
2010-11-28 即時聊天室留言存檔 #2

  1. 3333333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:53
  2. 3.33333E+14毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:53
  3. 3.33333E+14毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:53
  4. 3.33333E+14毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:53
  5. 3.33333E+14毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:53
  6. 3.33333E+14毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  7. 3.33333E+14妝毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  8. 3.33333E+14毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  9. 3.33333E+14毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  10. 3.33333E+14毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  11. 3.33333E+14毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  12. 3.33333E+14毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  13. 3.33333E+14毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  14. 3.33333E+14毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  15. 3.33333E+14毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  16. 3333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  17. 3333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  18. 3333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  19. 3333333妝毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  20. 3333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  21. 3333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  22. 3333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  23. 3333333妝毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  24. 3333333妝毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  25. 3333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  26. 3333333妝毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  27. 3333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  28. 3333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:54
  29. 33333333333block m e28/11/2010 12:54
  30. 33333333333rubbish admin28/11/2010 12:54
  31. 33333333333poor guy28/11/2010 12:54
  32. 33333333333admim=(m)28/11/2010 12:54
  33. 33333333333admin is china dogx28/11/2010 12:55
  34. 33333333333大陸狗x28/11/2010 12:55
  35. 33333333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:55
  36. 33333333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:55
  37. 33333333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:55
  38. 33333333333毒男就是我毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:55
  39. 33333333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:55
  40. 33333333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:55
  41. 33333333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:55
  42. 33333333333毒男就是我毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:55
  43. 33333333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:55
  44. 33333333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:55
  45. 33333333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:55
  46. 33333333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:55
  47. 33333333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:55
  48. 33333333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:55
  49. 33333333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:55
  50. 33333333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:55
  51. 33333333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:55
  52. 33333333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:55
  53. 33333333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:55
  54. HOHOjust phone ST 16GB today is $565028/11/2010 12:56
  55. HOHOseem can keep for a while more until x'mas then28/11/2010 12:56
  56. 33333333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:56
  57. 33333333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:56
  58. 33333333333毒男就是我28/11/2010 12:56
  59. HOHO333333 don't play la28/11/2010 12:57
  60. HOHO"just report here, just phone ST 16GB today is $5650"28/11/2010 12:57
  61. RS5650!!!28/11/2010 12:57
  62. HOHOyest is $570028/11/2010 12:58
  63. 班收機佬都ON99又跌返拿.28/11/2010 12:58
  64. 阿唐585028/11/2010 12:59
  65. HOHO"btw, i will hold as APPLESTORE is closed!"28/11/2010 13:00
  66. HOHOwait until at least 6.2k28/11/2010 13:00
  67. HOHO5850xx wherex28/11/2010 13:00
  68. ST362010-11-28 iPhone4 先達收機價28/11/2010 13:00
  69. ST36iPhone4 16G Black : ~$590028/11/2010 13:00
  70. ST36fakex28/11/2010 13:00
  71. HOHOdon't play la28/11/2010 13:00
  72. HOHO"i just phone to my closed shop, today just $5650"28/11/2010 13:00
  73. 班收機佬都ON99"我得呢個版, 寫得5900 唔會係假."28/11/2010 13:01
  74. QQ"32G 呢x 跌到 5500 的話, 真係自己開黎用好過."28/11/2010 13:01
  75. HOHO ON99SSP都$5850-590028/11/2010 13:01
  76. ST36so many on928/11/2010 13:01
  77. HOHO ON99my closed shop<==你果間執x左的鋪?28/11/2010 13:02
  78. HOHO"yes, so on9"28/11/2010 13:02
  79. HOHO5850 is fake28/11/2010 13:02
  80. HOHOtoday is 565028/11/2010 13:02
  81. ST36which shop are you in HOHOx28/11/2010 13:02
  82. 班收機佬都ON99"呀HOHO, 你講邊間鋪, 幾點."28/11/2010 13:03
  83. ST36i want to sell @550028/11/2010 13:03
  84. HOHO ON99你果間執x左的鋪?28/11/2010 13:03
  85. HOHOjust phone to ask28/11/2010 13:03
  86. km今朝收5950~~28/11/2010 13:03
  87. ST36HELP WHICH SHOP ARE YOU IN28/11/2010 13:03
  88. ST36I WANT TO SELL NOW28/11/2010 13:03
  89. ST36I AM SO SCARED28/11/2010 13:03
  90. km冇6000 點都吾放28/11/2010 13:03
  91. 班收機佬都ON99"講唔倒, 唔好9 UP啦."28/11/2010 13:03
  92. km有幾驚呀28/11/2010 13:03
  93. HOHO ON99執x左的鋪,冇得賣28/11/2010 13:03
  94. HOHO"if u don't believe, u go to ST law"28/11/2010 13:03
  95. HOHOi just report here28/11/2010 13:04
  96. HOHOno need argue28/11/2010 13:04
  97. km6日價低D28/11/2010 13:04
  98. HOHOu can said is 6k now!!!28/11/2010 13:04
  99. ST36WHICH SHOP PLEASEx28/11/2010 13:04
  100. km52 都見過 頂多平手離場~~28/11/2010 13:04
  101. HOHO ON99打x左去收機佬問都585028/11/2010 13:05
  102. HOHO"i said i just phone to ask, i am not at ST now"28/11/2010 13:05
  103. km5200 都SELL過~~5600己經有賺~~28/11/2010 13:05
  104. HOHOcan u give me the telx28/11/2010 13:05
  105. HOHOi want to sell at 585028/11/2010 13:05
  106. HOHOi still have 8 pcs28/11/2010 13:06
  107. km都話今朝呢度有人收595028/11/2010 13:06
  108. km你睇返SAVE28/11/2010 13:06
  109. ST36PLEASE DAIL 99928/11/2010 13:06
  110. HOHO"km, don't be so on9 la"28/11/2010 13:06
  111. HOHO ON99"HOHO, 你放去st喇咁熟"28/11/2010 13:06
  112. HOHOi can said i collect for 7k now la28/11/2010 13:06
  113. HOHOu believex28/11/2010 13:06
  114. km騙你做乜28/11/2010 13:06
  115. HOHO ON99your closed shop28/11/2010 13:06
  116. km大家散戶一名28/11/2010 13:07
  117. ST36closed for whatx28/11/2010 13:07
  118. ST36because of no businessx28/11/2010 13:07
  119. HOHO"btw, any tel can sharex i want to sell my 8pcs over 5.8k"28/11/2010 13:07
  120. HOHOst just 565028/11/2010 13:07
  121. 未解決haha 狗咬狗28/11/2010 13:07
  122. HOHOi don't want to take bus to there28/11/2010 13:07
  123. =]=]哈~28/11/2010 13:07
  124. ST36take TAXI28/11/2010 13:08
  125. HOHO ON99nice28/11/2010 13:08
  126. ST36bus is too cheap for you28/11/2010 13:08
  127. HOHO"if 5.8k, take taxi is ok for me gar"28/11/2010 13:08
  128. ST36OMG you still have 8 pic!28/11/2010 13:08
  129. HOHObut now just 565028/11/2010 13:08
  130. HOHOi have to walk then28/11/2010 13:08
  131. HOHOfrom TM to ST28/11/2010 13:08
  132. ST36too bad28/11/2010 13:08
  133. ST36where do u livex28/11/2010 13:09
  134. HOHOtm28/11/2010 13:09
  135. =]去元朗都得架咋~28/11/2010 13:09
  136. HOHOtuen mun28/11/2010 13:09
  137. 班收機佬都ON99"ST 收5800, 你再去啦, 岩岩有人返來報左."28/11/2010 13:09
  138. ST36that is very far away from ST28/11/2010 13:09
  139. HOHOwhere good shopx28/11/2010 13:09
  140. HOHOst opened nowx28/11/2010 13:09
  141. HOHO ON99closed one28/11/2010 13:09
  142. 班收機佬都ON99上一層.28/11/2010 13:09
  143. ST36all shops in ST are very good28/11/2010 13:09
  144. ST36excellent buyers28/11/2010 13:10
  145. HOHO ON99your closed one28/11/2010 13:10
  146. ST36extremely high price28/11/2010 13:10
  147. HOHO"btw, st is impolite"28/11/2010 13:10
  148. km價一直上升28/11/2010 13:10
  149. HOHO"last time, many og there"28/11/2010 13:10
  150. ST36$ >>>>> polite la28/11/2010 13:10
  151. 未解決有水貨佬比人魯爆28/11/2010 13:10
  152. HOHOdog there28/11/2010 13:10
  153. km咩魯爆28/11/2010 13:10
  154. ST36比人老凹28/11/2010 13:11
  155. HOHO5650 is the highest todayx28/11/2010 13:11
  156. HOHO ON99yes28/11/2010 13:11
  157. HOHOi want to sell some first as have to paid credit card next week28/11/2010 13:11
  158. na3310我見理想果度有人收5900 16gb28/11/2010 13:11
  159. HOHO ON995660做俾你28/11/2010 13:11
  160. HOHOwhere is 理想x28/11/2010 13:11
  161. HOHO ON99九龍塘28/11/2010 13:12
  162. ST36http://www.881903.com/Page/ZH-TW/newsdetail.aspxxItemId=305153&csid=261_34128/11/2010 13:12
  163. HOHOwhere is 理想x28/11/2010 13:12
  164. hh理想28/11/2010 13:12
  165. HOHO5900x28/11/2010 13:12
  166. km賣一部少一部28/11/2010 13:12
  167. na3310590028/11/2010 13:12
  168. HOHO ON99九龍塘呀28/11/2010 13:12
  169. HOHO ON99on928/11/2010 13:12
  170. HOHOdon't play la28/11/2010 13:12
  171. HOHOon928/11/2010 13:13
  172. HOHO ON99冇x玩你喎28/11/2010 13:13
  173. "邊條友會話自己ON99嫁除左先達狗之外 , 哈~~"28/11/2010 13:13
  174. HOHO ON995660同你收喇28/11/2010 13:13
  175. km大把人收~真係28/11/2010 13:13
  176. km即買即賣~~都OK28/11/2010 13:13
  177. cloudjust go to Fortress. China visitor want to buy IP428/11/2010 13:13
  178. ST36有冇試過直接賣比大陸佬x28/11/2010 13:14
  179. km一果難求28/11/2010 13:14
  180. cloudSales told them Out of stock now. Need to join 3 to get the mobile @ HK$700028/11/2010 13:14
  181. na3310而家凶澤搞單咁既野出黎28/11/2010 13:14
  182. km凶澤 ~ 博宣傳28/11/2010 13:15
  183. "又唔貨多 , 有咩用 , 哈~~~"28/11/2010 13:15
  184. cloud凶澤 sales told them don't know when will get the stock28/11/2010 13:15
  185. kmD人去到冇APLLE 博買其它28/11/2010 13:15
  186. km比佢地內部買左好似話28/11/2010 13:15
  187. 未解決聽日都升啦今日放…28/11/2010 13:15
  188. cloud凶澤 sales told them 7 million HK people rushing to buy IP4 now. It's very hard to buy28/11/2010 13:16
  189. ST36"快d去炒coffee , ICAC 缺貨"28/11/2010 13:16
  190. 未解決"28 11月 10, 01:14 下午 na3310: 而家凶澤搞單咁既野出黎 依家無利淡消息咪搵人推下post"28/11/2010 13:17
  191. ^3^推到ICAC做野28/11/2010 13:18
  192. cloudChina Visitor complain the 凶澤 sales for 20 mins. and they want to buy the IP4 @ HK$498828/11/2010 13:18
  193. 未解決誠哥三台賣出去唔做啦,俾曬d貨瘋澤出貨x28/11/2010 13:18
  194. cloudThey want to buy the Apple demo IP4. But the 凶澤 sales told them the demo IP4 is not for sale28/11/2010 13:19
  195. iphone淫魔"凶宅係李+x架,ICAC點敢做野"28/11/2010 13:19
  196. yo邊間凶澤有得賣先xx28/11/2010 13:19
  197. cloudDon't know28/11/2010 13:20
  198. km凶宅有力牆 來個ICAC 檔一個28/11/2010 13:20
  199. cloud凶澤 sales told me they don't know when and where28/11/2010 13:20
  200. km颱風都檔到 憑ICACx28/11/2010 13:20
  201. 夜神月李嘉x 真係識做生意~上台分期計劃.hold 足四千蚊兩年....28/11/2010 13:20
  202. 未解決會原價放x三台一日成千人上台28/11/2010 13:21
  203. 夜神月今日邊度有貨28/11/2010 13:22
  204. oh...today only 5650 x28/11/2010 13:22
  205. km凶宅邊有得賣x28/11/2010 13:22
  206. QQHOLF 貨x 俾左錢唔係即刻有機咩 xx28/11/2010 13:22
  207. km580028/11/2010 13:23
  208. cloud凶宅 - no stock la28/11/2010 13:23
  209. cloudneed to join 3 to get the IP4. 7 million HK people want to buy IP4 now28/11/2010 13:24
  210. cloud凶澤 sales told the China Visitor28/11/2010 13:24
  211. km升升升 明天 ~28/11/2010 13:25
  212. mc陳真師傅去x無線now28/11/2010 13:27
  213. iphone淫魔"對方係李=X,我地無得同佢鬥架,我地輸左架喇"28/11/2010 13:27
  214. 乜Q提醒您想個價好既就唔好報你有既機數mc 有冇景今日28/11/2010 13:28
  215. 班收機佬都ON99"打先達狗~ 請開電視,睇陳真."28/11/2010 13:30
  216. mcsundayx人休息28/11/2010 13:30
  217. QQ"ICAC 都怕佢 x 但都可以告佢架, 佢可以話係員工私下紀律問題, 唔關佢事. 但之前拉左個經理一鑊...都仲係咁.."28/11/2010 13:30
  218. 未解決"28 11月 10, 01:24 下午 cloud: need to join 3 to get the IP4. 7 million HK people want to buy IP4 now"28/11/2010 13:30
  219. mcuwant又比人洗版28/11/2010 13:31
  220. cloud"凶澤 sales told the China Visitor ""Out of stock. need to join 3 to get the IP4. 7 million HK people want to buy IP4 now"""28/11/2010 13:33
  221. iphone淫魔"係香港告李+X,等於係大陸告共產黨"28/11/2010 13:33
  222. 未解決"告咩姐有幾多人真係見到有得賣,你地討論只係幫收機佬push利淡消息就完有咪當佢地分紅囉李生話佢放十萬部機出黎賺少298*24*n既錢x"28/11/2010 13:33
  223. mc有錢佬不嬲大哂28/11/2010 13:34
  224. 乜Q提醒您想個價好既就唔好報你有既機數icic mc.. any planx28/11/2010 13:43
  225. KK而家幾錢?28/11/2010 13:44
  226. 未解決▼ #1 有幾多收幾多! iPhone4 16GB $590032GB $7000 call 82060809 21423866 [ 本帖最後由 ul8096 於 2010-11-28 01:37 PM 編輯 ] 引用 TOP 最高28/11/2010 13:45
  227. 班收機佬都ON99"HAHAHAAHA, 陳真打先達狗"28/11/2010 13:46
  228. 班收機佬都ON99HOHO 你仲唔打電話. 人地收5.928/11/2010 13:46
  229. mc"我個FD話明天PHONE宅有機賣,叫我去"28/11/2010 13:47
  230. 未解決邊個話有得賣28/11/2010 13:47
  231. 未解決正傻仔人地吹風利淡又幫人推post28/11/2010 13:48
  232. mc啊Q我個PLAN STILL NOT CHANGE28/11/2010 13:48
  233. KK明天八佳都有28/11/2010 13:49
  234. 未解決有都留起曬啦人地. fd定親戚親d. 人地叫屋企人都唔叫fd 利字當頭28/11/2010 13:50
  235. mc為x一部機排隊我就唔去啦28/11/2010 13:50
  236. 未解決就快連屈居都有機賣28/11/2010 13:51
  237. 未解決你當100蚊5粒鍾排隊黨流架28/11/2010 13:52
  238. mc今曰無x人出价28/11/2010 13:54
  239. 班收機佬都ON99"萬另都有機啦,"28/11/2010 14:03
  240. iphone淫魔"有都比李+X自己食晒,1蚊都唔會益我地啦"28/11/2010 14:05
  241. 班收機佬都ON99"李嘉誠, 玩女人打果D 針好貴架"28/11/2010 14:05
  242. HeyAll"the price seems up a little bit, like last week's movement"28/11/2010 14:18
  243. HeyAlleveryone here need to hold on28/11/2010 14:19
  244. 0me holding~~how about you28/11/2010 14:20
  245. Carmani hold28/11/2010 14:21
  246. 幾多錢都好…無貨…28/11/2010 14:26
  247. km琴日都有得賣28/11/2010 14:29
  248. km得少少貨28/11/2010 14:29
  249. 0幾多到呀28/11/2010 14:30
  250. joeee595028/11/2010 14:30
  251. joeeejust ask28/11/2010 14:31
  252. mc成語題-x門弄虎28/11/2010 14:31
  253. km今日都5950 聽日 UPUPUP28/11/2010 14:31
  254. mcanybody knowx28/11/2010 14:32
  255. 12345950係邊度放x28/11/2010 14:32
  256. 班收機佬都ON99NOBODY KNOW NOBODY KNOW BUT DOG.28/11/2010 14:32
  257. km睇返SAVE28/11/2010 14:33
  258. kmCALL 佢28/11/2010 14:33
  259. mc我教緊功課唔識寫28/11/2010 14:33
  260. 1234joeee你係邊度問?thx28/11/2010 14:35
  261. no5950邊間?28/11/2010 14:39
  262. SCL班門弄斧28/11/2010 14:39
  263. SCL魯班28/11/2010 14:40
  264. SCL對唔住!我冇貨賣!!!!28/11/2010 14:41
  265. mcTHX28/11/2010 14:45
  266. mc名xx山.估四字成語28/11/2010 14:47
  267. mcx思x想28/11/2010 14:48
  268. SCL對唔住!我真係冇貨賣!!!!!!28/11/2010 14:48
  269. SCL名落孫山28/11/2010 14:49
  270. SCL前思後想28/11/2010 14:49
  271. mc"你好叻呀,真係唔該哂."28/11/2010 14:50
  272. SCL對唔住!!我依然冇貨賣!!!28/11/2010 14:50
  273. mc有你真好28/11/2010 14:51
  274. ky好似升返x28/11/2010 14:53
  275. SCL28/11/2010 14:53
  276. ky頭先我見fortess好多人排隊!28/11/2010 14:54
  277. ky係唔係頭先有iphone4賣x28/11/2010 14:54
  278. mcSCL你出怪怪字28/11/2010 14:54
  279. kyx佢老母我又黎遲一部!28/11/2010 14:54
  280. mc28/11/2010 14:54
  281. kyxxFortress次次突然有機賣! Dxx又會知道幾時賣!28/11/2010 14:55
  282. ky我真係x佢老母個臭x!28/11/2010 14:55
  283. ky次次去到話賣哂!!28/11/2010 14:55
  284. ky我懷疑Dxxsales通水叫哂D屋企人黎排!28/11/2010 14:56
  285. ky正xx!28/11/2010 14:56
  286. ky有無人嚮Fortess 買到機xxx28/11/2010 14:57
  287. SCL對唔住!我係堅決地冇貨賣!!!28/11/2010 14:57
  288. cloudky: 頭先我見fortess好多人排隊! <-- where x28/11/2010 14:57
  289. ky太古城28/11/2010 14:58
  290. ky聽到賣哂真係灰x哂28/11/2010 14:59
  291. ky下次我長hea嚮fortress28/11/2010 15:00
  292. ky"一邊拎住macbook air玩, 一邊等有機賣"28/11/2010 15:00
  293. ky一有機賣就call十個八個人黎買!28/11/2010 15:00
  294. SCLmc : 見唔到出公仔嗎x28/11/2010 15:00
  295. ky28/11/2010 15:01
  296. SCL28/11/2010 15:01
  297. SCL因用iphone emoji 出公仔icon28/11/2010 15:02
  298. cloudNeed to 長住太古城凶澤 to buy 1 IP4...28/11/2010 15:04
  299. ThomasSZ today 525028/11/2010 15:12
  300. HeyAll"actually, how many pcs sold in TKS fortress"28/11/2010 15:12
  301. ky15部....28/11/2010 15:14
  302. HeyAllhaha... 15 pcs28/11/2010 15:15
  303. 0買唔到d人有冇嘈28/11/2010 15:15
  304. ky9成9大部分自己keep起哂28/11/2010 15:15
  305. ky"D人話攪x錯, 咁快賣哂"28/11/2010 15:16
  306. ky"貨又少, 真抵x!"28/11/2010 15:16
  307. HeyAllmaybe we have to guess where is the next fortress store selling iphone28/11/2010 15:16
  308. cloud太古城28/11/2010 15:16
  309. cloudalways 太古城28/11/2010 15:17
  310. HeyAll"form other forum, CWB"28/11/2010 15:17
  311. cloudmiddle class people live in 太古城. So they sell in 太古城28/11/2010 15:17
  312. HeyAllthen maybe there is chance in Central\28/11/2010 15:18
  313. cloudyes upper and middle class people work/shopping in CWB28/11/2010 15:18
  314. dudehttp://earnapp.blogspot.com/28/11/2010 15:22
  315. KasoWhere can I sell in szx28/11/2010 15:23
  316. mcx強28/11/2010 15:30
  317. Carol請問今日咩價位呀xx28/11/2010 15:33
  318. CarmanSt今日咩價28/11/2010 15:41
  319. Ck32gb how muchx Thx28/11/2010 15:43
  320. D兇宅單x報左icac未arx28/11/2010 15:52
  321. Kaso華強咩鋪?28/11/2010 15:58
  322. L時代見到有人排隊.但又未買28/11/2010 16:01
  323. cloud華強 -> 遠望數碼城28/11/2010 16:01
  324. cloud14/9 華強放機報告: http://php.craxy.net/ps/uts2.phpxtid=1072802028/11/2010 16:02
  325. 乜Q提醒您想個價好既就唔好報你有既機數mc just read ur msg..收到我跟你28/11/2010 16:09
  326. GainMore"乜Q, something to share...x"28/11/2010 16:10
  327. 乜Q提醒您想個價好既就唔好報你有既機數xx28/11/2010 16:14
  328. 12321上到6字頭未x28/11/2010 16:14
  329. GainMore收到我跟你xxx28/11/2010 16:17
  330. pppp"想問如果你地有fd 叫你地原價讓一部iphone4 比佢地,你地會點x"28/11/2010 16:18
  331. 乜Q提醒您想個價好既就唔好報你有既機數"pppp 叩佢排""兇宅""排隊"28/11/2010 16:20
  332. cloud"yes If my friend give me extra $1300 supermarket coupon, I'll offer $4988 to my friend"28/11/2010 16:20
  333. 乜Q提醒您想個價好既就唔好報你有既機數GainMore: 個個係private talk... 我跟mc去排隊28/11/2010 16:20
  334. cloud去到 Out of stock28/11/2010 16:21
  335. GainMoreFortrexx really pushing out so much stockx28/11/2010 16:22
  336. GainMore"Gain almost 1K per unit, must sold out immediately!!"28/11/2010 16:22
  337. cloudI rather wait for apple store re-open28/11/2010 16:23
  338. GainMoreme too...28/11/2010 16:23
  339. 新手我有九部 16gb,今日值幾錢一部?28/11/2010 16:24
  340. GainMore"If I work in Frotrexx, I will call all my family/friends to queue up...."28/11/2010 16:25
  341. 乜Q提醒您想個價好既就唔好報你有既機數新手!!!!!!!!!!!warning to you28/11/2010 16:25
  342. GainMore"So if the stock level is low, will sold out very soon, and very low chance to get one....."28/11/2010 16:26
  343. 新手why warningxx28/11/2010 16:27
  344. 0凶澤有冇sell 俾st佬28/11/2010 16:27
  345. 乜Q提醒您想個價好既就唔好報你有既機數提醒您想個價好既就唔好報你有既機數 <--------------你係唔係唔識睇中文 Can you read chinesex!28/11/2010 16:27
  346. GainMore"Should be $5900, rightx"28/11/2010 16:28
  347. 乜Q提醒您想個價好既就唔好報你有既機數next time before you buy something show your pocket to the seller... will you get a good price thenx think about it 新手28/11/2010 16:29
  348. 新手我又唔係係度賣,我又可能冇9部機。。。都係想x個市價x!28/11/2010 16:30
  349. cloudLot of ST Dog monitoring now28/11/2010 16:32
  350. 乜Q提醒您想個價好既就唔好報你有既機數你想x個市價唔駛係道講你既機數....個個報大個數你收到個壓低左既價你又會唔會開心. 做野要過得人過得自己...頂你..28/11/2010 16:32
  351. 新手明白,咁姐係幾錢?6K 得唔得?28/11/2010 16:34
  352. HenRy仲要係到兜先滾...28/11/2010 16:34
  353. 乜Q提醒您想個價好既就唔好報你有既機數自己出ST問知冇唔駛係道問 明未 睇uwant啦28/11/2010 16:35
  354. 12321自己落街問28/11/2010 16:35
  355. cloudST price = uwant + $5028/11/2010 16:35
  356. kennyon928/11/2010 16:36
  357. cloud"Don't forget to say ""No stock la"" after u sold"28/11/2010 16:37
  358. 乜Q提醒您想個價好既就唔好報你有既機數*good cloud28/11/2010 16:37
  359. 乜Q提醒您想個價好既就唔好報你有既機數佢真係新手.... 大家會原諒佢既28/11/2010 16:38
  360. ky正白痴仔28/11/2010 16:40
  361. ky喂乜Q28/11/2010 16:43
  362. ky下星期有無機升返6k28/11/2010 16:43
  363. 未解決(((先達=uwant-50先真28/11/2010 16:44
  364. pppp"唔該乜q,,佢仲要問我原價得唔得..."28/11/2010 16:44
  365. 未解決星期六日實最低28/11/2010 16:44
  366. 未解決上星期四晚605028/11/2010 16:45
  367. ky我要升返63先放28/11/2010 16:46
  368. 乜Q提醒您想個價好既就唔好報你有既機數我覺得要睇apple store開唔開..唔開乜都得28/11/2010 16:47
  369. 乜Q提醒您想個價好既就唔好報你有既機數talk later..出街去睇'上學圖'28/11/2010 16:47
  370. ky上河圖x28/11/2010 16:50
  371. ky咁好興致28/11/2010 16:51
  372. km63先放~28/11/2010 16:58
  373. Carman有無人知st現在什麼價?28/11/2010 17:00
  374. Carmani want to know too28/11/2010 17:04
  375. CpI have no stock but I want Apple to remind closed for 2 weeks so everyone is making money28/11/2010 17:07
  376. CpRemain not remind28/11/2010 17:07
  377. GainMore$5900/$700028/11/2010 17:11
  378. DropApple store will reopening in the coming weeks!28/11/2010 17:22
  379. Drop$6000 just a dream!28/11/2010 17:23
  380. KCDrop: 你甘叻ge 你係apple做嫁 你又知xx 星期六日一定低d 個wo28/11/2010 17:25
  381. 0你又知apple高層28/11/2010 17:25
  382. KC唔通佢係stevenxx28/11/2010 17:25
  383. 0佢lee 句我上個禮拜都聽到28/11/2010 17:28
  384. HeyAll"coming weeks - 1,2 or 20 weeks"28/11/2010 17:33
  385. Ddream will come true law28/11/2010 17:33
  386. stephy又不是八十年代28/11/2010 17:33
  387. stephy寂寞芳心的愛28/11/2010 17:33
  388. HeyAllit has no meaning at all28/11/2010 17:33
  389. stephy還穿起新裝28/11/2010 17:33
  390. stephy安守家中等候來電等他愛28/11/2010 17:33
  391. stephy禮拜六為何難放談膽走得開28/11/2010 17:33
  392. stephy何解又怕又期待28/11/2010 17:33
  393. stephy坐立不安的愛28/11/2010 17:34
  394. stephy男生這東西28/11/2010 17:34
  395. stephy忽東忽西28/11/2010 17:34
  396. stephy他突然又很可愛28/11/2010 17:34
  397. stephy要對付頑童們到底要幾多愛28/11/2010 17:34
  398. lak聽日上唔上到6100x28/11/2010 17:34
  399. KSDF佢個個星期講APPLE OPEN. 一定有一個星期中啦28/11/2010 17:34
  400. joeeehttp://iphone4hongkong.blogspot.com/2010/11/iphone_28.html28/11/2010 17:36
  401. joeeewoooo~~ price must higher28/11/2010 17:36
  402. seam$7000 is coming28/11/2010 17:37
  403. seamdon't give up28/11/2010 17:38
  404. Drop"Everyone is dreaming to be 6k or even more, but they don't have a target price in their minds"28/11/2010 17:39
  405. Drop is a piece of shitEat Shxt la...ST928/11/2010 17:40
  406. nic7k一定到28/11/2010 17:40
  407. Drop"Reminder :$5600 is a reasonable price, more is a bonus"28/11/2010 17:40
  408. 班收機佬都ON99DROP 又返來xUP28/11/2010 17:40
  409. DropOne person uses many fake names to speed a wrong message to hold the IP28/11/2010 17:41
  410. cloudWhy $5600 is reasonable price x28/11/2010 17:41
  411. DropWhat is his hidden planx28/11/2010 17:41
  412. 班收機佬都ON99"鬼唔知你老母係女人咩, 有人出來講8K就有信架x"28/11/2010 17:42
  413. ...the people here is crazy.. if 班收機佬都ON9... why u deal with him... chi sin28/11/2010 17:42
  414. 班收機佬都ON99回 ... 你見我幾時同佢地DEAL呀x 你唔自己ON9啦.28/11/2010 17:42
  415. DropHowever there is one guy always saying one price:$560028/11/2010 17:43
  416. 班收機佬都ON99"回CLOUD 呢個人成日走來話5600合理價,"28/11/2010 17:43
  417. 班收機佬都ON99"而家收咩價, 就咩價, 唔係你xUP LOR"28/11/2010 17:43
  418. cloudDrop may want to sell IP4 @$5600 to us. Right x28/11/2010 17:43
  419. ...on 928/11/2010 17:44
  420. 班收機佬都ON99你知你ON9就好啦.28/11/2010 17:44
  421. nic"大家唔好賣, 7k一定到"28/11/2010 17:44
  422. KSDFwhy dont u say 4988 is reasonable coz it is retail price. Dont on9 la Drop28/11/2010 17:44
  423. Drop"When there is smok, there is fire. There are too many fake info here!"28/11/2010 17:44
  424. cloud"If $5600 is reasonable price, I suggest Drop to sell new IP4 16G @ $5,600 to us"28/11/2010 17:45
  425. nic7000不是夢28/11/2010 17:45
  426. DropDreaming is so good.....28/11/2010 17:45
  427. nic"大陸人有排搶貨呀,正呀"28/11/2010 17:46
  428. km7K 講真 吾係冇 只係難D姐~除非連續幾個月冇貨到28/11/2010 17:47
  429. KC5600係合理價 你未開5600lo st (D)...XD28/11/2010 17:47
  430. GainMore[url=http://www.editgrid.com/export/sheetobject/31189962.png]This graph tell everything... [/url]28/11/2010 17:48
  431. km賣比MTR28/11/2010 17:48
  432. kmKT都有人收595028/11/2010 17:48
  433. 班收機佬都ON99"ON99 呀DROP 叔而家咩價就咩價架啦, 又點合理唔合理. 你係咪痴x線架, 駛唔駛食藥睇醫生呀"28/11/2010 17:49
  434. nic見底回升 gogogo28/11/2010 17:49
  435. 班收機佬都ON99"呀DROP 叔, 有D 人HOLD 一部, 唔岩價自用, 都要聽你講唔HOLD啦, 5600呀x 你要食屎, 廁所有呀."28/11/2010 17:50
  436. 班收機佬都ON99"所以咪話LO, 班收機佬都ON99"28/11/2010 17:50
  437. 白痴低能仔Drop! We have the same dream!!28/11/2010 17:50
  438. 白痴低能仔in Castle Peak!!28/11/2010 17:51
  439. 班收機佬都ON99"一部4988 x佢老味, 輸唔起呀. DROP 你去食x屎啦."28/11/2010 17:51
  440. 班收機佬都ON99"4988 就火災, 你窮就去搵東華三院幫你啦, 加多句, x你老母啦."28/11/2010 17:52
  441. ok"i support u, drop, 5600 is not a dream"28/11/2010 17:52
  442. 班收機佬都ON99"唉一係我都同呀DROP 發夢啦, 得啦得啦, 5600放x曬啦. OKAYx"28/11/2010 17:53
  443. 白痴低能仔Drop and I are roommate in Castle Peak28/11/2010 17:53
  444. 玩輪員 Hayashi"打仗啦, 要黃金都唔要iphone啦"28/11/2010 17:53
  445. km打仗果日iphone 不斷上升28/11/2010 17:58
  446. DropOne person many fake names: you are so busy wor28/11/2010 17:59
  447. DropKeeping in mind $5600 is the target28/11/2010 18:00
  448. 班收機佬都ON99"SOMEONE USE DIFFERENT FAKE NAMES HERE, YOU LOOK SO BUSY. 返去讀書啦."28/11/2010 18:00
  449. 班收機佬都ON99打x埋D 嘔泡英文.28/11/2010 18:01
  450. 班收機佬都ON99中文又唔x識打.28/11/2010 18:01
  451. 班收機佬都ON99"出來做野, 寫封信用呢D英文, 等xx啦."28/11/2010 18:01
  452. DropSpreading fake news........28/11/2010 18:02
  453. 白痴低能仔I understand Drop. We are no stupid.28/11/2010 18:03
  454. 班收機佬都ON99"唉呀, x你, 都話5600放x曬羅."28/11/2010 18:03
  455. 白痴低能仔We have same dream in Castle Peak. Now we have same target of 5600 in ST28/11/2010 18:04
  456. 班收機佬都ON99"真係痴x線. 英文又差, 又無POINT. 又要炒人地D 英文, 咩THERE IS FIRE."28/11/2010 18:05
  457. 班收機佬都ON99"佢自己, THERE 同 IS都唔識用, 乜都廣東話直譯."28/11/2010 18:06
  458. SickDrop再開就一定架啦不過開得幾粒鐘囉28/11/2010 18:10
  459. HOHO ON99臭係,今朝先x完一件28/11/2010 18:10
  460. HOHO ON99唔x識英文打中文喇28/11/2010 18:10
  461. 班收機佬都ON99"唔x識英文, 打D 英文差, 唔緊要呀, x佢老味, 係度扮x曬PRO咁. 又唔知自己難睇."28/11/2010 18:11
  462. 班收機佬都ON99"所以我吋x佢窮, 搵東華三院啦, 佢老味窮x到, 英文都無錢讀, 打中文都唔x識."28/11/2010 18:12
  463. HOHO ON99抵你一世做收機28/11/2010 18:12
  464. HOHO ON99收x左水28/11/2010 18:13
  465. 班收機佬都ON99"要收機, 做生意, 想收5200-5300, 咪棟個牌話收呢個價, 無問題架."28/11/2010 18:13
  466. 班收機佬都ON99"係要講埋D xUP 野, 真係唔抵得要吋下呢D 含家橙."28/11/2010 18:13
  467. HOHO ON99冇x錯28/11/2010 18:14
  468. 班收機佬都ON99班收機佬都ON9928/11/2010 18:15
  469. HOHO ON99食飯先,一陣再xxx班x樣28/11/2010 18:17
  470. SCL28/11/2010 18:32
  471. L豐宅邊度有貨?28/11/2010 18:36
  472. fa有猜人放過開左盒既iphone 428/11/2010 18:37
  473. abcST 5860 now28/11/2010 18:40
  474. abclow jor28/11/2010 18:40
  475. 未解決http://m.uwants.com/index.phpxaction=forum&fid=34228/11/2010 18:40
  476. abc5900 at noon ga28/11/2010 18:40
  477. NICKY原來呢度都有個即時聊天既東東...哈哈28/11/2010 18:40
  478. abcbut now only 586028/11/2010 18:40
  479. nana開盒同唔開盒一樣架28/11/2010 18:40
  480. 未解決有人又做烈士28/11/2010 18:41
  481. nana你冇用過就得28/11/2010 18:41
  482. NICKY"不過速度比個邊慢好多...^^"""28/11/2010 18:41
  483. fattyNANA︰如果介開了膠紙,就當2手了28/11/2010 18:41
  484. NICKY唔會....不過ST會平50左右咁收...唔會差好遠...28/11/2010 18:41
  485. NICKY我試過...放心..!!28/11/2010 18:42
  486. NICKY而家係3出街...而家既豐澤買機..都講明一定開盒...所以ST一定照收...只係平幾十...28/11/2010 18:43
  487. fatty我在天涯發帖賣機,被kill了28/11/2010 18:43
  488. NICKY"^^""...祝好運..."28/11/2010 18:43
  489. fathankyou osmuch28/11/2010 18:49
  490. st5900 now in st28/11/2010 19:08
  491. HenRy"5900 tonight.. 6K monday, 61, tue, 62 wed.."28/11/2010 19:14
  492. 先達狗 on99先達狗x你老母28/11/2010 19:21
  493. DropReminder: $5600 is yr reference. Don't trust those on99!28/11/2010 19:25
  494. fajust brought one in fortress28/11/2010 19:32
  495. fabut hv to buy it together with one accessory28/11/2010 19:32
  496. faand hv to open it28/11/2010 19:32
  497. kywhat accessoryx28/11/2010 19:33
  498. HOHOst 7:00PM 16gb $573028/11/2010 19:38
  499. HOHOst 7:00PM 16gb $573028/11/2010 19:38
  500. HOHOst 7:00PM 16gb $573028/11/2010 19:38
  501. HOHOst 7:00PM 16gb $573028/11/2010 19:38
  502. HOHOst 7:00PM 16gb $5730st 7:00PM 16gb $573028/11/2010 19:38
  503. HOHO on99xx你28/11/2010 19:41
  504. HOHO on99Ssp 5850-590028/11/2010 19:42
  505. HOHO on99岩x岩問完28/11/2010 19:42
  506. Smart Kei5600 coming soon28/11/2010 19:43
  507. Carmandon't believe law28/11/2010 19:44
  508. Carman"劉志剛又稱,內地對 iPhone 4手機需求殷切,高x期由原價 5,888元( 32G)炒至近萬元,但近一兩個月因貨源充足,收購價逐漸回落,全新連盒原價 4,988元的 16G iPhone 4,收購價約為 6,200元; 32G則為 7,300元"28/11/2010 19:45
  509. Smart Kei"97年 8號仔都係咁, 無人相信"28/11/2010 19:48
  510. Smart Kei"抄買既野, 見好就收"28/11/2010 19:49
  511. HOHOst 7:00PM 16gb $573028/11/2010 19:50
  512. HOHOst 7:00PM 16gb $573028/11/2010 19:50
  513. HOHOst 7:00PM 16gb $573028/11/2010 19:50
  514. HOHOst 7:00PM 16gb $573028/11/2010 19:50
  515. HOHOst 7:00PM 16gb $573028/11/2010 19:50
  516. HOHOst 7:00PM 16gb $573028/11/2010 19:50
  517. HOHOst 7:00PM 16gb $573028/11/2010 19:50
  518. nana5900 1/f28/11/2010 19:52
  519. Smart Kei"先達聯手, 散戶早抖"28/11/2010 19:53
  520. Drop"drop is expected, $6k is dreaming"28/11/2010 19:53
  521. Drop"drop is expected, $6k is dreaming"28/11/2010 19:53
  522. Drop"When it is stoping , where are the IP holders."28/11/2010 19:54
  523. Drop"Those IP holder may sell their IPs now, that's why they are disappeared"28/11/2010 19:55
  524. Smart Kei可能佢地會好似st咁 聯手唔同你講野 哈哈28/11/2010 19:58
  525. 9J13J"on 99,,,my fd just told me, st 5900 now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"28/11/2010 20:01
  526. Smart Kei咁你仲唔快d出去賣28/11/2010 20:01
  527. Smart Kei"如果d人問到6k5, 你估d人話比你聽先, 定拿拿令d機去賣先呢, 所有人都有私心, 咁都唔明"28/11/2010 20:03
  528. k san想問下點解d 人話下星期有大貨到gex28/11/2010 20:05
  529. 9J13J"HOHO 竟然話依家得5730,,,都ON 99,,,,依家5900呀!!!!"28/11/2010 20:09
  530. Drop"when there is smoke there is fire. Many investor will sell their IP, before December. They will gather those form fortess in December, so they won't need to hold their very very old stock."28/11/2010 20:11
  531. DropThe number are in tens and hundreds units28/11/2010 20:12
  532. DropDrop is a must28/11/2010 20:12
  533. Drop"Also, apple will reopening their store sooner or later"28/11/2010 20:13
  534. DropDon't trust:香港勝在有公平原則28/11/2010 20:14
  535. joeee6000 now~~good~~28/11/2010 20:15
  536. 9J13J"唔信依家ST 5900, 自己打去問啦,,,"28/11/2010 20:16
  537. Thomas97年 8號仔xxx you mean 2000年xx28/11/2010 20:17
  538. kingjulian5860now wo st28/11/2010 20:18
  539. 班收機佬都ON99"呀DROP 叔, 到時唔x洗收機啦, 仲5600, 你痴x線."28/11/2010 20:20
  540. 班收機佬都ON99"有人HOLD 一部, 唔岩價唔x賣, 咁又點x樣呀"28/11/2010 20:21
  541. 班收機佬都ON99"自己都唔用, 5600 比你含x呀x"28/11/2010 20:21
  542. Thomas"i think Drop is the same person as ""smart kei"""28/11/2010 20:21
  543. 班收機佬都ON99"WILL RE OPEN + ING, 呢D 咁xx的英文都得打得出, 又學倒野"28/11/2010 20:22
  544. Thomas"97年 8號仔, i think if someone buy 0008 in 1997, he will be rich in 2000"28/11/2010 20:23
  545. 班收機佬都ON99"8 號仔, 爆左煲, 同一部可以退返的IPHONE, 係差幾遠呀x4"28/11/2010 20:24
  546. 班收機佬都ON99"就算, 而家3GS 都賣倒錢呀, x佢老母."28/11/2010 20:24
  547. 班收機佬都ON99"呢條x樣, 定時就走出來xUP."28/11/2010 20:26
  548. Thomaswhat's the price prediction for tomorrowx28/11/2010 20:26
  549. km吾難估 直沖上628/11/2010 20:27
  550. Drop"One person many fake names, only fools will do so."28/11/2010 20:28
  551. Drop"Dreaming is so good, $7k tar good wor"28/11/2010 20:28
  552. DropReminder: $5600. Sell it asap28/11/2010 20:29
  553. 班收機佬都ON99"岩岩5600 賣左100部, ON99"28/11/2010 20:29
  554. 班收機佬都ON99"我發現呢度, 一有人xUP完, 就會咁岩之後升"28/11/2010 20:31
  555. ThomasI guess not many stock on the street28/11/2010 20:31
  556. 班收機佬都ON99"最記得第一次有個224.8 話5.5K, 就升. 真係好x得意."28/11/2010 20:32
  557. 班收機佬都ON99"5800 比個DROP 叔講x完5600, 又升返."28/11/2010 20:32
  558. Thomasthen we should ask them to talk more28/11/2010 20:34
  559. 班收機佬都ON99"得閒又x下羅, 個DROP 叔表達能力有限. 答唔倒你咁多."28/11/2010 20:35
  560. 班收機佬都ON99"散戶, 又拍乜xHOLD 呀, HOLD 得都遇x左, 鋪定2條路架啦."28/11/2010 20:36
  561. HOHO5650 now28/11/2010 20:37
  562. Thomashow to define 散戶x28/11/2010 20:37
  563. HOHOthe price sudden drop much 30min ago28/11/2010 20:37
  564. 班收機佬都ON99"我自己認為, 得1-4部, 唔多的."28/11/2010 20:37
  565. fatty世界未日呀,30MIN 跌30028/11/2010 20:37
  566. 班收機佬都ON99"唉呀, HO HO ON99, 好x驚呀."28/11/2010 20:37
  567. HOHO$5650 now28/11/2010 20:37
  568. 班收機佬都ON99"唉, HOHO, 錯啦, 而家5200啦"28/11/2010 20:38
  569. HOHObetter sell asap la28/11/2010 20:38
  570. HOHO"not $5200, $5650 now, i ask 30mins ago"28/11/2010 20:38
  571. 班收機佬都ON99"唉呀, HO HO , 而家狗狗唔收啦, 點算呀x 4900送都唔要呀."28/11/2010 20:38
  572. HOHO"yes, i ask 5 shops, 2 said no collect anymore!!!"28/11/2010 20:38
  573. 班收機佬都ON99咁你走曬貨未呀x28/11/2010 20:38
  574. HOHO"yes, i sold all my last 4 today at $5680"28/11/2010 20:39
  575. 班收機佬都ON99"我想講下你D 英文, NO COLLECT ANYMORE,即係話收機收唔倒機...."28/11/2010 20:40
  576. Drop"There is a one guy, using many fake names to promote others holding their IP, what's he purposex"28/11/2010 20:40
  577. 班收機佬都ON99"呀DROP 叔, 你無聽就得啦. 我叫人HOLD 到7千, 個個真係HOLD x到7千咩, 先達咪日日有人去放機, 你咪ON9啦."28/11/2010 20:41
  578. Drop"If you hesitate, you lose! Don't trust in dreaming of 6k"28/11/2010 20:41
  579. DropSell them all!28/11/2010 20:42
  580. 班收機佬都ON99"我x你老母, 人地得一部都要聽你講賣左佢呀. 自己都唔用呀x"28/11/2010 20:42
  581. DropThis guy is getting nerves28/11/2010 20:43
  582. 班收機佬都ON99"查x多D 幾頁字典, 學多D生字睇埋例句先答啦, ON99, 又答唔x倒."28/11/2010 20:44
  583. 班收機佬都ON99"NERVES 唔係咁用架, ON99 你想表達的, 應該係用CRAZY呀, ON99"28/11/2010 20:44
  584. 班收機佬都ON99"x佢老母, 5800.都放, 等5600先放呀, 呀DROP叔都痴x線既."28/11/2010 20:49
  585. f.u.c.kon9 st928/11/2010 20:51
  586. HOHO ON99hi28/11/2010 20:53
  587. HOHO ON99where the fuck is hoho28/11/2010 20:53
  588. 白痴低能仔"頭先見阿Drop食左藥訓覺架,做乜又走出來呀"28/11/2010 20:53
  589. HOHO ON99我xxx你呀hoho28/11/2010 20:53
  590. 班收機佬都ON99"都唔知乜x野道理, 叫人5.8都唔好放, 5.6先放. 事實又真係收機價係5.8-5.9. 又唔係無人去放機. 係咁叫人5.6放. 成日係要咁講咪即係話比人知佢係先達狗."28/11/2010 20:53
  591. 班收機佬都ON99"白痴低能仔: 頭先見阿Drop食左藥訓覺架,做乜又走出來呀 <----- x, 好x頂癮, 真係笑左."28/11/2010 20:54
  592. 班收機佬都ON99"呢個DROP 叔, 算好架啦, 好多呀伯, 只係識美女, 玩像棋, 佢都叫算學下英文, 打D ON9英文比人睇."28/11/2010 20:56
  593. 班收機佬都ON99"我都不得不懷疑係咪先達狗巳經無貨, 又要交ORDER."28/11/2010 20:58
  594. Raise: Drop: u r man powder.28/11/2010 20:58
  595. Drop"One person serval fake names, on9"28/11/2010 20:59
  596. 班收機佬都ON99"One person serval fake namesx你老母, 乜x野英文黎架"28/11/2010 20:59
  597. DropSo many fake names but same logic: hold Iphone28/11/2010 21:00
  598. HOHO ON99Drop: u r man powder.<==笑鳥28/11/2010 21:00
  599. Raise"This is a nake name, not fake name!"28/11/2010 21:00
  600. 班收機佬都ON99KAKAKAKAKAKA28/11/2010 21:01
  601. 1245900 now28/11/2010 21:01
  602. Dropdreaming is so good28/11/2010 21:01
  603. 班收機佬都ON99"回 124. 呀DROP叔話, 5600先放"28/11/2010 21:01
  604. 班收機佬都ON99"呀DROP 叔, 通常串人發夢, 鬼佬會話, YOU KEEP DREAMING"28/11/2010 21:02
  605. DropMany fake names same logic.....28/11/2010 21:02
  606. 班收機佬都ON99"唔係廣東話直譯發夢真係好呀,"28/11/2010 21:02
  607. DropReminder: $5600 is the norm!28/11/2010 21:03
  608. 班收機佬都ON99DROP 叔都ON9928/11/2010 21:03
  609. HOHO ON99norm你識唔x識解呀28/11/2010 21:03
  610. HOHO ON99咪x亂用喇28/11/2010 21:04
  611. 124Drop is very on928/11/2010 21:04
  612. 班收機佬都ON99"代答 : DROP 我唔識, 不過我要當睇唔倒. 認左好魚架麻."28/11/2010 21:04
  613. Drop"Same person many fake names, on9"28/11/2010 21:05
  614. 班收機佬都ON99"5600, 我打中文都浸x死佢個xx."28/11/2010 21:05
  615. 124Drop is a dog with a small brain28/11/2010 21:05
  616. HOHO ON99Drop 你 on9 都唔x識解28/11/2010 21:05
  617. HOHO ON99"nope, drop sits on its brain"28/11/2010 21:05
  618. RaiseYour nickname is Drop. Penis Drop down!28/11/2010 21:05
  619. 班收機佬都ON99"Drop: Same person many fake names, on9<====== 我教x左你用SOMEONE."28/11/2010 21:05
  620. Drop"Too many stock in the market, sell them asap"28/11/2010 21:06
  621. DROP ON99"NO stock in the market, DONT sell them asap"28/11/2010 21:06
  622. Drop"Too many dogs come out, but only one guy!"28/11/2010 21:07
  623. HOHO ON99"drop, 我都話x左你係狗黎架喇,依家先認"28/11/2010 21:08
  624. Dropon99 family are untrustable28/11/2010 21:09
  625. DropTime will tell the truth28/11/2010 21:09
  626. HOHO ON99冇人叫你信28/11/2010 21:09
  627. HOHO ON99而家xx你28/11/2010 21:10
  628. Drop$5600 is foreseeable28/11/2010 21:10
  629. HOHO ON99唔係叫你信28/11/2010 21:10
  630. HOHO ON99x人係唔需要你信先x得既28/11/2010 21:10
  631. DropOn99 series is from ST28/11/2010 21:11
  632. 班收機佬都ON99"x你老母. 無人炒果時緊係跌架啦, 鬼唔知你母係女人."28/11/2010 21:11
  633. HOHO ON99我x尻你你咪唔好x信28/11/2010 21:11
  634. 班收機佬都ON99"個個都知, APPLE 重開, 會跌架啦, x你老."28/11/2010 21:11
  635. DropHe always promote others to hold the IP28/11/2010 21:12
  636. DropDon't believe that the price will raise!28/11/2010 21:12
  637. 班收機佬都ON99"呀DROP 叔, 邊x個叫人HOLD呀. 好係得你一個係度話5600先好放"28/11/2010 21:12
  638. DropApple store reopn is a must!28/11/2010 21:13
  639. simon5600 NOWxxxx28/11/2010 21:13
  640. Drop"$5600 is the reference , more is you grain"28/11/2010 21:13
  641. 班收機佬都ON99"x你, PROMOTE, 呢個字, 你咁都用得到,"28/11/2010 21:14
  642. DropKeeping IP is danger!28/11/2010 21:14
  643. 班收機佬都ON99"一部自用, 有幾危險呢, 請問x"28/11/2010 21:14
  644. HOHO ON99danger都用錯28/11/2010 21:14
  645. 班收機佬都ON99打中文都浸x死佢啦. 成日係度貼同一句.28/11/2010 21:15
  646. Drop"He always spreading wrong concept fake news, what 's his purposex"28/11/2010 21:15
  647. HOHO ON99always 跟 spreading 又錯28/11/2010 21:15
  648. 班收機佬都ON99"喂, 邊個x, 你又講唔x倒. 咪你羅."28/11/2010 21:15
  649. DropOn99 series is the same person from ST28/11/2010 21:16
  650. HOHO ON99你都on928/11/2010 21:16
  651. 班收機佬都ON99"IP 唔同架, 你就真係ON99啦."28/11/2010 21:16
  652. DropHe is ttrying very hard to spread the concept of holding IP28/11/2010 21:17
  653. 班收機佬都ON99咁係咩CONCEPT呀x 我無講過喎.28/11/2010 21:17
  654. 班收機佬都ON99我真係無叫過人HOLD 機羅.28/11/2010 21:17
  655. Drop"There are too many stock in the market, this is the fact!"28/11/2010 21:17
  656. HOHOST 8:30pm 16GB just $563028/11/2010 21:17
  657. HOHObetter sell out asap28/11/2010 21:18
  658. HOHOprice keep dropping28/11/2010 21:18
  659. HOHO ON99hoho28/11/2010 21:18
  660. HOHO ON99YES28/11/2010 21:18
  661. HOHOand fortress will have many stocks next week28/11/2010 21:18
  662. HOHO ON99SELL28/11/2010 21:18
  663. HOHO"YES, better sold asap"28/11/2010 21:18
  664. HOHO ON99sell to drop at 5628/11/2010 21:18
  665. Drop"There are no stock in the market, this is the fact!"28/11/2010 21:18
  666. HOHO ON99if not your mother and your mother's mother will be f ucked28/11/2010 21:19
  667. HOHO ON99omg28/11/2010 21:19
  668. Drop"Using same ip is a kids, clearly on99 series is a planned group from the beginning"28/11/2010 21:19
  669. 先達人快d跌x到你地班xx西跳樓死28/11/2010 21:19
  670. 班收機佬都ON99"拿, 唔x答人英文野, 而家學人用THERE ARE"28/11/2010 21:19
  671. DropThe hidden plan is very clear28/11/2010 21:19
  672. HOHO ON99XD28/11/2010 21:19
  673. HOHOXD28/11/2010 21:19
  674. DropAll about business!28/11/2010 21:19
  675. HOHObetter don't hold stock la28/11/2010 21:19
  676. HOHOsold out asp28/11/2010 21:20
  677. HOHO$5650 just now!!!!28/11/2010 21:20
  678. 班收機佬都ON99呢度邊個HOLD呀x28/11/2010 21:20
  679. HOHO ON99hold your jj28/11/2010 21:20
  680. 班收機佬都ON99HOLD D 精比你地呀x28/11/2010 21:20
  681. DropReminder: $5600 is the norm!28/11/2010 21:20
  682. HOHObetter sell all asap!!!28/11/2010 21:20
  683. phone4我相信,趺到xx果日,先達要跳樓多過我。`28/11/2010 21:20
  684. DropReminder: $6600 is the norm!28/11/2010 21:20
  685. phone4我大不了退apple28/11/2010 21:20
  686. HOHO ON99phone4: 我相信,趺到xx果日,先達要跳樓多過我。`28/11/2010 21:20
  687. HOHO ON99nice28/11/2010 21:20
  688. HOHObetter sell out ALL la28/11/2010 21:21
  689. 班收機佬都ON99我相信,趺到xx果日,先達要跳樓多過我。28/11/2010 21:21
  690. HOHO5650 just now!!!28/11/2010 21:21
  691. phone4你地先達班xx俾人追成條西洋菜南街收數。28/11/2010 21:21
  692. HOHOsold ALL now!!28/11/2010 21:21
  693. 124"When the people told u not to hold, u should hold it!"28/11/2010 21:21
  694. Drop"It sames that he traced down my ip, and using my nake name..."28/11/2010 21:21
  695. phone4話說,提一提大家28/11/2010 21:22
  696. 班收機佬都ON99"一睇都知唔係你啦, 你叫人5600, 人地唔講得6600架, 呢度你話事架."28/11/2010 21:22
  697. phone4你可以initial退貨令到你前後有30日可以退28/11/2010 21:22
  698. 班收機佬都ON99"都話賣曬羅, 死又收唔夠機, 係度吠都無用喎."28/11/2010 21:23
  699. Drop"When the hidden planer comes out, I need to leave at once. But remember $5600"28/11/2010 21:23
  700. Drop"When the hidden planer comes out, I need to leave at once. But remember $6600"28/11/2010 21:24
  701. HAHA16GB just $5650 now28/11/2010 21:26
  702. HAHAsold out all ASAP28/11/2010 21:26
  703. HAHAGOGOG!28/11/2010 21:27
  704. HOHO ON99yes gogogo28/11/2010 21:28
  705. HAHA16GB just $6650 now28/11/2010 21:28
  706. HAHAsold out all ASAP28/11/2010 21:28
  707. HOHO ON99yes28/11/2010 21:28
  708. HOHO ON99must28/11/2010 21:28
  709. HOHO ON99must x你 asap28/11/2010 21:28
  710. 班收機佬都ON99"都ON99, 而家乜價就乜價架啦. HOLD x著100部咩."28/11/2010 21:29
  711. 班收機佬都ON99"我相信,趺到xx果日,先達要跳樓多過我。 用現金HOLD 成幾LOT貨, 入來講埋D xx, 等xx啦你地"28/11/2010 21:30
  712. 未解決drop 係唔係青山出黎x28/11/2010 21:30
  713. HAHAHOHO ON99 係唔係青山出黎x28/11/2010 21:31
  714. HAHAHOHO ON99 係唔係青山出黎x28/11/2010 21:31
  715. 班收機佬都ON99"唔x知了, 反駁佢又唔識答, 可能唔知點用英文回"28/11/2010 21:31
  716. HAHAhaha support!!!28/11/2010 21:31
  717. 班收機佬都ON99我知道HAHA 係.28/11/2010 21:31
  718. 班收機佬都ON99"昨天先探完佢, 渣著盒維他奶, 話係IPHONE16G"28/11/2010 21:32
  719. HAHA班收機佬都ON99 係青山出黎x28/11/2010 21:32
  720. HAHAwhat a pityx!28/11/2010 21:32
  721. 班收機佬都ON99"我去探HAHA, 確實要入青山"28/11/2010 21:32
  722. HAHA班收機佬都ON99 time to sleep la28/11/2010 21:33
  723. HAHA早抖la28/11/2010 21:33
  724. 班收機佬都ON99"你唔訓就真係, 姑良足你啦."28/11/2010 21:33
  725. HAHA學好d中文先啦28/11/2010 21:33
  726. 班收機佬都ON99"記著呀, 維他奶係比你做早餐飲架, 唔係16G呀"28/11/2010 21:33
  727. HAHA真可憐28/11/2010 21:34
  728. 班收機佬都ON99"SORRY呀, 廣東話唔係中文."28/11/2010 21:34
  729. HAHA廣東話唔係中文xxxx HAHAHA28/11/2010 21:34
  730. 班收機佬都ON99"SORRY, 唔係正統中文"28/11/2010 21:34
  731. HAHA果然係青山出來28/11/2010 21:34
  732. Smart Kei先達聯手日子不遠了28/11/2010 21:34
  733. HAHA姑娘呀 唔係姑良 廢人28/11/2010 21:34
  734. 班收機佬都ON99我貪快打個音就算.28/11/2010 21:35
  735. 班收機佬都ON99但唔x得架x28/11/2010 21:35
  736. 班收機佬都ON99咁個x字點解呀x28/11/2010 21:35
  737. HAHA死頂28/11/2010 21:35
  738. HAHAask yourself la28/11/2010 21:35
  739. 班收機佬都ON99"我認係打錯呀, 死咩頂x"28/11/2010 21:35
  740. HOHO ON99haha28/11/2010 21:35
  741. 班收機佬都ON99咁x字係點解呀x28/11/2010 21:35
  742. HAHAas U R x樣28/11/2010 21:36
  743. 先達狗 on99先狗達x你老母早抖啦28/11/2010 21:36
  744. HOHO ON99仲唔x收鋪28/11/2010 21:36
  745. 班收機佬都ON99唔識U 同A 單字係點解喎.28/11/2010 21:36
  746. 班收機佬都ON99"YOU 同ARE都唔識吋, 果然青山出來."28/11/2010 21:36
  747. HAHA有本事就以後唔好來ST放機28/11/2010 21:37
  748. HOHO ON999點幾唔x係想收機下話28/11/2010 21:37
  749. 班收機佬都ON99有本事咪x收丫28/11/2010 21:37
  750. HOHO ON99番屋企睇劉醒喇28/11/2010 21:37
  751. HAHA我大把客28/11/2010 21:37
  752. 班收機佬都ON99"先達狗, 送狗糧比你呀."28/11/2010 21:37
  753. 班收機佬都ON99先達你做x曬呀.28/11/2010 21:37
  754. HOHO ON99狗糧益x左你28/11/2010 21:38
  755. HAHA"u don't know la, we have 7 shops there!!!!"28/11/2010 21:38
  756. HOHO ON99你食屎算喇28/11/2010 21:38
  757. 班收機佬都ON99吋人又拎唔倒采.28/11/2010 21:38
  758. HAHAbut with diff name!!28/11/2010 21:38
  759. 班收機佬都ON99"我認打錯字呀, 你吹x賬呀"28/11/2010 21:38
  760. HAHAHAHA28/11/2010 21:38
  761. HAHA仲死頂28/11/2010 21:38
  762. HOHO ON99你有..........7頭28/11/2010 21:38
  763. 班收機佬都ON99"笑唔出, 唔好扮笑啦."28/11/2010 21:38
  764. HAHAHAHAHAH!!!28/11/2010 21:38
  765. 班收機佬都ON99"YOU 同ARE都唔識打, 仲係度死頂."28/11/2010 21:39
  766. 班收機佬都ON99HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA28/11/2010 21:39
  767. HAHAu and r are short formx seexx28/11/2010 21:39
  768. 班收機佬都ON99"痴x線, 哎呀, HAHAHAHA 咁打就好好笑, 好吋呀."28/11/2010 21:39
  769. HAHA"u only CHINESE is weak, but also ENGISH!! so pity!!!"28/11/2010 21:39
  770. 班收機佬都ON99等我教你啦.28/11/2010 21:40
  771. HOHO ON99UP乜春28/11/2010 21:40
  772. HAHAso pity!28/11/2010 21:40
  773. 班收機佬都ON99"YOU JUST WEAK ON CHINESE, & ENGLISH ALSO."28/11/2010 21:40
  774. HOHO ON99ENGISH係乜x28/11/2010 21:40
  775. 班收機佬都ON99"唔係你咁樣直譯架, x樣."28/11/2010 21:40
  776. HOHO ON99係你打果d28/11/2010 21:40
  777. HAHAu inch mexx hwat grade u got in HKCEE ahxx28/11/2010 21:41
  778. 班收機佬都ON99"屈係間死鋪, 拎D 錢去讀下書啦."28/11/2010 21:41
  779. HAHAi mean ENGx28/11/2010 21:41
  780. HOHO ON99ENGISH<==冇L用28/11/2010 21:41
  781. HAHAi got grade B in ENG in HKCEE!!!!28/11/2010 21:41
  782. HOHO ON99姐係你28/11/2010 21:41
  783. HAHAwhat apity guy28/11/2010 21:41
  784. HOHO ON99i got A in HKAL28/11/2010 21:41
  785. 班收機佬都ON99"仲講會考. 你要寫論文先好問人啦, x"28/11/2010 21:41
  786. HOHO ON99what a shame28/11/2010 21:42
  787. fattyI rather possess an A in selling iphone428/11/2010 21:42
  788. 班收機佬都ON99"真係痴x線, 而家仲講會考."28/11/2010 21:42
  789. HAHAown a business is so pround for me!28/11/2010 21:42
  790. fattyan A in ENG has nothing to do on selling iphones28/11/2010 21:42
  791. HAHAu r just a workerxx28/11/2010 21:42
  792. HOHO ON99收皮你xA28/11/2010 21:43
  793. 班收機佬都ON99"SORRY, 我都有自己公司."28/11/2010 21:43
  794. HAHA"so pity, got A still selling iphone here"28/11/2010 21:43
  795. HAHAi didn't say i got grade A28/11/2010 21:43
  796. HAHAbut only U28/11/2010 21:43
  797. 班收機佬都ON99我唔覺有昌公司有幾難.28/11/2010 21:43
  798. HAHA有昌公司xxx HAHAHAHA!28/11/2010 21:43
  799. HAHA用速成xxx HAHAHA!28/11/2010 21:44
  800. 班收機佬都ON99放唔倒漏料呀x 繼續講5600啦28/11/2010 21:44
  801. HOHO ON99開間公司有幾難28/11/2010 21:44
  802. HAHA"yes, 5650 just now"28/11/2010 21:44
  803. HAHAcome come come28/11/2010 21:44
  804. 班收機佬都ON99"唉呀, SORRY, ANA 打錯左呀."28/11/2010 21:44
  805. HAHA"yes, not difficult, but can earn big $ is important!!!"28/11/2010 21:44
  806. HAHAu will not know how many for a shop can earn each month in ST!!!28/11/2010 21:45
  807. 班收機佬都ON99"你有錢就奇啦, 英大都無錢讀."28/11/2010 21:45
  808. HOHO ON99賺咁多錢買狗糧,so sad28/11/2010 21:45
  809. HOHO ON99食x死你呀老友28/11/2010 21:45
  810. 班收機佬都ON99"關我地咩事x, 先達狗, 你要食屎, OFFICE都無, 我得閒理你呀."28/11/2010 21:46
  811. HAHA"致低下階層""班收機佬都ON99"", 收鋪啦, 明天$5500見, BYE!!!!"28/11/2010 21:46
  812. 班收機佬都ON99"死頂喎, 唔好走啦. 你愈講愈起你自己底."28/11/2010 21:47
  813. HOHO ON99收皮喇,聽日$4500呀28/11/2010 21:47
  814. 班收機佬都ON99"我做生意有得開支票, 你做埋D CHEAP生意, 先乜都要用現金, 銀行信你條x咩, 1蚊都唔x借比你."28/11/2010 21:47
  815. 班收機佬都ON99"講英文, 你又食屎, 講生意, 你又係食狗糧."28/11/2010 21:48
  816. Chan"先達唔係唯一放機途徑,洗乜同x先達狗勞氣"28/11/2010 21:49
  817. 班收機佬都ON99"HAHA, 你邊間鋪呀, 我明天5200益你啦,"28/11/2010 21:49
  818. HOHO ON99佢地唔x唔鬆化,冇計28/11/2010 21:49
  819. 班收機佬都ON99加一本小學英文課本比你呀.28/11/2010 21:49
  820. HOHO ON99佢話有7間喎28/11/2010 21:50
  821. 班收機佬都ON99"講英文唔x掂, 足人中文打錯字, 講唔掂, 又講會考, 又講唔掂, 又話有間SHOP, 最後又係講唔掂, 呢條xx, 見識真廣. 食著舊屎, 都拎來大人."28/11/2010 21:50
  822. Chan"佢地x生意唔會做得長,好快會摺架"28/11/2010 21:50
  823. 班收機佬都ON99"7 間, x佢老味, 幾號鋪呀,"28/11/2010 21:51
  824. 班收機佬都ON99"人地有幾多部都唔x知, 係度估估估. 班收機佬都ON99"28/11/2010 21:54
  825. 班收機佬都ON99"唉, 5500 唉呀, 好x驚呀, 唔比我無機, 都鐘意上來吹水既."28/11/2010 21:54
  826. pencilxxx先達放x兩部,每部586028/11/2010 21:58
  827. pencilxxx先達放x兩部,每部586028/11/2010 21:59
  828. 班收機佬都ON99"D 先達狗, 成日想5500試價, 試都試唔倒."28/11/2010 21:59
  829. 班收機佬都ON99"D 先達狗, 就來入曬青山, 受唔著刺激, 拎著D 維他奶, 係咁係度叫有16G , 16G."28/11/2010 22:01
  830. oh...today not 5900 mei x28/11/2010 22:02
  831. 班收機佬都ON995900 上下啦.28/11/2010 22:02
  832. 班收機佬都ON99"先達狗渣渣下維他奶, 渣爆左, 顏射左自己."28/11/2010 22:03
  833. oh...tmr 6k ..hehe28/11/2010 22:05
  834. KCD st狗真係好聊28/11/2010 22:05
  835. KC因為無人放機 上黎吹水 XD hahaha~~~28/11/2010 22:05
  836. CMCannot send a post at my home computer ....28/11/2010 22:05
  837. CMSeem that my ip address was being blocked....28/11/2010 22:06
  838. 班收機佬都ON99"成日想扮自己係放機人, 勸人放機, 比人xx都係認左自己係先達狗."28/11/2010 22:06
  839. KC上面的師兄 因為佢地今日收唔到機 悶到要上黎打英文XD!!!!!~~28/11/2010 22:12
  840. hihi9PM 先放機咁遲 x28/11/2010 22:18
  841. 班收機佬都ON99"上次都係咁, 收唔倒機就上來xUP"28/11/2010 22:19
  842. 班收機佬都ON99"無厘頭5600好放啦, 個個都放倒5.8, 仲想係度呃D人巳經跌曬價."28/11/2010 22:20
  843. superjust went there28/11/2010 22:27
  844. super5600-585028/11/2010 22:27
  845. 班收機佬都ON99有隻先達狗話自己有7間鋪. 都報5600. 唔夠錢呀x28/11/2010 22:30
  846. iphone淫魔"瘋宅d經理1日成千部iphone4賣比st,個價點升"28/11/2010 22:30
  847. super5600...i just recieved one offer which is 560028/11/2010 22:31
  848. 班收機佬都ON99邊間鋪5600呀>x28/11/2010 22:31
  849. super"in 1st floor, turn left , at the concer of chiu lok then go straight and turn left"28/11/2010 22:32
  850. 班收機佬都ON99I SEE28/11/2010 22:32
  851. superfat chai28/11/2010 22:32
  852. superkeep playing his notebook when i asked him about the offer28/11/2010 22:32
  853. 班收機佬都ON99KAKAKAKKAKAKA28/11/2010 22:33
  854. 班收機佬都ON99"我諗你可以REVIEW 呢度D 留言. 名叫HAHA, 或DROP 好大機會係佢."28/11/2010 22:33
  855. superno interest about him. waste my time28/11/2010 22:34
  856. superMTR party offer 5850 too btw28/11/2010 22:34
  857. 班收機佬都ON99下次有機會影佢張相先.28/11/2010 22:34
  858. superyou will make your cam dirty28/11/2010 22:35
  859. superjust a 7 look28/11/2010 22:35
  860. 班收機佬都ON99"HAHAHAHAHA, 唔緊要啦, 佢係度吋9人話自己7間鋪, 生意好, 我都想學下野麻."28/11/2010 22:36
  861. joeee6000 now28/11/2010 22:36
  862. superfromx28/11/2010 22:38
  863. joeeeim just blow water28/11/2010 22:38
  864. superhaha i see28/11/2010 22:39
  865. oh...any mtr mobile x28/11/2010 22:45
  866. joeeeyes28/11/2010 22:50
  867. kennyST928/11/2010 23:03
  868. Drop 2 Generation"When there is smoke, there is fire!"28/11/2010 23:08
  869. Drop 2 GenerationIt seems that someone used my name28/11/2010 23:08
  870. Drop 2 Generation"Someone spread a wrong message here, please just keep in mind:$5600 is the norm. More is bonus. But it won't be raise up to 6k"28/11/2010 23:10
  871. Drop 2 GenerationJust too many IP28/11/2010 23:10
  872. Drop 2 GenerationApply store reopening is a must!28/11/2010 23:11
  873. Drop 2 Generation"Someone spread a wrong message here, please just keep in mind:$6600 is the norm. More is bonus. But it won't be raise up to 8k"28/11/2010 23:11
  874. Drop 2 GenerationST 9 is so aggressive28/11/2010 23:15
  875. Drop 2 GenerationWho can you trustx28/11/2010 23:15
  876. Drop 2 Generation$5600 is the target!28/11/2010 23:15
  877. Drop 2 GenerationCopycat is on928/11/2010 23:16
  878. Drop 2 Generation$6600 is the target!28/11/2010 23:16
  879. Drop 2 GenerationCopycat is on928/11/2010 23:16
  880. freeman咁都好玩xxxx28/11/2010 23:16
  881. joeeehttp28/11/2010 23:16
  882. joeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh28/11/2010 23:17
  883. 班收機都ON99"佢講就乜都要人聽, 人地講就唔比講 都ON99. LOW TARGET 都唔識加個LOW. CAN 字又用錯位."28/11/2010 23:17
  884. Drop 2 G"Clearly, someone spreading the price will raise to 6600, but it never!"28/11/2010 23:18
  885. Drop 2 GSame on9 person different fake names!28/11/2010 23:18
  886. Drop 2 GHis aims is clear!28/11/2010 23:19
  887. Drop 2 Generation"Clearly, someone spreading the price will down to 5600, but it never!"28/11/2010 23:19
  888. Drop 2 GHis aims is clear!28/11/2010 23:19
  889. Drop 2 GenerationHis aims is clear!28/11/2010 23:19
  890. Drop 2 G"Sell all yr IP asap, big dog is coming"28/11/2010 23:20
  891. Drop 2 Generation"Don't Sell all yr IP , big dog is coming"28/11/2010 23:20
  892. Drop 2 GOn99 cones again!28/11/2010 23:21
  893. newbieSB28/11/2010 23:21
  894. Drop 2 GenerationDrop 2 G is On99 cones again!28/11/2010 23:21
  895. Drop 2 Generation",全新連盒原價 4,988元的 16G iPhone 4,收購價約為 6,200元; 32G則為 7,300元。 http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/template/apple/art_main.phpx"28/11/2010 23:22
  896. Drop 2 G"He aims is very clear! If anyone think that the price will raise up to 6k, he is a fools! Again $5600 is the reference!"28/11/2010 23:22
  897. Drop 2 G"Clearly, ST9"28/11/2010 23:23
  898. Drop 2 Generation"He aims is very clear! If anyone think that the price will drop to 5.6k, he is a fools! Again $6600 is the reference!"28/11/2010 23:23
  899. Drop 2 Generation"Drop 2 G: Clearly, ST9"28/11/2010 23:23
  900. Drop 2 GDreaming is so good.28/11/2010 23:23
  901. Drop 2 GSame person many fake names! ST 9 is getting nerves! This is right time to sell all your IP28/11/2010 23:24
  902. Drop 2 GenerationSame person many fake names! ST 9 is getting nerves! This is right time to hold all your IP28/11/2010 23:25
  903. Drop 2 G"On99 series and copycat are the same guy , what's his purposex"28/11/2010 23:26
  904. Drop 2 Generation"Drop 2 G is On99 and copycat are the same guy , what's his purposex"28/11/2010 23:26
  905. Drop 2 G"He is running a bad business, if you listen to him , you lose!"28/11/2010 23:27
  906. Drop 2 Generation2010-11-28 iPhone4 先達收機價 iPhone4 16G Black : ~$5900 iPhone4 32G Black : ~$700028/11/2010 23:30
  907. Drop 2 Generation"TRUE - 2010-11-28 iPhone4 先達收機價 iPhone4 16G Black : ~$5900 iPhone4 32G Black : ~$7000 , FAKE : 5600"28/11/2010 23:32
  908. Drop 2G"No use to do so!if you really not a ST dig, why you just copying my namex It is clear that you don't want a true message in this blog!"28/11/2010 23:35
  909. Drop 2 Generation"TRUE - 2010-11-28 iPhone4 先達收機價 iPhone4 16G Black : ~$5900 iPhone4 32G Black : ~$7000 , FAKE : 5600"28/11/2010 23:36
  910. Drop 2G"The only reason that you are doing this, is spreading a message of increasing price and holding IP."28/11/2010 23:37
  911. 班收機佬都ON99"事實係REAL TIME BASIC, 今日咩價就咩價, 明天咩價就咩價."28/11/2010 23:37
  912. Drop 2GThe true is sell it at once!28/11/2010 23:37
  913. 班收機佬都ON99DROP 2G 本身就係賊.28/11/2010 23:38
  914. 班收機佬都ON99"我鐘意留一部自用, 做咩要賣x, 你都ON99"28/11/2010 23:38
  915. Drop 2GBig boss finally comes out la28/11/2010 23:38
  916. 班收機佬都ON99"唔岩價自用, 岩價咪放羅, 唔x得架x"28/11/2010 23:38
  917. 班收機佬都ON99"唔該對題答啦, 又係貼, 貼你老母咩,."28/11/2010 23:39
  918. 班收機佬都ON99"人地貼x返你轉頭, 又曉吠."28/11/2010 23:39
  919. Drop 2G"When a ST big boss getting worry, it is the time!"28/11/2010 23:39
  920. 班收機佬都ON99"都痴x線, 咁先達狗, 有貨, 5.6都唔x駛收啦, 成日係度叫人賤放."28/11/2010 23:41
  921. Drop 2GHe just afraid someone who discovers his plan!28/11/2010 23:41
  922. 班收機佬都ON99係咁叫人放.28/11/2010 23:41
  923. phone4去到4K9睇下ST驚D定我驚Dx28/11/2010 23:41
  924. 班收機佬都ON99"問佢個xx, 人地留來自用, 又唔x答人,."28/11/2010 23:41
  925. 班收機佬都ON99咁x好心機係度貼.28/11/2010 23:42
  926. 班收機佬都ON99"先達狗, 明知有貨, 仲5.6同你搶呀, 你仲係度叫人5.6放."28/11/2010 23:44
  927. 班收機佬都ON99@_@28/11/2010 23:46
  928. 班收機佬都ON99"講到退返比APPLE, 係先達狗先會隻字不題, 實係度話唔放就死架啦. 呢D 話, 狗毛出在狗身上, 咪係叫DROP 羅."28/11/2010 23:46
  929. 班收機佬都ON99"呀DROP叔, 無問題, 你要xUP, 咁岩我得閒既, 咪同你鬥洗."28/11/2010 23:46
  930. 春日=.=...死啦..你打咁快~~人地仲未搵到野過來貼..點答你呀~~~28/11/2010 23:47
  931. 班收機佬都ON99"佢要查下字典, 睇下有咩生字岩用."28/11/2010 23:47
  932. Drop 2G"Only on99 will use different or even others names. Why is his purpose to ""wash@ this blog!"28/11/2010 23:50
  933. 班收機佬都ON99"唔該, 回答."28/11/2010 23:51
  934. 班收機佬都ON99唔好遊花園.28/11/2010 23:51
  935. 班收機佬都ON99"你再貼, 我都係重複返我問的野."28/11/2010 23:51
  936. Drop 2GHe may hold lots of IP28/11/2010 23:51
  937. 班收機佬都ON99我覺得你收唔倒機羅.28/11/2010 23:51
  938. 班收機佬都ON99"DROP 無機收, 想5600收."28/11/2010 23:52
  939. Drop 2G"He just wants others to boost up the price, and sell his own goods at better price!"28/11/2010 23:52
  940. ST9下個禮拜有大貨 大家快d放呀28/11/2010 23:52
  941. 班收機佬都ON99"講到退返比APPLE, 係先達狗先會隻字不題, 實係度話唔放就死架啦. 呢D 話, 狗毛出在狗身上, 咪係叫DROP 羅."28/11/2010 23:52
  942. Drop 2G"Too many IP in hand, why need to worry the price if you have the target"28/11/2010 23:53
  943. 班收機佬都ON99"人地問, 價唔岩咪留來自用羅, 都係當睇唔倒, 照叫人放."28/11/2010 23:53
  944. 班收機佬都ON99少機都唔可以放高價架x28/11/2010 23:54
  945. 拾下拾下係自用E家就折黎用LA x28/11/2010 23:54
  946. Drop 2G"IP4 is at it's middle life span , no need to keep it"28/11/2010 23:54
  947. 拾下拾下agree28/11/2010 23:55
  948. 123阿DROP先生你又上黎拉x好耐無見28/11/2010 23:55
  949. 班收機佬都ON99"折左啦, ON99"28/11/2010 23:55
  950. 班收機佬都ON99我幾時有講自己幾多部呀x 你真係拾下拾下28/11/2010 23:55
  951. 123"你唔係話尋日一定係5600,今日5500 GA咩! "28/11/2010 23:55
  952. 班收機佬都ON99"先達狗, 你們好."28/11/2010 23:55
  953. 123你估唔中WOR~28/11/2010 23:55
  954. Drop 2G"Very clear, if you can earn 600 by resell yr IP to Others, why you do't do sox"28/11/2010 23:55
  955. hahahow much ST nowx28/11/2010 23:55
  956. 123590028/11/2010 23:56
  957. 吾好意思,,想問一句,點解大家都話下星期32GB有大貨到x28/11/2010 23:56
  958. 123流料!28/11/2010 23:56
  959. 謝謝大家..28/11/2010 23:56
  960. 班收機佬都ON99"拾下拾下, 收x倒機呀,"28/11/2010 23:56
  961. 123想叫D人快D出貨,阿DROP+拾下係ST出品28/11/2010 23:56
  962. 班收機佬都ON99"我x你老母西, 你切左你老母粒野做提子未呀x"28/11/2010 23:57
  963. 班收機佬都ON99"TO 恰下恰下 我x你老母西, 你切左你老母粒野做提子未呀x"28/11/2010 23:57
  964. 班收機佬都ON99"我知你老母有2粒. 不過你知唔知出面有幾多機呢, ON9"28/11/2010 23:58
  965. Drop 2GCritical thinking: who wants others to hold the IPx28/11/2010 23:58
  966. 123阿DROP同拾下,你地間鋪係邊,我有300部聽日車比你地,原價!要就快D報個店名,唔好閃閃縮縮做TUTLE28/11/2010 23:58
  967. 春日加多200百隻..我既...28/11/2010 23:58
  968. 拾下拾下ON x尻28/11/2010 23:59
  969. 班收機佬都ON99"呀DROP, 先達狗又好明顯先會想人放機羅. 人地自用都唔x得. 我講緊你呀, DROP 2G, 先達狗."28/11/2010 23:59
  970. 拾下拾下唔肯接受現實GE ON 尻仔28/11/2010 23:59
  971. 123你都係想收機姐,唔使驚WOR,我地大把貨比你~你先前上黎吹話會5600,未到BO~不過我好欣賞D先達狗28/11/2010 23:59

