-12-18 12:47 PM
  203. mimi***:ST我淨係去過幾次炸...= ="""2010-12-18 12:48 PM
  204. HAPPY:嘩..今日個價有64喇2010-12-18 12:48 PM
  205. IPHONEHD:今日點會有64?2010-12-18 12:51 PM
  206. 1aa:everybody hope to up up up,but 6500好難講,看大莊取態啦2010-12-18 12:52 PM
  207. 000:點會冇啊..u記大把人收6400==2010-12-18 12:53 PM
  208. rise up:today open price is 64002010-12-18 12:53 PM
  209. rise up:good news until next monday 6500 possible2010-12-18 12:54 PM
  210. 133:已經有人出64502010-12-18 12:54 PM
  211. 133:到聖誕可能過6600以上2010-12-18 12:55 PM
  212. 1aa:133 same as yesterday la~~2010-12-18 12:55 PM
  213. 133:係阿~ 今日有機會上65002010-12-18 12:56 PM
  214. 1aa:good luck^^2010-12-18 12:56 PM
  215. mimi***:GOOD2010-12-18 12:57 PM
  216. 133:估唔到 32gb 都升左 ^^2010-12-18 12:57 PM
  217. 想要滙豐白金咭:星期六都開6400 ? 衣兩日一定上六五以上2010-12-18 12:57 PM
  218. 133:呢幾日好反常 爆升好多2010-12-18 12:58 PM
  219. mimi***:咁星期一先放會唔會好D?2010-12-18 12:58 PM
  220. 1aa:that mean no more stock in market la2010-12-18 12:58 PM
  221. 133:又係經濟論^^2010-12-18 12:58 PM
  222. AAA:但一陣間唔會有好多人放貨咩2010-12-18 12:59 PM
  223. 1aa:if ching have stock in hand right now is winner2010-12-18 12:59 PM
  224. AAA:呢兩日仲點會上到? mgln Christmas或者得!2010-12-18 12:59 PM
  225. mimi***:都係睇定D先~2010-12-18 12:59 PM
  226. LIGO^^:傻人2010-12-18 12:59 PM
  227. 133:如果太多人放 只會自己整垮果價2010-12-18 1:00 PM
  228. AAA:今日好多人出貨2010-12-18 1:00 PM
  229. 1aa:no more ching have stock la2010-12-18 1:01 PM
  230. 133:6450 收500隻 全香港有無500隻出到貨??2010-12-18 1:01 PM
  231. AAA:一陣可能會好多人放, 點上6500呀, 應該到Christmas就上去65!2010-12-18 1:01 PM
  232. rise up:Before the X'mas have around 6450~65502010-12-18 1:01 PM
  233. phone4:係唔係收6450先?2010-12-18 1:03 PM
  234. phone4:留電話2010-12-18 1:03 PM
  235. phone4:不過等1/502010-12-18 1:03 PM
  236. 133:我唔係收 上UWANT睇2010-12-18 1:03 PM
  237. 133:10號果批貨有無500隻@@?2010-12-18 1:03 PM
  238. IPHONEHD:肯定有啦2010-12-18 1:05 PM
  239. 133:18/12 收全新香港行貨IPHONE 4 16GB $6450 32GB $7400 TEL : 946444662010-12-18 1:05 PM
  240. 133:6450 放唔放阿!2010-12-18 1:05 PM
  241. 000:65 就多人放! 6450都係差d2010-12-18 1:05 PM
  242. 133:哈哈 邊個話唔會上番64002010-12-18 1:06 PM
  243. 1aa:6450 is not bad la~~2010-12-18 1:06 PM
  244. 133:6250都係上星期既事 今個星期升左好多2010-12-18 1:07 PM
  245. 1aa:yes2010-12-18 1:07 PM
  246. 133:APLLE 唔只派機 仲派錢2010-12-18 1:08 PM
  247. 133:大家一齊過開心聖誕2010-12-18 1:08 PM
  248. 1aa:happy happy^^2010-12-18 1:08 PM
  249. 133:聖誕快樂2010-12-18 1:09 PM
  250. Gloria:really ? 6,4502010-12-18 1:10 PM
  251. 133:18/12 收全新香港行貨IPHONE 4 16GB $6450 32GB $7400 TEL : 946444662010-12-18 1:11 PM
  252. Gloria:i sold 7pcs yesterday 6,3802010-12-18 1:11 PM
  253. 133:無左百幾蚊 你慘得過6250放果D2010-12-18 1:12 PM
  254. 1aa:6380 may be yesterday morning2010-12-18 1:12 PM
  255. Gloria:where , ?2010-12-18 1:12 PM
  256. Gloria:MTR?2010-12-18 1:12 PM
  257. 133:ST2010-12-18 1:13 PM
  258. DIU:DIU...剛剛比人CUT左百幾部..2010-12-18 1:14 PM
  259. 1aa:just recevie e-mail???2010-12-18 1:14 PM
  260. Gloria:u mean ShaTin ??2010-12-18 1:15 PM
  261. DIU:no email...but login apple found cancelled...2010-12-18 1:15 PM
  262. =.=:94644466無人聽電話喎2010-12-18 1:15 PM
  263. 1aa:phone st to ask la~~2010-12-18 1:16 PM
  264. =.=:st? 點點幾多號2010-12-18 1:17 PM
  265. =.=:點知幾多號2010-12-18 1:17 PM
  266. DIU:點解可以亂Q咁CUT架..2010-12-18 1:17 PM
  267. =.=:都唔知開黎做咩2010-12-18 1:17 PM
  268. =.=:開左又要cut2010-12-18 1:17 PM
  269. DIU:無聽過有人可以順利留到過百部...2010-12-18 1:18 PM
  270. DIU:真係開黎托*咩...開完又唔賣..無貨就咪開咁耐啦..2010-12-18 1:18 PM
  271. hellyeah:我最frd最多都係12部, 不過係每張card3部, 1xx果d俾人cut晒2010-12-18 1:22 PM
  272. hellyeah:老老實實, 我地又唔係唔俾錢, apple有錢賺我地又有錢賺, win win, 都唔明佢cut乜92010-12-18 1:23 PM
  273. Gloria:totally agree'2010-12-18 1:25 PM
  274. carmen:anyone shipped but aslo cancel?2010-12-18 1:26 PM
  275. DIU:仲要最後一刻先黎CUT我..2010-12-18 1:28 PM
  276. DIU:早d cut我唔洗班cash都無咁興...2010-12-18 1:28 PM
  277. Kaiser:DIU: did you use the same IP address?2010-12-18 1:28 PM
  278. DIU:YES AH...唔通幾十部電腦去訂咩2010-12-18 1:29 PM
  279. DIU:同埋全公司ip都一樣架la.2010-12-18 1:29 PM
  280. 1aa:i think apple nothing check ip address2010-12-18 1:29 PM
  281. DIU:this time they just cut randomly..2010-12-18 1:30 PM
  282. Kaiser:DIU: so, if i use 4 new account, different address, different credit card, different name, different IP..should be no problem2010-12-18 1:30 PM
  283. Kaiser:office 1 IP, notebook with mobile broadband will have different IP2010-12-18 1:31 PM
  284. DIU:if cut randomly, any criteria does not help..2010-12-18 1:31 PM
  285. Kaiser:if cut randomly, then just re-order2010-12-18 1:31 PM
  286. DIU:if use IP to differentiate, then i should have no order left on PFS...2010-12-18 1:32 PM
  287. DIU:re-order? but it is closed now2010-12-18 1:32 PM
  288. Kaiser:DIU: I am planning to order from singapore2010-12-18 1:32 PM
  289. cloud:just sold all my 16G IP4 @ $6420 in ST 1/F around 12:45 today2010-12-18 1:32 PM
  290. DIU:singapore not much spread2010-12-18 1:32 PM
  291. Kaiser:not going to waste my time with apple hong kong2010-12-18 1:33 PM
  292. DIU:cost = $53xx and sale price = $58xx. and you have to buy insurance for shipping..2010-12-18 1:33 PM
  293. DIU:how do you receive ip4 in singapore? you have friends residing there?2010-12-18 1:33 PM
  294. Kaiser:you are wrong, price is now 61002010-12-18 1:33 PM
  295. cloud:no stock la!!! X'mas coming2010-12-18 1:33 PM
  296. Kaiser:i have many friends in singapore2010-12-18 1:33 PM
  297. Kaiser:i don't need to ship to hong kong, i can sell in singapore2010-12-18 1:34 PM
  298. DIU:really? what's the price in singapore? but can't they buy from Apple in singapore?'2010-12-18 1:34 PM
  299. 1aa:singapore only order 2pcs.2010-12-18 1:34 PM
  300. Kaiser:apple singapore will cut as well, but first 10 sets should have no problem2010-12-18 1:34 PM
  301. Kaiser:i have 8 sets arrival from singapore tonight2010-12-18 1:35 PM
  302. Kaiser:friend will bring for me, so no shipping cost2010-12-18 1:35 PM
  303. 1aa:by dhl?2010-12-18 1:35 PM
  304. Kaiser:cost 5328, sell at 6100, profit 7722010-12-18 1:35 PM
  305. Kaiser:Uwant already offer 6100 for singapore ip4 yesterday2010-12-18 1:37 PM
  306. 1aa:st 6130 singapore2010-12-18 1:37 PM
  307. DIU:can people buy from apple real store in singapore?2010-12-18 1:37 PM
  308. DIU:我指有冇現貨2010-12-18 1:37 PM
  309. carmen:kaiser ar...need to apply lisecen> to buy from singapore?2010-12-18 1:38 PM
  310. Kaiser:no...cannot buy from store in singapore, only from telco2010-12-18 1:38 PM
  311. 1aa:just by order2010-12-18 1:38 PM
  312. Kaiser:carmen: no need license, but you need singapore address2010-12-18 1:38 PM
  313. DIU:SO MUST HAVE AN ADDRESS THERE...2010-12-18 1:38 PM
  314. carmen:i am plannin to fly to singapore to buy ar2010-12-18 1:38 PM
  315. Kaiser:and you cannot use the address too many times2010-12-18 1:38 PM
  316. Kaiser:carmen: no use..you cannot get from the store without contract2010-12-18 1:39 PM
  317. carmen:use credit card to buy, ok ma?2010-12-18 1:39 PM
  318. carmen:ok buy from telco?2010-12-18 1:39 PM
  319. Kaiser:yes, credit card + singapore address2010-12-18 1:39 PM
  320. Kaiser:buy from telco, 2 year contract2010-12-18 1:39 PM
  321. carmen:so each credit card only can buy 2pcs?2010-12-18 1:39 PM
  322. Kaiser:each order is 2 sets2010-12-18 1:40 PM
  323. Kaiser:so i order 2 sets each day, and stop after 5 orders2010-12-18 1:40 PM
  324. carmen:so, i only hv 2credit card...how many i can order?2010-12-18 1:40 PM
  325. 1aa:same card is ok?2010-12-18 1:40 PM
  326. Kaiser:so far...i use same credit card...got 8 sets already2010-12-18 1:41 PM
  327. 1aa:same card is ok for order 5 time?2010-12-18 1:41 PM
  328. Kaiser:1aa - yes, but don't order same day2010-12-18 1:41 PM
  329. carmen:how do u buy from there?2010-12-18 1:41 PM
  330. Kaiser:i have friends in singapore to receive the phones2010-12-18 1:42 PM
  331. 1aa:really only one week can get stock?2010-12-18 1:42 PM
  332. Kaiser:1aa - yes2010-12-18 1:42 PM
  333. Kaiser:so, why do i want to waste time with apple hong kong, i ordered 12, got cut2010-12-18 1:43 PM
  334. 1aa:use old card is ok?2010-12-18 1:43 PM
  335. Kaiser:even hong kong ip4 profit is higher, no stock = no money2010-12-18 1:43 PM
  336. carmen:hey Kariser..so the process is> u order from net and ship to ur singapore fd2010-12-18 1:44 PM
  337. carmen:everyday can order 2 pcs..2010-12-18 1:44 PM
  338. carmen:and ask ur fd to bring/ship to hk, right>2010-12-18 1:44 PM
  339. 1aa:if i order 5 times,but shipping address as same,is ok?2010-12-18 1:45 PM
  340. Kaiser:1aa: should be ok, but more than 10 sets..may get cut2010-12-18 1:45 PM
  341. Kaiser:carmen: or ask your friend to sell in singapore, don't even need to ship2010-12-18 1:46 PM
  342. carmen:how to sell in singapore?>2010-12-18 1:46 PM
  343. 1aa:used old card is ok?singapore system cna check u have order before in hk?2010-12-18 1:47 PM
  344. carmen:so u order in Singapore online shop?2010-12-18 1:47 PM
  345. Kaiser:1aa - not sure how they check..you can try using old card2010-12-18 1:47 PM
  346. Kaiser:singapore has many iphone4 dealers too2010-12-18 1:47 PM
  347. Kaiser:today the resale price is 9902010-12-18 1:48 PM
  348. Kaiser:990 - 888 = 102 x 6 = 610 HKD profit, still money2010-12-18 1:48 PM
  349. Kaiser:1 HK ip4 = 2 SG ip42010-12-18 1:49 PM
  350. 1aa:important u must sure believe your friend^^2010-12-18 1:49 PM
  351. Kaiser:but how many hk sets can you get?2010-12-18 1:49 PM
  352. carmen:Kaiser ar...i am planning to order online and ship to my singapore fd..then ship back to HK. is it ok?2010-12-18 1:49 PM
  353. Kaiser:1aa - of course2010-12-18 1:49 PM
  354. 1aa:ha ha^^2010-12-18 1:49 PM
  355. Kaiser:carmen: ship back to singapore...extra cost...if you use singapore post..cheaper2010-12-18 1:49 PM
  356. Kaiser:dhl will be expensive2010-12-18 1:49 PM
  357. 1aa:total lost is poor><2010-12-18 1:50 PM
  358. Kaiser:i mean ship to HK2010-12-18 1:50 PM
  359. carmen:how long it take for sinapore post?2010-12-18 1:50 PM
  360. carmen:sound good...plan ar2010-12-18 1:50 PM
  361. Kaiser:so, not everybody can buy from singapore2010-12-18 1:50 PM
  362. Kaiser:singapore post..maybe 5 days to arrive2010-12-18 1:50 PM
  363. Kaiser:dhl maybe 1 day2010-12-18 1:51 PM
  364. carmen:really want to fly to sin and buy 10 pcs2010-12-18 1:51 PM
  365. carmen:then bring back to hk for sell2010-12-18 1:51 PM
  366. Kaiser:so...if
    i have 10 apple id, use 10 different address, different credit
    card...use different IP..theoretically i can order 100 sets in 1 month!
    2010-12-18 1:52 PM
  367. carmen:it is what i want ar2010-12-18 1:52 PM
  368. carmen:kasier..so 888 is the px for ship back to HK, right?2010-12-18 1:53 PM
  369. carmen:include the tax?2010-12-18 1:53 PM
  370. Kaiser:sgd 888 is cost including tax2010-12-18 1:53 PM
  371. 今日放唔放好? 定等到聖誕先放?:hi2010-12-18 1:54 PM
  372. Kaiser:excluding shipping to hk2010-12-18 1:56 PM
  373. carmen:good2010-12-18 1:57 PM
  374. Kaiser:if you use hk credit card, there will be exchange rate cost2010-12-18 1:57 PM
  375. Kaiser:so your cost in HKD will be 54002010-12-18 1:58 PM
  376. Kaiser:if you ship, add 50 to your cost, so each set 54502010-12-18 1:58 PM
  377. 點呀:how much can you sell in HK ar? Kaiser2010-12-18 1:59 PM
  378. Kaiser:today. 6100-61502010-12-18 1:59 PM
  379. Kaiser:roughly 300 below hk ip42010-12-18 2:00 PM
  380. 點呀:oh... its not same as HK goods2010-12-18 2:00 PM
  381. 點呀:why don't you sell at singapore, as the profit margin is just the same2010-12-18 2:01 PM
  382. Kaiser:not the same, but can you get HK ip4 now?2010-12-18 2:01 PM
  383. Kaiser:if i go to singapore, i will bring some back. the rest will be sold in singapore2010-12-18 2:01 PM
  384. 點呀:no ar :( order all cut2010-12-18 2:02 PM
  385. Kaiser:yes, sell in singapore is more direct2010-12-18 2:02 PM
  386. Kaiser:so i wll not ship2010-12-18 2:02 PM
  387. 點呀:yes, i think it is less danger to sell at singapore, no import export things2010-12-18 2:03 PM
  388. 點呀:could you ask your friend to sell it for you?2010-12-18 2:03 PM
  389. carmen:yes wor2010-12-18 2:03 PM
  390. Kaiser:yes, you need friends that you can trust2010-12-18 2:03 PM
  391. carmen:really want to fly to singapore now..haha2010-12-18 2:03 PM
  392. 點呀:yes, you are right....2010-12-18 2:04 PM
  393. 1aa:may be friend say thx very much,total eat^^2010-12-18 2:04 PM
  394. Kaiser:fly to singapore? you have not ordered your ip4 wor2010-12-18 2:04 PM
  395. 點呀:how many order you can place with one credit card?2010-12-18 2:04 PM
  396. carmen:order in local shop is ok ma?2010-12-18 2:04 PM
  397. 點呀:when can you get ip4 after you ordered?2010-12-18 2:04 PM
  398. Kaiser:i think 10 is ok, 5 different orders2010-12-18 2:04 PM
  399. Kaiser:1 week2010-12-18 2:04 PM
  400. Kaiser:CANNOT BUY FROM LOCAL STORE2010-12-18 2:05 PM
  401. carmen:ohhh...i see..so i hv to order in SIN apple store now2010-12-18 2:05 PM
  402. Kaiser:you must buy from apple online store2010-12-18 2:05 PM
  403. 點呀:so better order it now, and fly to singapore a few days later2010-12-18 2:05 PM
  404. carmen:after one week..then i fly to there or ask my fd to ship to me2010-12-18 2:05 PM
  405. 點呀:Kaiser, you mean 10 orders or 10 pieces?2010-12-18 2:06 PM
  406. Kaiser:yes, you order, fly there in 1 week...collect phone, sell phone, free holiday2010-12-18 2:07 PM
  407. Kaiser:each order is 2 sets2010-12-18 2:07 PM
  408. 點呀:it is cool, i think it is interesting idea2010-12-18 2:07 PM
  409. carmen:yeahhhhhh2010-12-18 2:07 PM
  410. 點呀:Kaiser, are you from singapore?2010-12-18 2:08 PM
  411. Kaiser:hong kong2010-12-18 2:09 PM
  412. carmen:u r so smart ar2010-12-18 2:09 PM
  413. Kaiser:aiya...i am too late in the game2010-12-18 2:10 PM
  414. Kaiser:i did not buy a single hk ip42010-12-18 2:10 PM
  415. 點呀:why not, Kaiser2010-12-18 2:11 PM
  416. carmen:really plan to buy in singapore2010-12-18 2:11 PM
  417. 點呀:carmen, you are so brave ar2010-12-18 2:11 PM
  418. carmen:no job...need to find money ar2010-12-18 2:12 PM
  419. ab:咁你訂SG咗未?2010-12-18 2:12 PM
  420. 點呀:oh... good ar2010-12-18 2:12 PM
  421. Kaiser:我11月先知道原來iphone4可以賺錢2010-12-18 2:12 PM
  422. ab:><2010-12-18 2:12 PM
  423. 1aa:you must sure can get 10 pcs,if only get 4 pcs.you fly singapore need plane ticket2010-12-18 2:12 PM
  424. ab:apple online 可以隨時cut 人單....2010-12-18 2:13 PM
  425. Kaiser:then only book your air ticket after you receive 8 sets in singapore2010-12-18 2:13 PM
  426. carmen:yes wor2010-12-18 2:13 PM
  427. ab:咁個SG fd 自己都要賺o架2010-12-18 2:14 PM
  428. ab:你自己有個SG地址就話啫2010-12-18 2:14 PM
  429. 點呀:點會甘呀, 你Dfriend無玩啦2010-12-18 2:14 PM
  430. 1aa:yes need give some tips La~~2010-12-18 2:14 PM
  431. ab:佢自己訂自己放咪仲好2010-12-18 2:15 PM
  432. 點呀:甘唔係個個friend 都甘曉2010-12-18 2:15 PM
  433. 今日放唔放好? 定等到聖誕先放?:@@2010-12-18 2:16 PM
  434. Kaiser:我已經訂左, 月尾到新加坡賣2010-12-18 2:16 PM
  435. ab:你叫得佢幫佢就曉2010-12-18 2:16 PM
  436. Kaiser:去新加坡有事, 順便賣ip42010-12-18 2:16 PM
  437. 點呀:而且你自己信用卡,佢又自己信用卡,大家都賺羅2010-12-18 2:16 PM
  438. ab:good~2010-12-18 2:16 PM
  439. 點呀:我都想去singapore 玩下2010-12-18 2:17 PM
  440. Kaiser:所以, 不系個個都可以做2010-12-18 2:17 PM
  441. ab:同地址 for 2 only2010-12-18 2:17 PM
  442. 1aa:go to orchard rd?2010-12-18 2:17 PM
  443. 點呀:當免費旅行2010-12-18 2:17 PM
  444. ab:去SG 仲要熟去邊度放2010-12-18 2:17 PM
  445. Kaiser:ab: 同地址, 10 部應該ok2010-12-18 2:17 PM
  446. Kaiser:有手機佬, 唔問題2010-12-18 2:18 PM
  447. ab:不過喺SG自帶返HK要唔要tax?2010-12-18 2:18 PM
  448. Kaiser:自帶, no tax2010-12-18 2:18 PM
  449. ab:10? SG 網寫一人2部2010-12-18 2:18 PM
  450. Kaiser:一個order2部2010-12-18 2:19 PM
  451. 1aa:bring 10 pcs through sg custom is ok?2010-12-18 2:19 PM
  452. Kaiser:你收完2部, 再定2部2010-12-18 2:19 PM
  453. ab:* iPhone 4 order limit: two per customer.2010-12-18 2:19 PM
  454. Kaiser:custom no problem, free port2010-12-18 2:19 PM
  455. 點呀:好心動呀, 又係度諗傻計2010-12-18 2:20 PM
  456. 點呀::)2010-12-18 2:20 PM
  457. Kaiser:我一個id已經收左10部2010-12-18 2:20 PM
  458. 點呀:不過就少過香港好多啦2010-12-18 2:20 PM
  459. ab:你就好,有人幫你收2010-12-18 2:20 PM
  460. 點呀:一 部得$600 度2010-12-18 2:20 PM
  461. 點呀:如果你有3張卡,咪有30部2010-12-18 2:21 PM
  462. 1aa:my fd told this way yesterday,but need sure your fd is honest2010-12-18 2:21 PM
  463. Tomy:I need 16gb,$6520, 32gb,$7500,3pcs each.Tel 68764998/96176666.2010-12-18 2:21 PM
  464. 點呀:賺$600一部,甘就$180002010-12-18 2:22 PM
  465. Kaiser:如果no cut, 我到月尾再收22部2010-12-18 2:22 PM
  466. ab:嗯~ >> 1aa "my fd told this way yesterday,but need sure your fd is honest"2010-12-18 2:22 PM
  467. 點呀:你好勁呀2010-12-18 2:22 PM
  468. 1aa:wo~~~gogogo!!!2010-12-18 2:22 PM
  469. 點呀:其實你可以係香港再訂2010-12-18 2:23 PM
  470. ab:其實你係咪有兩頭住家?XD2010-12-18 2:23 PM
  471. Kaiser:所以, you are right, 我可以有30部2010-12-18 2:23 PM
  472. Kaiser:香港10號訂左12部, cut!2010-12-18 2:23 PM
  473. 點呀:我都諗緊, 如果有$18000,值唔值去做2010-12-18 2:24 PM
  474. 1aa:10/12 order 13pcs,still nys!!2010-12-18 2:24 PM
  475. ab:SG 唔 cut?2010-12-18 2:24 PM
  476. 點呀:why cut ar... 如果未訂過,應該可以訂2010-12-18 2:24 PM
  477. ab:冇貨丫嘛2010-12-18 2:24 PM
  478. Kaiser:我系想準備10個id, 10個地址, 5個cc, 用不用電腦。。。訂100部2010-12-18 2:24 PM
  479. 點呀:如果要去singapore 先攪點,甘又洗一筆,就只有$10000賺,2010-12-18 2:25 PM
  480. ab:但如果係公幹就..2010-12-18 2:26 PM
  481. 1aa:joint tourist to sg^^2010-12-18 2:26 PM
  482. Kaiser:我賺1筆100部, 都可以收手咯2010-12-18 2:27 PM
  483. 點呀:無啦,你要confirm 收機先去會好D,如果等太耐,皮費重2010-12-18 2:27 PM
  484. 點呀:100部都係$600002010-12-18 2:27 PM
  485. Kaiser:哇。。60000, 嫌少?2010-12-18 2:28 PM
  486. 點呀:都做得過,只係難度會高,有D風險2010-12-18 2:28 PM
  487. 點呀:$60000 唔少,唔少,好呀2010-12-18 2:28 PM
  488. Miscellaneous:hihi 你們說什麼? sell iph4 到 singapore 嗎?2010-12-18 2:29 PM
  489. ab:訂SG機2010-12-18 2:29 PM
  490. 點呀:技術上可行,要睇到時得唔得,可能要攪一個朋先得2010-12-18 2:30 PM
  491. Kaiser:所以想問你地, 如果分開10個id, 10個地址, 5個cc, 理論上系不系不會cut2010-12-18 2:30 PM
  492. Kaiser:用不同電腦訂2010-12-18 2:31 PM
  493. 點呀:好難講,apple D 野真係要睇佢system 點set2010-12-18 2:31 PM
  494. 點呀:你去網bar都得啦,2010-12-18 2:32 PM
  495. Kaiser:網bar, 系wor2010-12-18 2:32 PM
  496. 點呀:使咩唔同電腦,腦都唔使帶啦2010-12-18 2:32 PM
  497. Kaiser:1個網bar都系同一個IP2010-12-18 2:33 PM
  498. 點呀:甘咪去多幾間羅2010-12-18 2:33 PM
  499. Kaiser:you are right2010-12-18 2:33 PM
  500. 點呀:呢D係勞力工作only2010-12-18 2:34 PM
  501. Kaiser:宜家準備, 1月進行。。2010-12-18 2:34 PM
  502. 點呀:技術上可行,唔知實際得唔得2010-12-18 2:35 PM
  503. 點呀:Kaiser: 你有singapore 朋友就緊係宜家就做啦,重等?2010-12-18 2:36 PM
  504. ab:辛苦你喇,得閒上嚟報吓2010-12-18 2:36 PM
  505. Kaiser:我宜家等22部deliver2010-12-18 2:37 PM
  506. 點呀:Good Good, 等我都度度先。。。2010-12-18 2:38 PM
  507. Miscellaneous:請問 幾時有得order iph4? or 幾$, 是婐機嗎?2010-12-18 2:38 PM
  508. Kaiser:所以暫時不進行100部大計。收完22部先2010-12-18 2:38 PM
  509. Kaiser:哈哈, 成功會上來報料2010-12-18 2:38 PM
  510. 點呀:係羅,資金都係一個關口,一次唔可以訂太多2010-12-18 2:39 PM
  511. 點呀:好,等你好消息2010-12-18 2:39 PM
  512. 今日放唔放好? 定等到聖誕先放?:今日放唔放好? 定等到聖誕先放?2010-12-18 2:40 PM
  513. 1aa:but my friend must work everyday,very trouble get the stock 2 pcs,2pcs,many times ah???2010-12-18 2:40 PM
  514. Kaiser:星期日放機, 應該價錢唔會最靚? 應該等星期一?2010-12-18 2:41 PM
  515. 點呀:send to his office? ok ?2010-12-18 2:41 PM
  516. Kaiser:1aa: send to his office address lah2010-12-18 2:41 PM
  517. 點呀:Kaiser, Give me Five2010-12-18 2:41 PM
  518. Kaiser:your friend has 2 address, 1 home 1 office need 8 more address2010-12-18 2:42 PM
  519. Kaiser:haha2010-12-18 2:42 PM
  520. 點呀:but make sure your friend is trustworthy,2010-12-18 2:42 PM
  521. Kaiser:點呀: 5!2010-12-18 2:42 PM
  522. 點呀:I am thinking about Hotel, hotel is also a valid address, right?2010-12-18 2:43 PM
  523. 1aa:i think his boss have fire him2010-12-18 2:43 PM
  524. Kaiser:if your friend works in a hotel...yes2010-12-18 2:44 PM
  525. iphone2010:dun be silly laa2010-12-18 2:44 PM
  526. 點呀:i am thinking about how to create more address. if no address, then no planning2010-12-18 2:44 PM
  527. iphone2010:sg buying iphone4 online..only limits to 2 not 10 like HK2010-12-18 2:44 PM
  528. fairicky:4580792010-12-18 2:45 PM
  529. iphone2010:u have 3 credit cards, means 6 only not 30 -.-2010-12-18 2:45 PM
  530. Kaiser:i already have 9 addresses2010-12-18 2:46 PM
  531. fairicky:32G有冇機會升到$7500?2010-12-18 2:46 PM
  532. 點呀:faircky: 有2010-12-18 2:46 PM
  533. 點呀:Kaiser: 好勁呀,流口水2010-12-18 2:47 PM
  534. 1aa:no la ,dont trouble friend la~~2010-12-18 2:47 PM
  535. Kaiser:well, it is not silly, i already received 8! 1 credit card2010-12-18 2:47 PM
  536. fairicky:幾時到?2010-12-18 2:47 PM
  537. 點呀:點知呀。。。。。2010-12-18 2:47 PM
  538. 點呀:你問有無機會only2010-12-18 2:48 PM
  539. fairicky:今日32G什麼價位?2010-12-18 2:48 PM
  540. fairicky:$7400?2010-12-18 2:48 PM
  541. Kaiser:sell in the next few days lah2010-12-18 2:49 PM
  542. fairicky:剛剛收左一部32g2010-12-18 2:49 PM
  543. mc:st 65 now?anyone know?2010-12-18 2:51 PM
  544. Kaiser:uwant 6450 ...wow2010-12-18 2:52 PM
  545. 點呀:尋日已經清左貨。。。。。。2010-12-18 2:52 PM
  546. mc:iphone stock said 65002010-12-18 2:52 PM
  547. mc:anybody in st now?2010-12-18 2:53 PM
  548. 點呀:如果上左6600,我會心痛。2010-12-18 2:53 PM
  549. fairicky:32G什麼價?2010-12-18 2:53 PM
  550. 1aa:yesterday sold all la~~2010-12-18 2:53 PM
  551. 點呀:1aa: 我又係2010-12-18 2:53 PM
  552. Kevin:u 645/7352010-12-18 2:54 PM
  553. 點呀:Kaiser: did you buy your ticket?2010-12-18 2:54 PM
  554. Kaiser:so 6450-65002010-12-18 2:54 PM
  555. Kaiser:i am going for a business trip, so yes i have my ticket2010-12-18 2:54 PM
  556. mc:我前晚放6380x20pcs/:)2010-12-18 2:55 PM
  557. 1aa:no big deal la~cant catch the highest price2010-12-18 2:55 PM
  558. mc:有65再出去放啲2010-12-18 2:56 PM
  559. 點呀:oh ic... so low cost for you la2010-12-18 2:56 PM
  560. 1aa:sold 6420 for me is ok~because hold stock one month la^^2010-12-18 2:56 PM
  561. mc:i hold 2 months la2010-12-18 2:57 PM
  562. 點呀:我又係,have hold for almost 2 months2010-12-18 2:57 PM
  563. Kevin:等到下星期??2010-12-18 2:58 PM
  564. 1aa:u ar tough~~2010-12-18 2:58 PM
  565. mc:so today i will sell again if over 652010-12-18 2:59 PM
  566. 點呀:Kaiser, your strategy will base on the price will not drop significantly,2010-12-18 2:59 PM
  567. 1aa:mc i think u can~~2010-12-18 2:59 PM
  568. 等買iPhone4:唔知聖誕節會唔會開番訂..2010-12-18 3:00 PM
  569. Kaiser:my cost is hkd 54002010-12-18 3:00 PM
  570. Kaiser:even at 5900, i am happy2010-12-18 3:01 PM
  571. 1aa:in this market status,price can up ,but slowly2010-12-18 3:01 PM
  572. Kaiser:hkd 500 profit2010-12-18 3:01 PM
  573. Kaiser:that is why i want to do it in january2010-12-18 3:01 PM
  574. Kaiser:i think price will be firm, as chinese new year ...there is demand in mainland to buy gifts2010-12-18 3:02 PM
  575. 1aa:everybody said buy gift,but not sure2010-12-18 3:03 PM
  576. mc:so you keep until chinese new year?2010-12-18 3:04 PM
  577. Kaiser:sell...i do not keep2010-12-18 3:04 PM
  578. Kaiser:i do not ask for best price, i think cash flow is more important2010-12-18 3:04 PM
  579. kycasc:幾時在開啦心2010-12-18 3:05 PM
  580. mc:you sold all already?2010-12-18 3:05 PM
  581. kycasc:yes2010-12-18 3:06 PM
  582. Kevin:聽日有冇機app store會賣2010-12-18 3:09 PM
  583. mc:i think x'max will not reopen again2010-12-18 3:09 PM
  584. 左上角:Kevin,星期日未必會開喎2010-12-18 3:10 PM
  585. Kevin:等星期一再殺 但新年個價希望會升2010-12-18 3:11 PM
  586. mc::apple store 有啦 !!!2010-12-18 3:12 PM
  587. YR:hope so2010-12-18 3:12 PM
  588. YR:有無人可以同我想換部32G。全新換全新2010-12-18 3:13 PM
  589. 點呀:呀。。。。2010-12-18 3:18 PM
  590. Kevin:mc 邊到有?2010-12-18 3:18 PM
  591. 點呀:yes, Cash Flow is important2010-12-18 3:21 PM
  592. Kevin:係apple store到買 過數個時張卡唔係我既得唔得嫁2010-12-18 3:21 PM
  593. mary chan:今日放唔放好? 定等到聖誕先放?2010-12-18 3:29 PM
  594. mc:佢係假架,唔該唔好再扮我2010-12-18 3:36 PM
  595. 左上角:mary chan,唔夠膽幫你揸主意2010-12-18 3:36 PM
  596. mc:放一半law2010-12-18 3:36 PM
  597. 左上角:自己決定啦2010-12-18 3:37 PM
  598. mc:無人知明天會點,到心中价就放2010-12-18 3:37 PM
  599. 點呀:係, 早幾日都想放,但懶,所以升左先放。。2010-12-18 3:39 PM
  600. mc:而家想出st,唔知有65未呢?2010-12-18 3:42 PM
  601. Kevin:mc 去格下價就知道啦2010-12-18 3:43 PM
  602. mc:ok. i go now.2010-12-18 3:44 PM
  603. mc:ok. i go now.2010-12-18 3:44 PM
  604. 左上角:mc,Goodluck2010-12-18 3:45 PM
  605. dada:想問下星期六,日apple係會唔會hold數同轉status?2010-12-18 3:47 PM
  606. cloud:no stock la!!! X'mas coming2010-12-18 3:50 PM
  607. iphone2010:呢度可以放screenshot嗎 ?2010-12-18 3:55 PM
  608. Kevin:may be link2010-12-18 3:56 PM
  609. iphone2010:/Users/cageon_loy/Desktop/Screen shot 2010-12-18 at PM 03.56.36.png2010-12-18 3:56 PM
  610. iphone2010:係唔得既2010-12-18 3:57 PM
  611. iphone2010:XD2010-12-18 3:57 PM
  612. 上海仔:你地玩緊咩呢2010-12-18 3:59 PM
  613. mary chan:mc去了放機?2010-12-18 4:07 PM
  614. hellyeah:"/Users/cageon_loy/Desktop/Screen shot"2010-12-18 4:07 PM
  615. hellyeah:u crazy?2010-12-18 4:07 PM
  616. hellyeah:that's your own computer path2010-12-18 4:07 PM
  617. hellyeah:how can we see it?2010-12-18 4:07 PM
  618. 上海仔:一陣去放機2010-12-18 4:10 PM
  619. 1aa:華強 rmb 5710 la~Wo~~~2010-12-18 4:12 PM
  620. 上海仔:st 唔見升多左2010-12-18 4:13 PM
  621. 1aa:may be tonight la2010-12-18 4:15 PM
  622. 1aa:slow slow up2010-12-18 4:15 PM
  623. 上海仔:應該6500以上2010-12-18 4:16 PM
  624. 1aa:it wonderful iphnne4 had 5 month ago can get profit 1500 each~~wo wo!!!2010-12-18 4:19 PM
  625. 1aa:is nobody can know before!!!2010-12-18 4:20 PM
  626. 1aa:crazy iphone,i love u^^2010-12-18 4:21 PM
  627. 上海仔:係啦,咁你地有無用iphone 呢2010-12-18 4:22 PM
  628. kuki:對返華強價,先達今日可做 16-6480,32-74802010-12-18 4:23 PM
  629. fairicky:今日放定明日放?亦話等到下星期?2010-12-18 4:24 PM
  630. 1aa:iphone4 not for use,just for sell~~^^2010-12-18 4:25 PM
  631. 上海仔:我都無用iphone,因要好快無電2010-12-18 4:26 PM
  632. 左上角:又係呢啲放唔放嘅問題,自己決定啦2010-12-18 4:28 PM
  633. 左上角:無人可以幫你話事2010-12-18 4:28 PM
  634. 1aa:many people just use iphone4 play game~~stupid ^^2010-12-18 4:28 PM
  635. 上海仔:所以我用ipod touch 玩2010-12-18 4:30 PM
  636. HOHO on99:Just sold in St2010-12-18 4:33 PM
  637. HOHO on99:6470/74002010-12-18 4:33 PM
  638. 左上角:Good Price !2010-12-18 4:34 PM
  639. 上海仔:我剛剛打去都係64502010-12-18 4:37 PM
  640. 116:order status changed from pfs -> nys????2010-12-18 4:40 PM
  641. 1aa:116 what time change ?2010-12-18 4:42 PM
  642. 左上角:116,你轉返 NYS ?2010-12-18 4:42 PM
  643. 1aa:today apple have work?2010-12-18 4:42 PM
  644. 116:yes, all orders changed to nys2010-12-18 4:42 PM
  645. 116:between 1pm-4pm2010-12-18 4:43 PM
  646. 左上角:1aa,今日應該無開工喎2010-12-18 4:43 PM
  647. 左上角:116,****,Cut 嘅先兆.....2010-12-18 4:43 PM
  648. 116:cut order?? what the ****...2010-12-18 4:44 PM
  649. 左上角:因為以前啲 Ching 都試過係咁2010-12-18 4:44 PM
  650. 116:oh~2010-12-18 4:45 PM
  651. 左上角:116, goodluck !2010-12-18 4:46 PM
  652. kuki:oops2010-12-18 4:46 PM
  653. FYF:ME TOO2010-12-18 4:46 PM
  654. FYF:PFS -> NYS2010-12-18 4:46 PM
  655. 左上角:FYF,你又係?搞擏呀?2010-12-18 4:46 PM
  656. 左上角:又事大CUT?2010-12-18 4:47 PM
  657. FYF:1 Order 16G CHange2010-12-18 4:47 PM
  658. FYF:32 G PFS STATUS2010-12-18 4:47 PM
  659. 左上角:FYF,16G change back to NYS ?2010-12-18 4:48 PM
  660. FYF:My Fd Courier > Standard2010-12-18 4:48 PM
  661. FYF:YES2010-12-18 4:48 PM
  662. 116:i havnt order 32G2010-12-18 4:48 PM
  663. 116:all orders with different a/c2010-12-18 4:49 PM
  664. mc:Sold 6270 at st2010-12-18 4:49 PM
  665. FYF:same ac2010-12-18 4:49 PM
  666. 左上角:oh no !2010-12-18 4:49 PM
  667. 左上角:mc, 咁低?2010-12-18 4:50 PM
  668. 神來也:PFS -> NYS2010-12-18 4:50 PM
  669. FYF:可能 dhl 出a2010-12-18 4:51 PM
  670. 神來也:唉唉唉...2010-12-18 4:51 PM
  671. mc:64702010-12-18 4:51 PM
  672. mary chan:我住港島, 有冇地方好似st咁收機2010-12-18 4:52 PM
  673. 1aa:go to mk la money is king~~2010-12-18 4:54 PM
  674. Kevin:E+ 就只好等...2010-12-18 4:56 PM
  675. 1aa:cut order almost one week la,next week may be safe la??2010-12-18 4:56 PM
  676. dreamlun:我朋友剛剛收了dhl送來3部16g,i phoen2010-12-18 4:58 PM
  677. dreamlun:但我訂2部32g,一d聲氣都無2010-12-18 4:59 PM
  678. dreamlun:有無人同我一樣情況?2010-12-18 4:59 PM
  679. FYF:而家就等2010-12-18 5:01 PM
  680. FYF:dreamlun:你係中定英文網申請2010-12-18 5:01 PM
  681. dreamlun:英文2010-12-18 5:01 PM
  682. 1aa:i also standard in ,nys2010-12-18 5:02 PM
  683. dreamlun:有分別嗎2010-12-18 5:02 PM
  684. Kevin:等聽日??2010-12-18 5:02 PM
  685. FYF:等星期一2010-12-18 5:02 PM
  686. FYF:而家唔cut ....基本上有ga la2010-12-18 5:03 PM
  687. 1aa:i think so^^2010-12-18 5:04 PM
  688. dreamlun:你們有有無收到上了船e-mail2010-12-18 5:04 PM
  689. 1aa:gogogo happy xmas~~~~2010-12-18 5:05 PM
  690. FYF:未, 收到就有機la...2010-12-18 5:05 PM
  691. dreamlun:我朋友說會寄多個e-mail,話是運送2010-12-18 5:06 PM
  692. 上海仔:信用卡有額都要再確認係咩呢2010-12-18 5:07 PM
  693. dreamlun:但我等了好久都未收到2010-12-18 5:07 PM
  694. FYF:未cut 都有樹會2010-12-18 5:09 PM
  695. FYF:機會2010-12-18 5:09 PM
  696. dreamlun:希望la2010-12-18 5:09 PM
  697. FYF:我中文 都未轉2010-12-18 5:09 PM
  698. FYF:上海仔:我第2order 就係禁la2010-12-18 5:12 PM
  699. dreamlun:先達收機價 32g有無$74002010-12-18 5:16 PM
  700. 收到上了船e-mail:重未來.........尚未出貨 ing2010-12-18 5:17 PM
  701. dreamlun:收到上了船e-mail: 是什麼時候收2010-12-18 5:18 PM
  702. FYF:有7400 la2010-12-18 5:18 PM
  703. FYF:最遲24 號出2010-12-18 5:19 PM
  704. dreamlun:??\2010-12-18 5:19 PM
  705. dreamlun:希望聖誕節前有機2010-12-18 5:20 PM
  706. 上海仔:我轉卡網上又唔接受,但原本張卡係夠額的2010-12-18 5:21 PM
  707. FYF:性旦前後...都貴ga la2010-12-18 5:21 PM
  708. FYF:打去bank confirm a2010-12-18 5:21 PM
  709. dreamlun:@@你買多少部,上海仔2010-12-18 5:21 PM
  710. 上海仔:FYF 你點做呢2010-12-18 5:22 PM
  711. FYF:我打去card centre 問...佢comfire ok2010-12-18 5:22 PM
  712. dreamlun:不過打去card centre 個話音會等到你火2010-12-18 5:23 PM
  713. dreamlun:哈哈~~~2010-12-18 5:23 PM
  714. FYF:中銀ok, but hsbc 想死2010-12-18 5:24 PM
  715. 神來也:全部變哂尚未出貨****2010-12-18 5:31 PM
  716. 神來也:on92010-12-18 5:31 PM
  717. aa:o no................2010-12-18 5:32 PM
  718. aa:me22010-12-18 5:32 PM
  719. aa:cry2010-12-18 5:32 PM
  720. 上海仔:sorry 我剛剛行開左2010-12-18 5:34 PM
  721. 神來也:食屎喇今次2010-12-18 5:34 PM
  722. 神來也:一齊jump2010-12-18 5:35 PM
  723. aa:T_____T琴日仲咁開心左PFS2010-12-18 5:35 PM
  724. 上海仔:信用卡夠額的都要retry card2010-12-18 5:36 PM
  725. FYF:係a....第二張個個都要re-authori2010-12-18 5:37 PM
  726. hellyeah:just re-auth, apple problem, 我前兩日都係咁, 而家貨已到2010-12-18 5:38 PM
  727. FYF:今日fed 休市a2010-12-18 5:40 PM
  728. 上海仔:我入第二張卡又唔俾過2010-12-18 5:43 PM
  729. 上海仔:我入第二張卡又唔俾過2010-12-18 5:43 PM
  730. FYF:可能apple 問題....2010-12-18 5:45 PM
  731. FYF:or hold 左你數先2010-12-18 5:45 PM
  732. 上海仔:唔轉卡我諗會好d2010-12-18 5:45 PM
  733. FYF:係a2010-12-18 5:48 PM
  734. 上海仔:fedex 今日下午都有送貨來2010-12-18 5:51 PM
  735. FYF:單no....未出ge2010-12-18 5:51 PM
  736. phone4:16g既爛蘋果可以每g去到404.3752010-12-18 5:52 PM
  737. 請按左上角註冊1:I just sold 6 at ST for 64802010-12-18 6:01 PM
  738. 請按左上角註冊1:G/F, left hand side 1st one2010-12-18 6:02 PM
  739. sangyui:請問今日1部16g放到幾多?2010-12-18 6:03 PM
  740. newhand:I received this afternoon too2010-12-18 6:03 PM
  741. FYF:下星期 65xx2010-12-18 6:06 PM
  742. phone4:星期一取完先去ST2010-12-18 6:11 PM
  743. ip5:hello2010-12-18 6:13 PM
  744. ip5:聽日星期日喎, 星期日會升定跌呀 ? 各位2010-12-18 6:13 PM
  745. ip5:呢度而家有102 個人2010-12-18 6:15 PM
  746. FYF:pfs 出左Tracking no2010-12-18 6:20 PM
  747. phone4:收唔到貨同俾人cut單果D都冇出聲啦2010-12-18 6:23 PM
  748. aa:昨天PFS>>NOW NYS 唉2010-12-18 6:25 PM
  749. nananana:me too2010-12-18 6:30 PM
  750. nananana:點解既2010-12-18 6:30 PM
  751. nananana:姐係等CUT2010-12-18 6:31 PM
  752. aa:會唔會係未有貨-.-2010-12-18 6:32 PM
  753. 左上角:我神早 Cut 左,而家係度做 CD-rom2010-12-18 6:34 PM
  754. 左上角:睇下有幾多人同病相連2010-12-18 6:37 PM
  755. nananana:咁又奇怪,點解唔係直接轉CUT2010-12-18 6:38 PM
  756. ppp:what is PFS ? NYS?2010-12-18 6:39 PM
  757. Wa:st依家咩價位?2010-12-18 6:39 PM
  758. 左上角:點解唔直接Cut就真係無人知2010-12-18 6:40 PM
  759. 左上角:NYS = Not yet shipped2010-12-18 6:40 PM
  760. fairicky:cut左個d單,可唔可以打去Apple問呢?2010-12-18 6:42 PM
  761. ppp:thx..>左上角2010-12-18 6:42 PM
  762. 左上角:ppp, welcome !2010-12-18 6:42 PM
  763. 左上角:今次Apple嘅開賣好古怪2010-12-18 6:44 PM
  764. 左上角:我估應該係對訂戶嘅過濾功夫加強左好多2010-12-18 6:45 PM
  765. nananana:拖唔緊要~又CUT真係頂2010-12-18 6:45 PM
  766. 左上角:所以先會咁遲都未出貨2010-12-18 6:45 PM
  767. 左上角:而且到目前為止似乎都未Cut完單2010-12-18 6:46 PM
  768. 左上角:到今日都重有Ching話比人Cut2010-12-18 6:48 PM
  769. ip5:聽聞有人話自己今日收到FeDex 既送貨咯喎2010-12-18 6:58 PM
  770. 左上角:有部份貨係Ship左,有人收到係真嘅2010-12-18 7:02 PM
  771. ip5:不過Fedex星期六下晝休息架喎, 可信性不高2010-12-18 7:05 PM
  772. 左上角:Fedex 會送住宅,唔送 Office 姐~2010-12-18 7:08 PM
  773. 987:想問下係st 賣機係咪現金交易?2010-12-18 7:09 PM
  774. Wa:多數比現金2010-12-18 7:11 PM
  775. 左上角:987,一定要現金,唔好收票2010-12-18 7:12 PM
  776. 987:thanks ^^2010-12-18 7:18 PM
  777. 左上角:welcome2010-12-18 7:22 PM
  778. Field:係真的收到office都送2010-12-18 7:28 PM
  779. km:有冇人個status 由己準備出貨變左尚未出貨?2010-12-18 7:32 PM
  780. jess:hi ^^2010-12-18 7:38 PM
  781. HOHO ON99:SSP 收 6500 / 74502010-12-18 7:42 PM
  782. ab:SSP 都6500,升多啲!!2010-12-18 7:45 PM
  783. 純水:km: ME 22010-12-18 7:45 PM
  784. 純水:係唔係16GB?2010-12-18 7:46 PM
  785. FYF:me 32010-12-18 7:46 PM
  786. hellyeah:Fedex星期六下晝休息, 0岩0岩先送左兩部黎wor2010-12-18 7:46 PM
  787. 純水:但唔知乜事2010-12-18 7:46 PM
  788. HOHO ON99:fedex星期六下午唔出車姐2010-12-18 7:47 PM
  789. 純水:星期一到貨就好啦..呢2日價位算高2010-12-18 7:47 PM
  790. HOHO ON99:如果9:00果轉車有你件野就會派埋2010-12-18 7:47 PM
  791. 純水:FEDEX 可打到CS 要求自己去佢倉取2010-12-18 7:47 PM
  792. 點呀:好凍呀2010-12-18 7:49 PM
  793. FYF:係16 可能冇得出2010-12-18 7:56 PM
  794. Kevin:16冇得出?2010-12-18 8:20 PM
  795. 上海仔:放了64602010-12-18 8:31 PM
  796. Kevin:升呀升呀升呀!!2010-12-18 8:40 PM
  797. FYF:快d 有貨2010-12-18 8:41 PM
  798. ssa:點解perpare for shippment 轉返NYS2010-12-18 8:56 PM
  799. RRS:aa 昨天PFS>>NOW NYS 唉!!!!2010-12-18 9:07 PM
  800. RRS:唔能係阿化!!!!2010-12-18 9:07 PM
  801. aa:yes a2010-12-18 9:11 PM
  802. aa:你琴日係咪有紅字叫你轉卡2010-12-18 9:11 PM
  803. ssa:APPLE WHAT HAPPEN2010-12-18 9:21 PM
  804. abc:me too, 昨天pfs 今天 nys, why are?2010-12-18 9:23 PM
  805. abc:又hold 左我 limit, what happen?2010-12-18 9:24 PM
  806. 965:有冇人今曰6500放左呀?2010-12-18 9:33 PM
  807. Andriod:你不如問有冇有機好過啦2010-12-18 9:35 PM
  808. 965:咁你地D 機收成點2010-12-18 9:37 PM
  809. Kaso:仲係 nys, 好唔好打俾apple ?2010-12-18 9:39 PM
  810. 965:聽人講打俾佢仲易俾佢CUT WO...2010-12-18 9:41 PM
  811. Kaso:courier 又轉番 standard parel2010-12-18 9:46 PM
  812. Kaso:係咪就黎出貨 ?2010-12-18 9:46 PM
  813. hellyeah:pfs應該扣左數架喇wor, 又nys?2010-12-18 9:50 PM
  814. Kevin:pfs = hold =/= 扣數2010-12-18 9:54 PM
  815. cheapple:我都係,PFS 轉左NYS2010-12-18 10:06 PM
  816. Water:6460only2010-12-18 10:09 PM
  817. RRS:PFS 轉左NYS真係好能PK2010-12-18 10:09 PM
  818. RRS:APPLE咁樣玩法, 打死D小炒家, 益哂D豐澤西2010-12-18 10:11 PM
  819. 純水:係唔係16GB唔夠貨2010-12-18 10:12 PM
  820. 純水:仲諗住星期一二有機到2010-12-18 10:12 PM
  821. 純水:點知又轉返 尚未出貨2010-12-18 10:13 PM
  822. cheapple:apple完全唔尊重trading精神,仲話中國人..自己又係講一套做一套2010-12-18 10:20 PM
  823. 純水:佢真係做到好串2010-12-18 10:24 PM
  824. 純水:做生意做到丘冇人買2010-12-18 10:24 PM
  825. 小小明:呢度好多ching都好似係第一次炒...... PFS --> NYS 唔係第一次~ 幾個月前都有架啦!2010-12-18 10:26 PM
  826. 小小明:一日未轉做"已出貨", 咁洗開心住2010-12-18 10:27 PM
  827. cheapple:係咩..有轉返NYS,真係冇試過喎...2010-12-18 10:27 PM
  828. cheapple:咁小小明,之後有冇貨出呀..定cut人單呀2010-12-18 10:28 PM
  829. 小小明:不如你估下做呢個動作既目的?2010-12-18 10:29 PM
  830. 小小明:我就一直都仲係NYS...... 通常PFS 2日左右就會SHIPPED2010-12-18 10:30 PM
  831. cheapple:咁你話之前試過,咪問下你囉, 估到就中六合彩頭奬...唔洗訂apple喇...2010-12-18 10:31 PM
  832. ip5:有冇人已經收到貨先 ? 估計撞正聖誕快遞多野做啫, 聖誕之後先送貨都唔出奇 !2010-12-18 10:32 PM
  833. 小小明:我既經驗係最後都係俾人CUT2010-12-18 10:32 PM
  834. cheapple:今次諗住pfs,又ok...依家咁樣,真係凍過水2010-12-18 10:32 PM
  835. 小小明:自己計一計數~ 有邊D ACCOUT既INFO係用訂多過10部就唔好搞佢啦2010-12-18 10:33 PM
  836. cheapple:我都未既.....仲係唔夠十部...都係要死2010-12-18 10:34 PM
  837. xnym:我有兩個 a/c 之前各訂過2部同3部, 今次各訂5部都cut晒!!2010-12-18 10:35 PM
  838. 小小明:信用卡INFO? 電話INFO?2010-12-18 10:36 PM
  839. cheapple:真係擔心都冇用,一個字死...apple正PK2010-12-18 10:36 PM
  840. 小小明:KEEP住心態係SHIPPED先叫做"得"2010-12-18 10:37 PM
  841. cc:sigh ... all cut2010-12-18 10:39 PM
  842. 純水:而家仲CUT緊單??2010-12-18 10:39 PM
  843. FYF:NO cut2010-12-18 10:45 PM
  844. FYF:係佢地唔夠貨....2010-12-18 10:46 PM
  845. 純水:即係要CUT果D要比佢CUT晒?2010-12-18 10:48 PM
  846. mc:今日放6470,搵唔到高啲,不過都幾滿意,因有其中4隻己開盒,佢好有禮貌又唔扣錢所以放比佢2010-12-18 10:49 PM
  847. 純水:上到64XX都偷笑啦2010-12-18 10:51 PM
  848. mc:唔好比朝樂,佢地太串,成日問你想放幾多,我話你開价啦又唔報,我話65佢又話我比番你呀,勁串2010-12-18 10:53 PM
  849. 純水:地下有間仲串2010-12-18 10:54 PM
  850. hihi:有無人知fedix聽日開唔開?2010-12-18 10:55 PM
  851. 純水:門口位 寫住嚴重高價收機果間好攬串2010-12-18 10:56 PM
  852. mc:sunday應該唔送貨2010-12-18 10:56 PM
  853. 純水:FEDEX 應該唔派2010-12-18 10:56 PM
  854. mc:點串?2010-12-18 10:56 PM
  855. hihi:thanks2010-12-18 10:57 PM
  856. 純水:佢問你樓上收幾錢2010-12-18 10:57 PM
  857. mc:van仔站直入果間?2010-12-18 10:57 PM
  858. 純水:例如你話上面6300,佢即串*咁講2010-12-18 10:57 PM
  859. 純水:6200我都覺太多囉2010-12-18 10:58 PM
  860. 純水:好串嫁2010-12-18 10:58 PM
  861. kane:大家認爲幾時先係最高价? 聖誕節前定聖誕節后農曆新年前? 上年3gs幾時系最高价?2010-12-18 10:58 PM
  862. 純水:NO..巴士站果面門直入2010-12-18 10:58 PM
  863. mc:係咪寫明收幾錢果間2010-12-18 10:59 PM
  864. 純水:2樓電梯落返地下,左手面果間2010-12-18 10:59 PM
  865. 純水:寫住嚴重高價收機係個招牌下面果間2010-12-18 10:59 PM
  866. kane:大家認爲幾時先係最高价? 聖誕節前定聖誕節后農曆新年前? 上年3gs幾時系最高价?2010-12-18 11:01 PM
  867. mc:去g105搵李生呀,st好少有啲咁有礼既收機佬,我前晚同今日都放比佢,ok2010-12-18 11:01 PM
  868. 純水:呢幾日算高2010-12-18 11:02 PM
  869. 純水:G105係幾樓??2010-12-18 11:02 PM
  870. hellyeah:hold 到7k!2010-12-18 11:02 PM
  871. 純水:而家冇貨出,,講乜都冇用2010-12-18 11:03 PM
  872. mc:G/F VAN仔站門口入轉右2010-12-18 11:03 PM
  873. 純水:我到貨時,個市場同時返貨2010-12-18 11:03 PM
  874. 純水:個價一定跌2010-12-18 11:03 PM
  875. mc:5XXX?2010-12-18 11:03 PM
  876. 純水:MC TKS..下次搵G105試下2010-12-18 11:03 PM
  877. 純水:我估跌返去62002010-12-18 11:04 PM
  878. mc:YOU ARE WELCOME2010-12-18 11:04 PM
  879. 純水:因為而家有太多人訂左16GB而且未到貨2010-12-18 11:04 PM
  880. 純水:呢幾佢出面冇貨賣個價先升2010-12-18 11:04 PM
  881. 987:G105係幾樓?2010-12-18 11:06 PM
  882. mc:我見朝x收2大箱貨,可能係嵐宅啲貨2010-12-18 11:06 PM
  883. hellyeah:跟本就係兇宅一直頂爛市2010-12-18 11:06 PM
  884. hellyeah:*佢老母2010-12-18 11:06 PM
  885. 純水:而家APPLE 出貨比美國優先2010-12-18 11:06 PM
  886. mc:g/f2010-12-18 11:06 PM
  887. 純水:如果香港就出比兇宅2010-12-18 11:07 PM
  888. 純水:兇宅D職員自己KEEP貨自己賣出去2010-12-18 11:07 PM
  889. 987:thanks mc^^2010-12-18 11:07 PM
  890. 純水:有D人話兇宅返2大箱2010-12-18 11:07 PM
  891. 純水:但只有10比市民買2010-12-18 11:08 PM
  892. kaka:新手一名 請問放機會唔會拆出面層膠紙?2010-12-18 11:08 PM
  893. mc:放假前收貨,而家有貨走一半先2010-12-18 11:08 PM
  894. 純水:KAKA,是係話收機佬會唔會開會睇?2010-12-18 11:09 PM
  895. mc:唔好比佢開盒,除非比錢先2010-12-18 11:10 PM
  896. 純水:佢要開盒你唔好放比佢2010-12-18 11:10 PM
  897. 純水:開左盒回收價唔多唔少有影響2010-12-18 11:11 PM
  898. 純水:而且收機時又驗C咁驗2010-12-18 11:11 PM
  899. mc:st有啲人好狗2010-12-18 11:11 PM
  900. mc:so we call them st狗2010-12-18 11:11 PM
  901. kaka:i see. thx u guys2010-12-18 11:12 PM
  902. 純水:你要知,,佢一日未比錢部機都係你既2010-12-18 11:12 PM
  903. kaka:normally 係咪睇幾眼就收貨比錢?2010-12-18 11:13 PM
  904. mc:唔好傻豬豬呀2010-12-18 11:13 PM
  905. mc:yes2010-12-18 11:13 PM
  906. 純水:佢冇權開,,你去百記買APPLE D野都要比左錢先開盒啦2010-12-18 11:13 PM
  907. 純水:唉...閃啦..88 各位2010-12-18 11:18 PM
  908. kaka:thx all, so lucky訂左一部冇cut 到單2010-12-18 11:18 PM
  909. ar丁:mc 你好,我岩岩睇左幾頁, 但係第一次放始終問清楚好d.... 即係未收錢前就唔俾機, 但係睇完你地既意見, 咁d 錢會唔會有問題架= ="2010-12-18 11:28 PM
  910. Schizo:No problem, most of the time2010-12-18 11:34 PM
  911. ar丁:i see , thanks schizo !! 問多一條, 係唔係拆左紙皮盒拎入面部機去就得? 唔駛印果張e-invoice?2010-12-18 11:40 PM
  912. aaa:有無人呢2日收到機~2010-12-18 11:40 PM
  913. aaa:我收到了2010-12-18 11:40 PM
  914. iphone4新手:今天剛收到機2010-12-18 11:41 PM
  915. aaa:but only 1 = = damn it2010-12-18 11:42 PM
  916. ar丁:我收到呀, 訂左一部 , 由dhl 送,好好禮貌!2010-12-18 11:42 PM
  917. iphone4新手:唔好tnt送就ok2010-12-18 11:46 PM
  918. MINI Cooper:xxdddd2010-12-18 11:56 PM
  919. mc:back,re:ar no need invoice2010-12-18 11:59 PM

