
2010-12-17 即時聊天室留言存檔

  1. pay:係囉•••都係唔夠食!2010-12-17 12:01 AM
  2. KM:未轉Status姐係點?會CUT?2010-12-17 12:09 AM
  3. pay:唔一定cut呱2010-12-17 12:12 AM
  4. KM:希望啦 買返部玩下吾會CUT !.!掛2010-12-17 12:16 AM
  5. 反恐組:轉晒pfs.2010-12-17 12:23 AM
  6. KM:即係未轉果D都凶多吉少~.~?2010-12-17 12:27 AM
  7. carmen:stil pareped....when can ship ar2010-12-17 12:32 AM
  8. pay:等下先啦,咪咁灰住先啦2010-12-17 12:33 AM
  9. 左上角:carmen ,你都好喇,我重係NYS2010-12-17 12:35 AM
  10. K:carmen...u are so lukcy2010-12-17 12:35 AM
  11. K:received 8pcs already, now another order PFS..2010-12-17 12:36 AM
  12. K:u use different acc/address/name/card? u have order before?2010-12-17 12:36 AM
  13. KM:有FD訂一部都比人CUT @@2010-12-17 12:37 AM
  14. carmen:yes2010-12-17 12:48 AM
  15. carmen:i am so lucky...as other fd is still waitng only2010-12-17 12:49 AM
  16. hi hi:今日有人最高放過幾錢丫??2010-12-17 12:49 AM
  17. carmen:and i always call their hotline to check2010-12-17 12:49 AM
  18. K:calling apple help? seems ppl said after calling ..being cut2010-12-17 1:01 AM
  19. kane:大家認爲幾時先係最高价? 聖誕節前定聖誕節后農曆新年前? 上年3gs幾時系最高价?2010-12-17 1:22 AM
  20. abc:請問各位ching如果hold左$1係咪會cut order?2010-12-17 8:19 AM
  21. abc:Hold 全額就唔會cut?2010-12-17 8:20 AM
  22. 魚魚::apple store 有啦 !!!!!!2010-12-17 9:06 AM
  23. 董菲:早安2010-12-17 9:08 AM
  24. RS:YO!2010-12-17 9:09 AM
  25. sb:morning all2010-12-17 9:09 AM
  26. 董菲:今日仲未轉a.....2010-12-17 9:10 AM
  27. RS:morning sb!2010-12-17 9:12 AM
  28. RS:and feifei!2010-12-17 9:12 AM
  29. RS:yesterday really 6350???2010-12-17 9:12 AM
  30. CalmDown:有 fd 被 cut 後, 再收到 email 有得拎2010-12-17 9:12 AM
  31. sb:MORNING RS2010-12-17 9:12 AM
  32. sb:any changes of your order?2010-12-17 9:12 AM
  33. bud:yes2010-12-17 9:13 AM
  34. bud:I saw in ST 16GB 63202010-12-17 9:13 AM
  35. 董菲:禁奇2010-12-17 9:13 AM
  36. CalmDown:就是這麼奇2010-12-17 9:16 AM
  37. 董菲:可能cut 錯單...2010-12-17 9:17 AM
  38. 董菲:1 & 2 部個d a2010-12-17 9:17 AM
  39. 請註冊1:預計16G 6200 32G 72002010-12-17 9:19 AM
  40. VF25:昨晚6:30 ST 1/F 16G x10 $63552010-12-17 9:22 AM
  41. 董菲:預計16G 6400 32G 74002010-12-17 9:22 AM
  42. VF25:G?F先對2010-12-17 9:22 AM
  43. VF25:G/F2010-12-17 9:22 AM
  44. RS:TO SB: no sir!2010-12-17 9:24 AM
  45. RS:晨早流流. apple又要我刁*佢了2010-12-17 9:24 AM
  46. RS:*=72010-12-17 9:25 AM
  47. 董菲:什麼事2010-12-17 9:25 AM
  48. RS:就係咩事都無發生, 又要白等!2010-12-17 9:26 AM
  49. RS:俾個了斷我啦唔該!2010-12-17 9:26 AM
  50. 董菲:me too2010-12-17 9:26 AM
  51. RS:小qty的order真的出了?2010-12-17 9:27 AM
  52. RS:好似又真係無聽過人地說, 大qty的order有得出2010-12-17 9:27 AM
  53. abc:我d一隻一隻o既order都轉左pfs, 但2 pcs.的order都係nys2010-12-17 9:35 AM
  54. dada:2部有d都出左2010-12-17 9:36 AM
  55. CalmDown:friday, not happy2010-12-17 9:36 AM
  56. dada:3 部個d 未出2010-12-17 9:37 AM
  57. carmen:morning2010-12-17 9:37 AM
  58. carmen:still pfs2010-12-17 9:37 AM
  59. cloud:me too still PFS2010-12-17 9:38 AM
  60. ken:唔知一陣apple會唔會再開呢2010-12-17 9:39 AM
  61. ken:今次cut 左好多人的單呀2010-12-17 9:39 AM
  62. Dee:我估計應該唔會咁快開, Cut完單又走去開返, 玩呀 ! ><2010-12-17 9:42 AM
  63. RS:aGREE with dee2010-12-17 9:42 AM
  64. iphone4新手:所有order轉作pfs,不過我D friend訂多過10部就全部俾apple cut晒2010-12-17 9:42 AM
  65. Dee:re : CalmDown "friday, not happy" me too !! ><2010-12-17 9:42 AM
  66. 董菲:wah...我d 4, 5 未要等a2010-12-17 9:42 AM
  67. dada:my order 2pcs pfs, 3 pcs nys, 5 pcs nys2010-12-17 9:44 AM
  68. Dee:re : CalmDown, 請問你D order 被 Cut 咩 ??2010-12-17 9:44 AM
  69. CalmDown:SAD2010-12-17 9:44 AM
  70. CalmDown:re dee, all cut la2010-12-17 9:44 AM
  71. Dee:...... ><2010-12-17 9:44 AM
  72. CalmDown:as i used the same and only 1 acc to order2010-12-17 9:44 AM
  73. Dee:me too, but email & Cards are new.2010-12-17 9:45 AM
  74. ken:比人all cut2010-12-17 9:45 AM
  75. ken:好慘2010-12-17 9:46 AM
  76. ken:全無生還者2010-12-17 9:46 AM
  77. ken:我唔係訂多的, 幾部咋2010-12-17 9:46 AM
  78. CalmDown:天氣已經凍, apple 仲雪上加霜2010-12-17 9:47 AM
  79. CalmDown:為這個寒冬增添氣氛2010-12-17 9:47 AM
  80. km:CUT 會吾會有e mail 出?2010-12-17 9:49 AM
  81. Schizo:有!2010-12-17 9:50 AM
  82. km:thanks schizo2010-12-17 9:50 AM
  83. Schizo:所以最近有收 email 恐懼症2010-12-17 9:50 AM
  84. km:點解仲係nys /~\ 係咪等cut得~.~?2010-12-17 9:51 AM
  85. CalmDown:IPHONE就無消息, 但係apple有冇講過幾時會 release ipad2 個 spec?2010-12-17 9:52 AM
  86. Schizo:希望你好彩過關,好難講2010-12-17 9:52 AM
  87. km:yeah 大家咁話希望吾好凍過水啦~2010-12-17 9:54 AM
  88. T:HI, 咁多位, 我有一個ORDER NYS, 但一直都未收過CONFIRM E-MAIL, 好唔好打去APPLE 到CHECK?2010-12-17 9:55 AM
  89. 董菲:等呀.......2010-12-17 9:55 AM
  90. dada:apple ,你cut 就cut, 唔cut 就快d pfs la,我唔想再係咁check email la2010-12-17 9:56 AM
  91. Schizo:T: 如果你D 資料係之前訂過,就唔問好過問2010-12-17 9:58 AM
  92. CKC:仲係NYS...2010-12-17 9:58 AM
  93. CKC:好似等死咁2010-12-17 9:58 AM
  94. 好慘:上星期 5 分開 3 個 a/c, 每個 訂左 10 部, 全部 cut 哂, 全部都係以前訂過既2010-12-17 9:58 AM
  95. Dee:Sorry, 請問什麼是 nys, pfs ??2010-12-17 10:00 AM
  96. Schizo:Not Yet Shipped 同 Prepared for Shipment2010-12-17 10:00 AM
  97. iPhone人:早晨.2010-12-17 10:00 AM
  98. iPhone人:減絶生還者~2010-12-17 10:01 AM
  99. Dee:oic, thanks a lot. ^^2010-12-17 10:01 AM
  100. 董菲:hi2010-12-17 10:01 AM
  101. 死者1:all cut ...=.=2010-12-17 10:01 AM
  102. toystrader:morning~need to go to kwaifong, good luck to others2010-12-17 10:02 AM
  103. Dee:re : iPhone人 "減絶生還者~" 滅絕呀~~~ :((:((2010-12-17 10:02 AM
  104. 請註冊B:我有幾個用新a/c新card訂1-2部都all cut2010-12-17 10:02 AM
  105. cys:hi,morning all2010-12-17 10:02 AM
  106. carmen:sigh2010-12-17 10:03 AM
  107. T:thx schizo, 但我之前未訂過...但我第二個ordre 有confirm e-mail, 但都一直係nys.2010-12-17 10:03 AM
  108. ka:apple ..i be back!2010-12-17 10:03 AM
  109. Schizo:Cut 晒,舒服晒,唔洗乾等,未有消息嘅朋友,要 定 ! 有福依然在,祝君好呀,至少而家重幸存 !!2010-12-17 10:03 AM
  110. $6.5k:any idea for the time to reopening of Apple store for ip4?2010-12-17 10:03 AM
  111. kuki:Cut唔Cut好睇運, 所有野全新都一樣可以all cut2010-12-17 10:04 AM
  112. GainMore:AppleStore開賣監測 v0.3 beta "http://iphone4hongkong.blogspot.com/2010/12/applestore-v03-beta.html">鏈接2010-12-17 10:04 AM
  113. 董菲:Schizo: thx2010-12-17 10:04 AM
  114. Dec 17:其實會唔會因為唔夠貨,求其搵d單CANCEL架?2010-12-17 10:04 AM
  115. Schizo:$6.5k : I hope today Apple will re-open, otherwise, NO STOCK, NO X'mas Gift !! So Sad !!2010-12-17 10:05 AM
  116. iPhone人:sosad ~~~~~~ :(2010-12-17 10:06 AM
  117. purple:may be ready re-open now2010-12-17 10:06 AM
  118. 請註冊B:根本就係求其搵d單CANCEL2010-12-17 10:06 AM
  119. Schizo:kuki: 不至於,全新即係新客,無可能咳,噪死佢啦你可以,點咳姐2010-12-17 10:07 AM
  120. Dee:唔夠貨 !! 唔夠貨就唔好接 order 啦! 開玩轉頭話cut 單 !! **** !!2010-12-17 10:07 AM
  121. 董菲:佢係一次性cut 的昨天...可能唔符合d 就cut2010-12-17 10:07 AM
  122. Schizo:Dee:無理取鬧,簡直,10部一個客?我7月買,12月唔俾我再買呀,乜道理先?2010-12-17 10:08 AM
  123. iPhone人:咳、咳、咳。。。。。2010-12-17 10:08 AM
  124. cys:其實如果係全新嘅ORDER可以同apple拗,我試過,真係翻生到2010-12-17 10:10 AM
  125. toystrader:if still 10部一個客, i will call cs to reactive my 2 2nd order cut yesterday2010-12-17 10:10 AM
  126. Schizo:唔好話可以送朋友呀,送禮呀咁,你理得我用離鋪外牆咩,Apple 侵權,侵犯我地嘅使用權、購買權、賺錢權,傷害大家弱小嘅心靈,製造白色恐怖!2010-12-17 10:11 AM
  127. RS:cys你講堅!!!2010-12-17 10:12 AM
  128. iPhone人:白色恐佈~~~ :argh:2010-12-17 10:12 AM
  129. Schizo:toystrader:call 爆佢,我琴日用咗個半鐘丙佢,寫埋 email,今日遲D 會再 call,攞 steve jobs 個 email,再丙!2010-12-17 10:13 AM
  130. cys:堅過石堅^^2010-12-17 10:13 AM
  131. Dee:re : Schizo, 其實我今早打上CS 作故仔叫佢開返張訂, 結果一樣耍我, 同你一樣理由 !! >< 無道理 !!!2010-12-17 10:13 AM
  132. km:點算好買幾部都吾轉status比我/..\2010-12-17 10:13 AM
  133. iPhone人:我曾經有 steves 個 email2010-12-17 10:13 AM
  134. Dec 17:我d同事前後廿幾個order cut 剩兩個, 仲要係standard parcel-nys, 到而家都未轉2010-12-17 10:13 AM
  135. CalmDown:cutcutcut....明明父親轉眼變成娘親...一刀切的快感怎何挽回命根...2010-12-17 10:14 AM
  136. km:2幾個order就話姐~我朋友一部都cut~2010-12-17 10:15 AM
  137. Schizo:iPhone人:俾我,唔洗我搵餐死,要佢解釋買完 apple 係咪終身唔俾再買,我地嘅消費自由點計!!2010-12-17 10:15 AM
  138. Hello:Last night I went to ST and sold my 10pcs2010-12-17 10:15 AM
  139. Hello:it was seller market...2010-12-17 10:15 AM
  140. Hello:All of them were asking iPhone4.2010-12-17 10:16 AM
  141. carmen:so no good...px will up?2010-12-17 10:16 AM
  142. Hello:I sold 10pcs at 6360 around 8pm.2010-12-17 10:16 AM
  143. CalmDown:嘩....2010-12-17 10:16 AM
  144. iPhone人:Hello, 佢地係咪好似厲鬼咁拉你手攞ip4 ? :D2010-12-17 10:16 AM
  145. Hello:Yes...2010-12-17 10:16 AM
  146. Schizo:Definitely. Price can only go up, very very very few available stock for sale in the market!!2010-12-17 10:17 AM
  147. Hello:I have been waiting for this for months2010-12-17 10:17 AM
  148. Hello:hahahaha2010-12-17 10:17 AM
  149. Schizo:Did they kiss you ass goodbye, ha ha2010-12-17 10:17 AM
  150. Hello:The boss talked to me that he also ordered from Apple store for 50pcs2010-12-17 10:17 AM
  151. Hello:only 10pcs were shipped.2010-12-17 10:17 AM
  152. Hello:not bad.2010-12-17 10:17 AM
  153. cys:不過打左幾次,翻生到有乜所謂$$$$$2010-12-17 10:18 AM
  154. Hello:no need to kiss my ass. Just SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!2010-12-17 10:18 AM
  155. iPhone人:iphone 好似話降價?????2010-12-17 10:18 AM
  156. RS:記唔記得昨天apple老味係幾點開始cut單?2010-12-17 10:18 AM
  157. RS:iphone 好似話降價?????2010-12-17 10:18 AM
  158. RS:唔係阿化2010-12-17 10:18 AM
  159. iPhone人:做乜辦我 ?2010-12-17 10:18 AM
  160. Hello:Then he said that because Apple was starting cutting the order and the price goes up.2010-12-17 10:19 AM
  161. iPhone人:假人 36.4 呀 ~~~~~ :((2010-12-17 10:19 AM
  162. Hello:Some shops were offering 6100..2010-12-17 10:19 AM
  163. Hello:He is out of his mind....2010-12-17 10:19 AM
  164. iPhone人:apple store 有啦 !!!!!!2010-12-17 10:20 AM
  165. Hello:I was carrying 10pcs with me.. All shops tried to stop me...2010-12-17 10:20 AM
  166. Hello:Feel so GOOD.2010-12-17 10:20 AM
  167. RS:好多iphone人...2010-12-17 10:20 AM
  168. CalmDown:sosad2010-12-17 10:20 AM
  169. RS:hello!!u are our proud.2010-12-17 10:21 AM
  170. RS:仲有無機? 去盡佢, 今晚落去刁7班dogdog2010-12-17 10:21 AM
  171. CalmDown:pride in our eyes2010-12-17 10:21 AM
  172. Hello:I have 2 boxes more...2010-12-17 10:21 AM
  173. Hello:hahahaha2010-12-17 10:21 AM
  174. RS:"st9, 你前排咪好*hill張既, come on, gut起佢個屎忽"2010-12-17 10:22 AM
  175. Hello:As I said before, I will sell one box per trip.2010-12-17 10:22 AM
  176. RS:u have 2 box more???2010-12-17 10:22 AM
  177. RS:that's 20pcs/?2010-12-17 10:22 AM
  178. Hello:Yes, they were ordered in Oct...2010-12-17 10:22 AM
  179. iPhone人:轉 status 啦 !!!2010-12-17 10:22 AM
  180. RS:that will make me envy and wanna kis syour ass.2010-12-17 10:22 AM
  181. Hello:I am big holder...2010-12-17 10:22 AM
  182. RS:yes big holder, and u have big cash too.2010-12-17 10:23 AM
  183. Hello:Yes, he said why you have so many iPhone..2010-12-17 10:23 AM
  184. Hello:I said I didn't sell below 6000...2010-12-17 10:23 AM
  185. Hello:hahahaha2010-12-17 10:23 AM
  186. IPHONEHD:竟然大陸唔開賣2010-12-17 10:23 AM
  187. CalmDown:you should tell them, i am from Custom and Excise Dept2010-12-17 10:23 AM
  188. Hello:hahahaha2010-12-17 10:24 AM
  189. 真iPhone人:--- 我俾人偷左個名註冊, 我之前明明註冊左. ---2010-12-17 10:24 AM
  190. 真iPhone人:--- 我俾人偷左個名註冊, 我之前明明註冊左. ---2010-12-17 10:24 AM
  191. 真iPhone人:--- 我俾人偷左個名註冊, 我之前明明註冊左. ---2010-12-17 10:24 AM
  192. 左上角:Not yet shipped2010-12-17 10:24 AM
  193. RS:今日未開始轉status呀應該...2010-12-17 10:24 AM
  194. 真iPhone人:板主唔該殺一殺 d 傻仔走 ~~~ ~~2010-12-17 10:25 AM
  195. Hello:but I didn't order on 10/12...2010-12-17 10:25 AM
  196. Hello:stupid me...2010-12-17 10:25 AM
  197. 左上角:我重未轉!2010-12-17 10:26 AM
  198. 左上角:SH IT2010-12-17 10:26 AM
  199. cys:re CD:今日應該開心D,冇人假扮你,扮iPhone人2010-12-17 10:26 AM
  200. 真iPhone人:*** 我俾人偷左個名註冊, 我之前明明註冊左. *** 有傻仔辦我呀 ~~~~2010-12-17 10:26 AM
  201. 真iPhone人:*** 我俾人偷左個名註冊, 我之前明明註冊左. *** 有傻仔辦我呀 ~~~~2010-12-17 10:26 AM
  202. 真iPhone人:*** 我俾人偷左個名註冊, 我之前明明註冊左. *** 有傻仔辦我呀 ~~~~2010-12-17 10:26 AM
  203. 奶西人:就算store開返,我地都比人black list左,玩完2010-12-17 10:27 AM
  204. 真iPhone人:板主~~~ 明察秋毫呀~~~~ ^O^2010-12-17 10:27 AM
  205. 請按註冊:莫講話pfs..連courier 都未轉..2010-12-17 10:27 AM
  206. 左上角:請按註冊,唔係掛?2010-12-17 10:28 AM
  207. RS:奶西人!!!2010-12-17 10:29 AM
  208. RS:昨晚有無去發洩?2010-12-17 10:29 AM
  209. carmen:still PFS only2010-12-17 10:29 AM
  210. 奶西人:無,不過係屋企附近同d街童嘈左幾句2010-12-17 10:30 AM
  211. 請按註冊:係..又唔cut, 唔知想點..2010-12-17 10:30 AM
  212. iPhone人:apple store 有啦 !!!!!!2010-12-17 10:31 AM
  213. CalmDown:i have to finish my doc study within today, so i won't be here lu, see u guys~2010-12-17 10:31 AM
  214. RS:同街童嘈...@@..你都幾好火wo2010-12-17 10:31 AM
  215. 奶西人:問朋友借卡,又要55分帳2010-12-17 10:31 AM
  216. RS:傾下筅啦cd2010-12-17 10:31 AM
  217. CalmDown:no la, ttyl bye2010-12-17 10:32 AM
  218. Hello:if Apple doesn't reopen today, the price will be 6400 or above2010-12-17 10:32 AM
  219. RS:奶西人! 你係咪奶西奶到7左...2010-12-17 10:32 AM
  220. RS:自已申請card啦大哥...2010-12-17 10:32 AM
  221. RS:good luck cd2010-12-17 10:32 AM
  222. phone4:直成唔洗統計都知冇貨出2010-12-17 10:32 AM
  223. RS:真係刁佢老母apple store玩9我地2010-12-17 10:33 AM
  224. phone4:冇錢就乃西啦2010-12-17 10:33 AM
  225. IPHONEHD:洗乜借咭丫2010-12-17 10:33 AM
  226. 我要iphone:仲未有呀...2010-12-17 10:33 AM
  227. IPHONEHD:亂9咁CUT既2010-12-17 10:33 AM
  228. RS:又刁多次: 我預支哂d 廿部d錢架la2010-12-17 10:33 AM
  229. 奶西人:尋日cut果d有3張係新卡2010-12-17 10:33 AM
  230. RS:sosad...2010-12-17 10:34 AM
  231. 鋒:佢亂CUT單...新CC都無用=.=2010-12-17 10:34 AM
  232. RS:new card name addr..我為掂過6借2010-12-17 10:34 AM
  233. toystrader:尋日cut果d ALL新卡2010-12-17 10:34 AM
  234. Schizo:至慘係洗突咗,以為有貨番。。apple。。apple。。2010-12-17 10:34 AM
  235. phone4:我就唔同你玩,可以出門口收貨2010-12-17 10:34 AM
  236. 奶西人:所以我諗真係會check卡主2010-12-17 10:34 AM
  237. 鋒:cs話佢o地系統係會集齊晒所有資料先去cut單2010-12-17 10:34 AM
  238. RS:cs 9up啦...2010-12-17 10:34 AM
  239. RS:cs, 知條西咩2010-12-17 10:35 AM
  240. IPHONEHD:DIU 9 CUT2010-12-17 10:35 AM
  241. phone4:廣東話果D?請佢地番黎7 up既2010-12-17 10:35 AM
  242. 奶西人:認同,cs好多9up2010-12-17 10:35 AM
  243. IPHONEHD:好*唔順2010-12-17 10:35 AM
  244. Schizo:廣州架,知鬼,點同你溝通丫?2010-12-17 10:36 AM
  245. carmen:they cut new card??2010-12-17 10:36 AM
  246. RS:我覺得無咩公司會cut order policy...2010-12-17 10:36 AM
  247. 鋒:反正CUT晒啦=.=2010-12-17 10:36 AM
  248. RS:會訂立2010-12-17 10:36 AM
  249. test:I just want to know where is Drop2 and its famous slogan “5600 is the norm”.2010-12-17 10:36 AM
  250. RS:反正都係cut咁多qty, 梗係9cut啦2010-12-17 10:36 AM
  251. 請註冊B:我有幾個用新a/c新card訂1-2部都all cut, 根本就係求其搵d單CANCEL2010-12-17 10:36 AM
  252. RS:仲同你講rules咩2010-12-17 10:36 AM
  253. RS:佢d cut單policy, 點訂都會有問題, 9cut算!2010-12-17 10:37 AM
  254. 奶西人:衣家唯有問下周圍d朋友邊個有卡+無炒iphone42010-12-17 10:37 AM
  255. Schizo:炒爆佢啦,乜都新點 cut,over-quality 呀,樣衰呀,小番兩粒鐘 -- 起碼2010-12-17 10:37 AM
  256. td:iphone 7000 is not a dream2010-12-17 10:38 AM
  257. 真iPhone人:一升價 阿 drop 就唔出聲了~ :P2010-12-17 10:38 AM
  258. Schizo:買嘢要拜神?2010-12-17 10:38 AM
  259. RS:5600 is norm!2010-12-17 10:39 AM
  260. Schizo:Drop 驚得罪你,有貨大過天呀而家2010-12-17 10:39 AM
  261. 真iPhone人:要搵 冏 神 ~~2010-12-17 10:39 AM
  262. 請註冊B:反而我有fd用舊a/c舊card(之前訂過幾十部)今次都冇cut2010-12-17 10:39 AM
  263. RS:買人借卡真係好唔抵wo..2010-12-17 10:39 AM
  264. phone4:你打錯左6500=>5600?2010-12-17 10:40 AM
  265. RS:我扮9 drop!2010-12-17 10:40 AM
  266. 真iPhone人:幾十...... :eek:2010-12-17 10:40 AM
  267. 真iPhone人:冏 ~~~2010-12-17 10:40 AM
  268. Hello:The cut is good in a sense...2010-12-17 10:40 AM
  269. Hello:ST know Apple is cutting, they have to push up the price.2010-12-17 10:41 AM
  270. Hello:Anyone is still holding iPhone 4?2010-12-17 10:42 AM
  271. CC:HELLO2010-12-17 10:42 AM
  272. Schizo:I am....boxes only....2010-12-17 10:42 AM
  273. CC:我 cut晒, dg shop仲有2010-12-17 10:42 AM
  274. Hello:hahaha2010-12-17 10:43 AM
  275. CC:dd2010-12-17 10:43 AM
  276. CC:d boxes好硬正, 幾好用2010-12-17 10:43 AM
  277. Hello:I went to DG yesterday and checked.2010-12-17 10:44 AM
  278. Hello:They stop taking orders...2010-12-17 10:44 AM
  279. RS:what is dg shop?2010-12-17 10:44 AM
  280. Schizo:愛離 -- 懷緬過去,常陶醉,一般樂事,一般令人流淚。。。2010-12-17 10:44 AM
  281. Hello:I really don't care about DG or Fortress...2010-12-17 10:44 AM
  282. carmen:yes ar...i use the box..make it very pretty and use it too2010-12-17 10:44 AM
  283. CC:dg group, 曾經有得訂, 跟 fortress一樣, 但都停晒了2010-12-17 10:45 AM
  284. Hello:They only sell one pcs per person...2010-12-17 10:45 AM
  285. Hello:We are selling box by box...2010-12-17 10:45 AM
  286. Schizo:我太座用離裝精油響網上賣,哈哈2010-12-17 10:45 AM
  287. cys:Schizo,好歌好歌haha~2010-12-17 10:46 AM
  288. CC:叻, 物盡其用2010-12-17 10:46 AM
  289. 真iPhone人:精油 ??? O_o2010-12-17 10:46 AM
  290. Schizo:cys: 唯有咁2010-12-17 10:46 AM
  291. Schizo:真iPhone人 :Yes,essential oils2010-12-17 10:47 AM
  292. Schizo:寧神,按摩2010-12-17 10:47 AM
  293. Schizo:我都要開番兩支用下,俾 apple 攪到有D schizophrenia -- 精神分裂2010-12-17 10:48 AM
  294. 真iPhone人:冏 ~~~2010-12-17 10:48 AM
  295. 昇仔:dg shop staff just like fortress, buy and sell for their own use2010-12-17 10:48 AM
  296. 我要iphone:ZZzz2010-12-17 10:48 AM
  297. Schizo:我都要 iphone2010-12-17 10:48 AM
  298. iPhone人:apple store 有啦 !!!!!!2010-12-17 10:49 AM
  299. Schizo:iPhone人:假人,我好想你嘅料係真,Support,可惜。。。2010-12-17 10:49 AM
  300. 昇仔:being cut even re open2010-12-17 10:49 AM
  301. 昇仔:meaningless to mention reopen now2010-12-17 10:50 AM
  302. Schizo:小爆你!重係傷口撒鹽2010-12-17 10:50 AM
  303. ab:DHL 個盒好得意2010-12-17 10:51 AM
  304. 真iPhone人:哦 ~~~ 呢個 32.82, 係果個 "請註冊" 、"CalmD0wn" .2010-12-17 10:52 AM
  305. td:$7000 wil be coming for 16GB2010-12-17 10:52 AM
  306. td:BUY and HOLD2010-12-17 10:52 AM
  307. 小小猛:但我上次訂既全部都冇cut2010-12-17 10:52 AM
  308. Hello2:Please don't provide false information...2010-12-17 10:52 AM
  309. 小小猛:點解咁多人被CUT-.-2010-12-17 10:53 AM
  310. 鋒:小小猛,你叻囉,得未==2010-12-17 10:53 AM
  311. IPHONEHD:出IPHONEHD2010-12-17 10:53 AM
  312. 小小猛:叻就唔洗炒IPHONE啦.2010-12-17 10:53 AM
  313. ab:CUT Q 晒就升穿 7K 先考慮放2010-12-17 10:54 AM
  314. 小小猛:叻就買返幾十層樓,唔係幾十部IPHONE-.-2010-12-17 10:54 AM
  315. Schizo:瘋、瘋、瘋、瘋,成日要瘋多,乾瘋乜都渦,借瘋最折墮,趴低嗌 job 哥2010-12-17 10:54 AM
  316. ab:層樓有送貨?2010-12-17 10:55 AM
  317. 真iPhone人:哦 ~~~ 呢個 32.82, 係果個 "請註冊" 、"CalmD0wn" . --- 佢最鐘意得閒 PAT PAT 痕 就嗌句 'apple store 有喇'2010-12-17 10:55 AM
  318. 小小猛:膠膠膠2010-12-17 10:55 AM
  319. ab:仲有假魚2010-12-17 10:55 AM
  320. ab:鱼鱼 呢個2010-12-17 10:55 AM
  321. 請註冊1:預計16G 6200 32G 72002010-12-17 10:56 AM
  322. 真iPhone人:jobs 哥 ~~ ^O^^O^^O^2010-12-17 10:56 AM
  323. ab:嘩~2010-12-17 10:57 AM
  324. td:$7000 IS NOT A DREAM2010-12-17 10:57 AM
  325. ab:請註冊1 你係咪放 16G 6200 32G 7200 ?2010-12-17 10:57 AM
  326. ab:我地同你收2010-12-17 10:57 AM
  327. 真iPhone人:呵 ~~ 唔出聲 ~~2010-12-17 10:58 AM
  328. Hello99:Let's see if it could 6400 or 6500 tonight...2010-12-17 10:58 AM
  329. 阿南:javascript:alert(document.lastModified)顯示apple果網係10:42:50更新過2010-12-17 10:58 AM
  330. 真iPhone人:點解要 6200 唔 5200, 4200 呢 , 呵~2010-12-17 10:59 AM
  331. td:6400 MUST BREAK TONIGHT2010-12-17 10:59 AM
  332. Schizo:收爆你 6201/7201 全場最高價 哈哈哈2010-12-17 10:59 AM
  333. 真iPhone人:呵~~~2010-12-17 10:59 AM
  334. ab:16GB 4988 32GB 5888 ~2010-12-17 10:59 AM
  335. 真iPhone人:佢又唔出聲, 佢識打中文嫁.2010-12-17 10:59 AM
  336. ab:16G 6205 MTR 收2010-12-17 11:00 AM
  337. RS:阿南: 你又寫program?2010-12-17 11:00 AM
  338. ab:係咪要嗌 224.80 先識應?2010-12-17 11:00 AM
  339. 阿南:唔係,只係想睇下佢有冇更新2010-12-17 11:01 AM
  340. RS:成個網咁多個page...2010-12-17 11:01 AM
  341. JM:hi all..2010-12-17 11:01 AM
  342. JM:禽日 ST 6380....2010-12-17 11:02 AM
  343. JM:G/F...2010-12-17 11:02 AM
  344. 小小猛:果度有個程式dl iphone 監控勁快==2010-12-17 11:02 AM
  345. ab:有冇通靈術 可以叫返啲cancel 單返嚟2010-12-17 11:02 AM
  346. CC:jm, 6300成晚 ?2010-12-17 11:02 AM
  347. 小小猛:呢個1分鐘一次話 - -"http://www.computer1314forum.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=665">鏈接2010-12-17 11:03 AM
  348. toystrader:any idea for 32gb2010-12-17 11:03 AM
  349. JM:6380 about 7.00pm2010-12-17 11:03 AM
  350. Dec 17:phew~~自己d order 終於轉左PFS~~真好彩...2010-12-17 11:03 AM
  351. JM:d program 真係唔知 work 唔 work..2010-12-17 11:03 AM
  352. Hello99:I sold at 6360 around 8pm2010-12-17 11:04 AM
  353. CC:dec 17, 幾多部過關 ?2010-12-17 11:04 AM
  354. RS:statuus change係幾時???2010-12-17 11:04 AM
  355. CC:係咪架............ 6360 .....2010-12-17 11:04 AM
  356. Hello99:I sold 10pcs to G1032010-12-17 11:04 AM
  357. Hello99:ST2010-12-17 11:05 AM
  358. JM:Hello99 : oh..差唔多啦..2010-12-17 11:05 AM
  359. Hello99:100% - I did it myself.2010-12-17 11:05 AM
  360. Hello99:didn't find any 6380...2010-12-17 11:05 AM
  361. JM:我好彩姐....係 g/f 行左陣2010-12-17 11:05 AM
  362. RS:dec 17,幾時轉架?2010-12-17 11:05 AM
  363. JM:佢撩我係咪放...2010-12-17 11:05 AM
  364. QC:妖.2010-12-17 11:06 AM
  365. QC:張卡又唔得2010-12-17 11:06 AM
  366. 2628:昨日晚上sell 1pcs $6380- 1/F ST2010-12-17 11:06 AM
  367. td:7000 IS NOT A DREAM2010-12-17 11:06 AM
  368. CC:g103, 6360, ok, ....2010-12-17 11:06 AM
  369. JM:我都見之後有人放..2010-12-17 11:07 AM
  370. CC:1/f, 6380.... amazing ....2010-12-17 11:07 AM
  371. ab:6380 up up2010-12-17 11:07 AM
  372. JM:我好彩姐...都未開始問, 就有人撩..2010-12-17 11:07 AM
  373. Hello99:Yes, all shops are desperate....2010-12-17 11:07 AM
  374. Hello99:last night..2010-12-17 11:07 AM
  375. JM:我諗好快再升2010-12-17 11:07 AM
  376. Hello99:I felt so good last night as seller.2010-12-17 11:08 AM
  377. 想要滙豐白金咭:其實上星期訂到哥批多唔多貨呢?2010-12-17 11:08 AM
  378. 小小猛:比多一次訂link, "http://www.computer1314forum.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=665">鏈接2010-12-17 11:08 AM
  379. Dee:放機時盡量找一些係佢撩你, 咁就會放得高一點 !2010-12-17 11:08 AM
  380. CC:cut多於訂 ...2010-12-17 11:08 AM
  381. rise up:The price is going up2010-12-17 11:09 AM
  382. 想要滙豐白金咭:無左豐澤批貨果然唔同d2010-12-17 11:10 AM
  383. 請註冊1:繼續hold貨, 5000/6000不是夢2010-12-17 11:10 AM
  384. Dec 17:To CC: 6 x 32Gb2010-12-17 11:10 AM
  385. Dec 17:To CC: in one order2010-12-17 11:11 AM
  386. 監控之神:一出即訂, "http://www.computer1314forum.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=665">鏈接2010-12-17 11:11 AM
  387. 想要滙豐白金咭:今日有無六千四?2010-12-17 11:12 AM
  388. 真iPhone人:呵~~ 隻野有冇馬嫁 ? :D2010-12-17 11:12 AM
  389. cys:貨源少咪好lor,貨多都幾寸ga~2010-12-17 11:12 AM
  390. rise up:In China RMB5600 yesterday2010-12-17 11:12 AM
  391. 南韓消費者:我發覺apple cut 單同偉仕股價有莫大關係2010-12-17 11:13 AM
  392. 南韓消費者:可以用黎對沖2010-12-17 11:14 AM
  393. 真iPhone人:why?2010-12-17 11:14 AM
  394. 真iPhone人::shrug:2010-12-17 11:14 AM
  395. td:7000 is coming!!!!!2010-12-17 11:16 AM
  396. CC:nice ~~~~~~2010-12-17 11:16 AM
  397. td:BUY AND HOLD, WAIT FOR 7000 COMING2010-12-17 11:17 AM
  398. VF25:我上星期放10部@ $6260,d人態度差d,之後就微跌,我尋晚放10部,ST d人態度極好,睇黎今日有得升2010-12-17 11:18 AM
  399. 請註冊1:5000 is coming!!!2010-12-17 11:18 AM
  400. NTST:貨量同ST d人嘅態度都有莫大關係架2010-12-17 11:18 AM
  401. VF25:尋晚即頭叫住我傾計個隻,又問我d貨係咪10號訂個批2010-12-17 11:19 AM
  402. ab:睇吓條尾就知2010-12-17 11:19 AM
  403. VF25:睇黎係要升,多少唔知,但佢地樣好渴2010-12-17 11:20 AM
  404. CC:修為不夠 見錢開眼2010-12-17 11:20 AM
  405. CC:修為不夠 見錢開眼2010-12-17 11:20 AM
  406. ab:可能佢地收到風華強將爆升2010-12-17 11:21 AM
  407. 想要滙豐白金咭:4.1 貨會唔會高價d ? haha2010-12-17 11:21 AM
  408. CC:平時都應該有好態度, 放都去你度放啦差不多 $$的話...2010-12-17 11:21 AM
  409. VF25:相信4.x無分別2010-12-17 11:21 AM
  410. VF25:無錯,我放比個間就係因為好態度2010-12-17 11:22 AM
  411. CC:人, 就係咁簡單2010-12-17 11:23 AM
  412. CC:放, 又你你潤, 得鬼閒睬你囉2010-12-17 11:23 AM
  413. td:7000 GOGOGO2010-12-17 11:23 AM
  414. kuki:因為傳4.2.1將會在聖誕左右出新JB, 沿用上web一拉JB的方法.2010-12-17 11:26 AM
  415. kuki:4.1已冇乜selling point了2010-12-17 11:26 AM
  416. td:7000 GOGOGO2010-12-17 11:27 AM
  417. td:7000 GOGOGO2010-12-17 11:27 AM
  418. td:7000 GOGOGO2010-12-17 11:27 AM
  419. 真iPhone人:4.21 d 野都冇用啦, 4.1 已夠.2010-12-17 11:27 AM
  420. fan:唔知大家有冇發現,最近IP4 新機底色好黃,2010-12-17 11:27 AM
  421. cloud:Just upgrade my CSL plan to IP4 32G2010-12-17 11:28 AM
  422. cloud:Can take the 32G IP4 immediately2010-12-17 11:28 AM
  423. cloud:But I sold it $7300 @ SSP2010-12-17 11:29 AM
  424. cloud:The sales negotiate the price starting from $71002010-12-17 11:30 AM
  425. cloud:I said I will not sell below $7300. She give me the cash immediately2010-12-17 11:30 AM
  426. cloud:My 32G IP4 is not opened. As I request the CSL staff not to activate2010-12-17 11:32 AM
  427. Hello99:32GB for 7320 at ST last week2010-12-17 11:32 AM
  428. Hello99:last night2010-12-17 11:32 AM
  429. cloud:really ?2010-12-17 11:33 AM
  430. cloud:HaHa I lost $20 profit la....2010-12-17 11:33 AM
  431. VF25:iPhone 3G開始已有mon黃既情況2010-12-17 11:34 AM
  432. Dee:re : td 7000 GOGOGO 16g !!2010-12-17 11:35 AM
  433. td:7000 IS NOT A DREAM2010-12-17 11:36 AM
  434. 奇官:16gb gogogo2010-12-17 11:37 AM
  435. abcde123:7000?去新加坡買再翻厘放都得啦!!2010-12-17 11:40 AM
  436. Hello999:he offered 7300 and we said 7320 or walk away.2010-12-17 11:40 AM
  437. cloud:I should hold my 1 pcs 32G IP4 for $0002010-12-17 11:44 AM
  438. cloud:$80002010-12-17 11:44 AM
  439. 監控之神:開賣了,"http://www.computer1314forum.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=665&page=1&extra=#pid896">鏈接2010-12-17 11:47 AM
  440. RS:監控之神的鏈結是否厄EMAIL...2010-12-17 11:50 AM
  441. Hello999:apple store 有啦 !!!!!!2010-12-17 11:50 AM
  442. RS:32.82...反省下啦, 你父母知佢個仔響網上做D咁既...唉..2010-12-17 11:51 AM
  443. 一速都要:有了, 不過是加拿大applestore2010-12-17 11:51 AM
  444. carmen:open what?2010-12-17 11:51 AM
  445. Hello9999:What is wrong with you? Why are you pretend to be me??/2010-12-17 11:51 AM
  446. 18nom:wtb iphone4 in central mtr2010-12-17 11:52 AM
  447. SMV:3GS -8G lor2010-12-17 11:52 AM
  448. RS:Hello9999: 佢少你一條9...2010-12-17 11:52 AM
  449. 18nom:any seller?2010-12-17 11:52 AM
  450. cloud:no stock la2010-12-17 11:52 AM
  451. bud:what price today2010-12-17 11:52 AM
  452. Hello9999:I started with Hello... Then it always registered...2010-12-17 11:53 AM
  453. Hello9999:didn't register my name2010-12-17 11:53 AM
  454. carmen:how abt singaproe2010-12-17 11:53 AM
  455. 18nom:how come buying iphone is harder than ****ing a hooker2010-12-17 11:53 AM
  456. 9394:Apple 今日cut晒d order2010-12-17 11:55 AM
  457. JM:18nom,你只須係度開價2010-12-17 11:56 AM
  458. JM:有ching讓比你既2010-12-17 11:56 AM
  459. JM:有幾難^^2010-12-17 11:56 AM
  460. JM:你開6500一定好多人理你^^2010-12-17 11:57 AM
  461. QC:過唔到數~唔知轉卡幾時先送到.2010-12-17 11:58 AM
  462. Cheapple:今日仲有冇人被cut呀2010-12-17 11:58 AM
  463. 18nom:sorry i'm not chinese2010-12-17 11:58 AM
  464. 18nom:i lost my iphone4 so i'm trying to get a replacement instead of extending my contract with 32010-12-17 11:59 AM
  465. JM:Ok,so u buy for your own use?2010-12-17 11:59 AM
  466. 18nom:yea2010-12-17 11:59 AM
  467. JM:U can ask for 65002010-12-17 12:00 PM
  468. 18nom:btw, dont use 3, my friend say vodafone better2010-12-17 12:00 PM
  469. RS:>>9394 Apple 今日cut晒d order2010-12-17 12:00 PM
  470. csf:qc 我都係有單過唔到= =2010-12-17 12:00 PM
  471. JM:Lots of buddy will sell to u2010-12-17 12:00 PM
  472. RS:不是把搞3搞4!!!2010-12-17 12:00 PM
  473. 18nom:anyone selling 16g 6300?2010-12-17 12:01 PM
  474. peter wong:琴晚都6320-6350啦,邊有6300咁少2010-12-17 12:01 PM
  475. RS:宜家仲同你6300....2010-12-17 12:01 PM
  476. 9394:大批訂就一定cut梗2010-12-17 12:01 PM
  477. RS:10pc 8pcs算唔算大? 2個account的2010-12-17 12:02 PM
  478. RS:刁...好難忍住手, 唔一落落10隻8隻架wo2010-12-17 12:02 PM
  479. 18nom:this is insance and crazy premium you guys asking2010-12-17 12:02 PM
  480. 18nom:insane*2010-12-17 12:03 PM
  481. 18nom:wow. cost is less than HK$5k2010-12-17 12:03 PM
  482. 18nom:and selling with 1.5k premium!2010-12-17 12:03 PM
  483. csf:RS 你轉左pfs未?2010-12-17 12:03 PM
  484. RS:market price....do u understand?2010-12-17 12:03 PM
  485. 18nom:i should quit my job and start working in Fortress2010-12-17 12:03 PM
  486. RS:re CSF: no yet babe2010-12-17 12:03 PM
  487. cloud:u can order online. Apple store will open each month or goto Fortess if they have stock2010-12-17 12:03 PM
  488. 18nom:and get all the stock they getting from apple and sell to the gray market2010-12-17 12:03 PM
  489. 9394:Beijing and Shanghai are selling@RMB$10,0002010-12-17 12:03 PM
  490. RS:do not get any status change report from other ching...2010-12-17 12:05 PM
  491. 18nom:yea i saw sometimes a lotta ppl queing up in front of fortress2010-12-17 12:05 PM
  492. RS:todya2010-12-17 12:05 PM
  493. RS:today2010-12-17 12:05 PM
  494. 我要iphone:個監控話夠人就開始收錢,"http://www.computer1314forum.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=665&extra=page%3D1">鏈接2010-12-17 12:05 PM
  495. 18nom:while Fortress only providing 5pc2010-12-17 12:05 PM
  496. RS:>>個監控話夠人就開始收錢???2010-12-17 12:05 PM
  497. RS:charge d email???2010-12-17 12:06 PM
  498. 我要iphone:頭先好似免費--2010-12-17 12:06 PM
  499. RS:十分鐘前係free, 而家就要$250 lu!!2010-12-17 12:06 PM
  500. 真iPhone人:$250 咩紙?2010-12-17 12:07 PM
  501. 我要iphone:我個fd唔洗錢-.-等我問下佢可唔可以 send比我用先-.-2010-12-17 12:07 PM
  502. RS:自己寫咪唔洗錢囉2010-12-17 12:08 PM
  503. 真iPhone人:-,-2010-12-17 12:08 PM
  504. 我要iphone:你識唔識=﹏=?2010-12-17 12:08 PM
  505. 我要iphone:1分鐘查一次-.- "http://www.computer1314forum.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=665&extra=page%3D1">鏈接2010-12-17 12:08 PM
  506. RS:10秒查一次都得啦.....2010-12-17 12:09 PM
  507. bm616:十分鐘前係free??我30分鐘前留mail,都話要收錢啦...2010-12-17 12:09 PM
  508. 真iPhone人:我果個一秒鐘查一次~ :P2010-12-17 12:09 PM
  509. 我要iphone:係咪呀--2010-12-17 12:09 PM
  510. aaaaa:easy to write such small program2010-12-17 12:10 PM
  511. RS:唔知有無人真係會俾錢...我都自己人濕9program, 放響公司server2010-12-17 12:10 PM
  512. 真iPhone人::P:P:P:drool:2010-12-17 12:10 PM
  513. 請註冊1:要俾錢就on居啦, 自己都可以整到一個2010-12-17 12:10 PM
  514. RS:program都alert到我12/10訂到廿部, 但delay左幾分鐘...2010-12-17 12:10 PM
  515. mc:morning all2010-12-17 12:10 PM
  516. 請註冊1:最簡單咪網頁版十分鐘reload一次, 有得order咪彈Alert/改title2010-12-17 12:11 PM
  517. 真iPhone人:係啦, 全世界人都識整啦 ~~ :P2010-12-17 12:11 PM
  518. iphone4新手::p2010-12-17 12:11 PM
  519. bm616:我先唔會俾錢佢賺啦...2010-12-17 12:11 PM
  520. iphone4新手::P2010-12-17 12:11 PM
  521. dada:就快到12點半,希望轉到status2010-12-17 12:11 PM
  522. mc:尋晚賣咗63802010-12-17 12:11 PM
  523. aaaaa:一次性付款 $250 HKD 如有意認購工具,請存入香港匯豐銀行 HSBC:050-556653-8332010-12-17 12:12 PM
  524. RS:12:30pm, 有咩關係?2010-12-17 12:12 PM
  525. 鋒:其實哩o的野點解要俾錢買 , order完都有可能cut你單...o徙錢~.~2010-12-17 12:12 PM
  526. 18nom:anyone selling iphone hk$63002010-12-17 12:12 PM
  527. 18nom:will buy in central mtr2010-12-17 12:12 PM
  528. haha:hi2010-12-17 12:12 PM
  529. aaaaa:stupid guy ~ 聯絡資料 "mailto:wongsmallb@gmail.com">電郵2010-12-17 12:12 PM
  530. bm616:只限50套,因為賣太多就人人輕易可買到了,請見諒^^2010-12-17 12:13 PM
  531. RS:12:30pm, 有咩關係?2010-12-17 12:13 PM
  532. Hello9999:He thought someone will really buy it.2010-12-17 12:13 PM
  533. 鋒:aaaaa,咩黎?2010-12-17 12:13 PM
  534. haha:18nom係唔係買?2010-12-17 12:13 PM
  535. Hello9999:Yes, he is stupid...2010-12-17 12:13 PM
  536. dada:之前有ching話12:30- 13:30, 同17:00-19:30係轉status 既高峰期2010-12-17 12:13 PM
  537. 18nom:sorry i dont understand chinese2010-12-17 12:13 PM
  538. 真iPhone人:50套咩 ? 四仔 ?2010-12-17 12:14 PM
  539. Hello9999:He still doesn't understand Internet.2010-12-17 12:14 PM
  540. RS:OMG!!!!!2010-12-17 12:14 PM
  541. bm616:我諗佢諗多左....2010-12-17 12:14 PM
  542. cloud:18nom is not chinese2010-12-17 12:14 PM
  543. Hello9999:Internet means everything is FREE.2010-12-17 12:14 PM
  544. mc:st都幾缺貨2010-12-17 12:14 PM
  545. 18nom:anyone selling iphone 6.3k2010-12-17 12:14 PM
  546. 18nom:i buy 12010-12-17 12:14 PM
  547. cloud:pls type in Eniglish if u want to sell to 18norm2010-12-17 12:14 PM
  548. bm616:蘋果 IPhone4官網監測工具2010-12-17 12:14 PM
  549. haha:i sell it at 6.5k2010-12-17 12:15 PM
  550. 18nom:i can buy during my lunch break2010-12-17 12:15 PM
  551. YR_:今日16幾錢呢?2010-12-17 12:15 PM
  552. 18nom:-.-2010-12-17 12:15 PM
  553. 18nom:come on 6.3k2010-12-17 12:15 PM
  554. Hello9999:18nom - go to ST and ask what is the highest price.. Then + HK$20 to whoever are selling iPhone4.2010-12-17 12:15 PM
  555. Hello9999:You are wasting time here2010-12-17 12:15 PM
  556. 18nom:where is ST?2010-12-17 12:15 PM
  557. 18nom:i only know wanchai computer centre2010-12-17 12:16 PM
  558. Hello9999:Sin Tak in Mongkok2010-12-17 12:16 PM
  559. haha:come on, do you want to buy2010-12-17 12:16 PM
  560. YR_:我已經想放晒佢啦2010-12-17 12:16 PM
  561. cloud:ST is shopping center in MongKok2010-12-17 12:16 PM
  562. 18nom:ahh... i never been accross the harbor except airport...2010-12-17 12:16 PM
  563. 18nom:i only stay in hong kong island2010-12-17 12:16 PM
  564. haha:how about 6.4k2010-12-17 12:17 PM
  565. 18nom:i heard accross the harbour including timsachui is not safe2010-12-17 12:17 PM
  566. 請註冊1:ST 16G 6200 32G 72002010-12-17 12:17 PM
  567. bm616:timsachui is not safe = --="""2010-12-17 12:17 PM
  568. 18nom:6.3k in hk island2010-12-17 12:17 PM
  569. cloud:ST shop now buy from us around $6300 - $6350.2010-12-17 12:17 PM
  570. 18nom:i dont know my colleagues says its dangerous outside of hk island so i dont go2010-12-17 12:18 PM
  571. 真iPhone人:18nom, 請註冊1 sell you at 16G - 6200 . :)2010-12-17 12:18 PM
  572. 18nom:what is the 3 chinese words before 1?2010-12-17 12:18 PM
  573. 18nom:second handed?2010-12-17 12:18 PM
  574. haha:100% band new2010-12-17 12:19 PM
  575. 18nom:very cool2010-12-17 12:19 PM
  576. 18nom:can you come to central or shengwan mtr station?2010-12-17 12:19 PM
  577. 18nom:i can spare some time during my lunch break2010-12-17 12:20 PM
  578. 18nom:lost my phone so i'm kinda ****ed up now2010-12-17 12:20 PM
  579. SCL:earth is danger dont live here go back MARS2010-12-17 12:20 PM
  580. YR_:訴案2010-12-17 12:20 PM
  581. 請註冊1:12:20 ST 16G 6200 32G 72002010-12-17 12:21 PM
  582. haha:would you like to pay 6.4k in cash?2010-12-17 12:21 PM
  583. 18nom:well ofc cash but i feel 6.3k is ok2010-12-17 12:21 PM
  584. bm616:SCL: i'm agree with u.. ahahhaha2010-12-17 12:21 PM
  585. newhand:$6200 can only work in kowloon side !2010-12-17 12:22 PM
  586. haha:but i sell it to ST, then i can gain6.3-6.35k2010-12-17 12:22 PM
  587. CC:係唔係架..2010-12-17 12:23 PM
  588. dada:today no cut action so good2010-12-17 12:23 PM
  589. SCL:ST 今日全部iphone都唔收潻,使咩出6200者。佢地咁巴閉有咁多機!2010-12-17 12:23 PM
  590. cloud:haha! U sell to End-User. give some discount la2010-12-17 12:23 PM
  591. 董菲:繼續等希望6:002010-12-17 12:24 PM
  592. 請按左上角註冊1:16G, 6450 today2010-12-17 12:24 PM
  593. 1aa:6460 La^^2010-12-17 12:25 PM
  594. dada:one of my account said cannot give money from credit card2010-12-17 12:25 PM
  595. dada:fuxk2010-12-17 12:25 PM
  596. CC:通脹, 突然起飛...:p2010-12-17 12:26 PM
  597. 請註冊1:ST 16G 6200 32G 72002010-12-17 12:27 PM
  598. 請註冊1:ST 12:30 16G 6200 32G 72002010-12-17 12:27 PM
  599. 請註冊1:ST 12:30 16G 6200 32G 72002010-12-17 12:27 PM
  600. RS:6200~~!!2010-12-17 12:28 PM
  601. 18nom:wtb iphone4 in hong kong mtr 6.3k2010-12-17 12:28 PM
  602. CC:返回現實世界... hoho....2010-12-17 12:28 PM
  603. RS:刁7你2010-12-17 12:28 PM
  604. 請註冊1:我刁佢得果6200/72002010-12-17 12:28 PM
  605. RS:dada one of my account said cannot give money from credit card...過數行動了!!!2010-12-17 12:29 PM
  606. SCL:ST 12:30 16G 32G 全部貼錢都唔收2010-12-17 12:29 PM
  607. dada:yesterday ga2010-12-17 12:29 PM
  608. mc:日日上半場都係63頭,真悶2010-12-17 12:30 PM
  609. 18nom:wtb iphone4 in hong kong mtr 6.3k2010-12-17 12:30 PM
  610. dada:just already call apple said today not yet 過數2010-12-17 12:31 PM
  611. RS:咁你有無問9佢, 幾*時出貨呀2010-12-17 12:32 PM
  612. 18nom:wtb iphone4 in hong kong mtr 6.3k2010-12-17 12:32 PM
  613. 18nom:if seller is girl i pay 6.5k lol2010-12-17 12:32 PM
  614. SCL:其實ST咁巴閉,點解唔問富士康攞貨要同我地逐部收?正白痴!2010-12-17 12:32 PM
  615. RS:18nom if seller is girl i pay 6.5k lol, I go with my little girl cousin2010-12-17 12:33 PM
  616. RS:2K more please.2010-12-17 12:33 PM
  617. RS:ST今天不收貨?2010-12-17 12:33 PM
  618. 18nom:2k more?2010-12-17 12:33 PM
  619. 18nom:you gonna offer special service?2010-12-17 12:34 PM
  620. LadyGaGa:oh no2010-12-17 12:34 PM
  621. 18nom:lol2010-12-17 12:34 PM
  622. 18nom:oh yea, if special services are included2010-12-17 12:34 PM
  623. 18nom:i can pay 2k more!2010-12-17 12:34 PM
  624. 18nom:maybe some more tips depends on....!2010-12-17 12:34 PM
  625. Wing:ST今日唔收機??2010-12-17 12:34 PM
  626. SCL:佢地轉左同富士康攞貨唔收街貨!2010-12-17 12:35 PM
  627. LadyGaGa:what special service you want2010-12-17 12:35 PM
  628. RS:no problem, you are honor to clean my aasshole with your tongue2010-12-17 12:35 PM
  629. LadyGaGa:lol2010-12-17 12:35 PM
  630. Wing:但我朋友又話6200 O既頭先去放?2010-12-17 12:36 PM
  631. 請註冊1:佢地轉左同富士康攞貨唔收街貨<--我幫你用原價4988/5888收晒佢2010-12-17 12:36 PM
  632. 18nom:RS // you gonna pay HK$ to me for that service?2010-12-17 12:36 PM
  633. RS:fortress have big qty to them?2010-12-17 12:36 PM
  634. LadyGaGa:any ST staff here?2010-12-17 12:36 PM
  635. 18nom:RS // or you want me to pay you for licking my ass?2010-12-17 12:36 PM
  636. RS:18nom: as u said, it depends2010-12-17 12:37 PM
  637. 18nom:WTB iphone4 6.3k in HK mtr2010-12-17 12:37 PM
  638. 18nom:RS // i dont think you have read my text2010-12-17 12:37 PM
  639. 18nom:RS// i told i will pay extra 2k plus the 6.3k if special services included2010-12-17 12:37 PM
  640. RS:u r right.2010-12-17 12:37 PM
  641. 18nom:i didnt tell i will lick you asshole2010-12-17 12:38 PM
  642. LadyGaGa:一陣佢係南亞佬就死2010-12-17 12:38 PM
  643. RS:becuase u are 9up-ing, so i dont even need to read yr txt2010-12-17 12:38 PM
  644. Oh_My_God:其實iphone除左用來炒外, iphone與SamsungGalaxy S.比較,那款好用?2010-12-17 12:38 PM
  645. 18nom:get lost loser2010-12-17 12:38 PM
  646. RS:9up vs 9up2010-12-17 12:38 PM
  647. 18nom:WTB iphone4 6.3k in HK mtr2010-12-17 12:38 PM
  648. LadyGaGa:android機好用d2010-12-17 12:38 PM
  649. LOK:YES2010-12-17 12:38 PM
  650. Wing:頭先我打去收開果道佢話62002010-12-17 12:40 PM
  651. test:"android" motarola defy good or not?2010-12-17 12:41 PM
  652. LadyGaGa:if you buy android, i recommand you to buy htcy2010-12-17 12:42 PM
  653. 我要iphone:6200 硬膠2010-12-17 12:42 PM
  654. Oh_My_God:錦我買Galaxy S 算了,不再等iphone.2010-12-17 12:43 PM
  655. tom:I looking for iph. 4, 5pcs.$6410,pls. call 687649982010-12-17 12:43 PM
  656. Wing:6200太平?2010-12-17 12:43 PM
  657. mc:而家st高過mtr2010-12-17 12:43 PM
  658. Wing:ST即係幾錢2010-12-17 12:44 PM
  659. RS:似乎今日唔會有事發生, 收工.!2010-12-17 12:44 PM
  660. 董菲:"http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/realtime/art_main.php?iss_id=20101217&sec_id=10793140&art_id=14776138">鏈接2010-12-17 12:44 PM
  661. mc:尋晚放63802010-12-17 12:44 PM
  662. LOK:9UP2010-12-17 12:44 PM
  663. hi hi:MC邊道放6380丫??2010-12-17 12:45 PM
  664. LadyGaGa:邊間放高d價2010-12-17 12:45 PM
  665. hi hi:邊間??2010-12-17 12:45 PM
  666. mc:袋咗錢啦,最小都6360啦2010-12-17 12:46 PM
  667. hi hi:mc邊間6380丫??2010-12-17 12:46 PM
  668. mc:g/f 10x舖2010-12-17 12:46 PM
  669. hi hi:我都係見6370ja...2010-12-17 12:47 PM
  670. hi hi:你仲勁過我??6380??2010-12-17 12:47 PM
  671. hi hi:有無舖名??2010-12-17 12:47 PM
  672. mc:how many?2010-12-17 12:47 PM
  673. rise up:6400 about at 6:00pm today2010-12-17 12:47 PM
  674. 688:我都係63702010-12-17 12:47 PM
  675. hi hi:12部!!2010-12-17 12:47 PM
  676. hi hi:12部 6370一部!!2010-12-17 12:48 PM
  677. mc:新宇x2010-12-17 12:48 PM
  678. mc:我放20pcs2010-12-17 12:48 PM
  679. hi hi:新x宙一定無可能63802010-12-17 12:49 PM
  680. hi hi:個老闆我仲識既!!!2010-12-17 12:49 PM
  681. HAPPY:woo~我放一部唔知幾銀2010-12-17 12:49 PM
  682. iPhone4 Store CN HK:電郵接收即時開賣通知 "http://groups.google.com/group/iphone4_store_cn_hk">鏈接2010-12-17 12:50 PM
  683. CC:好事2010-12-17 12:50 PM
  684. hi hi:新x宙個電話2239xx8652010-12-17 12:50 PM
  685. hi hi:mc2010-12-17 12:50 PM
  686. mc:佢話6260,我話人地6380,做到就放.李生嘛2010-12-17 12:51 PM
  687. hi hi:@@所以佢6380比你???2010-12-17 12:51 PM
  688. mc:夜晚9點幾2010-12-17 12:51 PM
  689. mc:yes,佢話無錢賺2010-12-17 12:52 PM
  690. HAPPY:個價仲有無得升呀2010-12-17 12:52 PM
  691. hi hi:好難過 無人知古市升定跌2010-12-17 12:53 PM
  692. HAPPY:甘又係..2010-12-17 12:53 PM
  693. mc:我估佢唸仲有得升,所以收咗先2010-12-17 12:54 PM
  694. hi hi:@@佢個死仔丫!!我入去佢同我講6350 之後我去左6370果道放...打返比佢話我放左!!2010-12-17 12:54 PM
  695. mc:你幾點放2010-12-17 12:55 PM
  696. hi hi:我仲放料比佢話果間6370係邊2010-12-17 12:55 PM
  697. hi hi:9點鐘2010-12-17 12:55 PM
  698. mc:佢收完好急出咗去2010-12-17 12:56 PM
  699. hi hi:放幾多部?2010-12-17 12:56 PM
  700. mc:202010-12-17 12:57 PM
  701. hi hi:20部@@2010-12-17 12:57 PM
  702. mc:放住啲先2010-12-17 12:58 PM
  703. hi hi:我包佢係真係無錢膁去做的!!!2010-12-17 12:58 PM
  704. mc:agree2010-12-17 12:58 PM
  705. hi hi:你放20部都做比你@@good2010-12-17 12:59 PM
  706. 炒家一號:如果係法國訂iphone 4,有冇sim lock2010-12-17 12:59 PM
  707. mc:初初問出面van仔站63202010-12-17 12:59 PM
  708. hi hi:果然有得撈丫吓...李生2010-12-17 1:00 PM
  709. hi hi:新加坡版 澳洲版 及加拿大無鎖2010-12-17 1:01 PM
  710. hi hi:法國有2010-12-17 1:01 PM
  711. mc:問佢隔離四眼妹63602010-12-17 1:01 PM
  712. hi hi:係丫...你知唔知佢附近係佢老闆一齊開架2010-12-17 1:02 PM
  713. hi hi:其實除左李生仲有無人係6380架2010-12-17 1:03 PM
  714. 炒家一號:點樣搵你果位李生?2010-12-17 1:06 PM
  715. hi hi:唔知就唔好問!!2010-12-17 1:06 PM
  716. hi hi:自己去搵!!!!2010-12-17 1:06 PM
  717. hi hi:你有機放比我丫!!2010-12-17 1:07 PM

